- #754 [uat506], 24-11-02 10:17Beautiful Jacarandas, thank you for memories sharing in NSW
- #753 [ich], 24-10-28 19:19今日去母校重拾回憶.40年後先留心到除了Main Quadrangle 棵Jacaranda外,校園其他地方的Jacarandas 仲靚
最後修改時間: 2024-10-28 19:23:25 - #752 [MichaelWittmann], 24-10-02 11:19#750
It is because for a GP to take on a new patients all the previous medical histories would need to be transferred, then the GP would need to go through them to have a good understanding of the patient.
For those well established medical centres with a handful of GPs they are well saturated, unless they have new GPs joining to take on new patients.
It is also a mean to ensure the quality of medical service provision. -
- #751 [ich], 24-10-02 11:10#750
Mel多數GP 冇bulk billing, 要俾gap fee.如果gap fee都唔肯俾就係病人見病不醫.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-02 11:10:51 - #750 [Richardw], 24-10-02 10:00唔問都唔知⋯⋯今日陪老人家去睇醫生,唐人街。
本人未睇過該醫生,順便一問如果用醫療咭要否top up?但護士回覆:新客唔收,因為熟客太多,做唔切!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-02 10:03:39 - #749 [uat506], 24-09-23 21:39Opera House, we were lucky enough to spend a beautiful afternoon music program visit - Sunset Boulevard(Sarah Brightman).
End of Oct should be loverly spring time, enjoy it ;) - #748 [ich], 24-09-23 21:07#747
I will go to Sydney by the end of October for 4 or 5 nights. Hope the weather is the same藍天白雲。 But my last visit to Opera House in the last 3x years was in 2017 at night time --for Vivid Sydney.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-23 21:09:22 - #747 [uat506], 24-09-23 20:00Short 4 nights Sydney stay, couldn’t be happier, good weather, great vibe:)
- #746 [Richardw], 24-09-17 19:06#745, 皇冠和豆腐仔仍在,佢間麪包店側有個窗口,專賣佢嘅鎭店三寶,唔記得乜春餅。經常排長龍,我吃過,好難食,要排隊唔會突登幫襯,⋯⋯還有,大叉燒包售價近Aud$5一個,蛋捲近期回落Aud$20一條!三年前我買時剛加價至$12!
最後修改時間: 2024-09-17 19:10:17 - #745 [ich], 24-09-17 18:30#744
Wow...Hay Street. 幾十年來都差不多,皇冠仍在, 豆腐佬唔知點.行車,Mono Rail, YTram..
最後修改時間: 2024-09-17 18:30:47 - #744 [Richardw], 24-09-17 17:55澳洲中秋月圓比其他地區來得早,下午5:22pm 太陽還未收工,月亮已經開工!
- #743 [JCR33], 24-08-19 12:41
- #742 [JCR33], 24-08-19 12:22
Finally, a very special day for Sydney
- #741 [JCR33], 24-08-16 06:56
- #740 [JCR33], 24-08-15 20:07Sydney’s new $21 billion metro rail line under the heart of the city will finally open to passengers on Monday after the national rail safety regulator approved passenger services.
The regulator said it had completed its safety assessment of the main section of the Metro City and Southwest line and granted the necessary approvals. - #739 [JCR33], 24-08-15 14:14For retirement, I think it is better to be close to public transport. New Metro is an option but high density living is not for everyone. Outdoor activities are important for keeping active and social connection.
Just announced an hour ago, the new Metro line from Chatswood to CBD has been approved
The national rail safety regulator has given the green light to Sydney’s new $21 billion metro rail line to carry passengers under the heart of the city, clearing the way for it to open within days.
The regulator said it had completed its safety assessment of the main section of the Metro City and Southwest line and granted the necessary approvals.
最後修改時間: 2024-08-15 14:17:34 - #738 [ich], 24-08-15 10:33Burwood 幾十年來沉寂了一排,有段時間express train 唔停,近年又旺了好多.住的話我就喜歡Strathfield 多過Burwood. Eastwood以前細過Epping, 近年又調轉. Eastwood 有中韓邊界,幾得意.
Hurstville 又係可以無需講英文都冇問題.我93年搬去Hurstville住,貪火車快及出城近.住落先睇住第一間唐人鋪在Forest Road開,之後有唐宮,再之後見到不停起high rise apartments,到後來Rockdale 又旺起來.
我一向喜歡Sydney 南面suburbs, 有幾個望水suburbs仲未好似橋北那邊貴到飛起.如果我在Sydney 退休的話一定揀Georges River沿岸至Sylvania Waters, Cronulla 一帶.
最後修改時間: 2024-08-15 10:34:33 - #737 [JCR33], 24-08-15 05:15Burwood, Eastwood and Chatswood are new Chinatown in Sydney, plenty of Chinese food and weekend open market.
Even Sydney we get weekend surcharge of 15%, which is ridiculous and no wonder business is bad for some .
However we can't blame the owners as they have to pay workers double on weekends. With inflation and high interest rate, everything is so expensive nowadays.
What I don't understand is some restaurants charge extra 10% if the booking is more than 5 people, even weekdays, I thought more people means more profit....
最後修改時間: 2024-08-15 05:16:38 - #736 [ich], 24-08-14 19:45#733
我 99%時間都係 cashless,用 EFTOPS,冇收 charge EXCEPT 去 fresh food markets。去 Fresh markets前會去 ATM 攞定 cash。
餐館 , cafes 收 surcharges我聽過,但我極少極少在外 dinning ,去牡丹樓 or Maccas as local calls it又係 cashless. 間中食 pho, laksa我就俾 cash, weekends 加 15%就冇試過,因為 weekends好少出街食。
你住那個city? Sydney的話 唐人街附近 一代風流人物Denis Wong 開的Mandarin Club就好出名,1963已開業,好有歷史。我做學生時都慕名去過餐堂:
利申:澳洲親戚好多去喜歡去 local clubs,冇乜 Asians, 打老虎。老人家們冇嘢做,去 club過日神。不過好多去了 Rockwood。
最後修改時間: 2024-08-14 19:52:17 - #735 [HHM], 24-08-14 18:45#733兄,去Aldi 買嘢用卡畀錢都收付加費,
其它超市同BigW又冇喎, - 下一頁 (1 of 38)
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