- #42 [ich], 25-01-24 16:00
- #41 [yeo], 25-01-24 15:55#30
每次聽到蘇格蘭,就會諗起我尊敬的已故港督麥理浩。。。。 - #40 [Somonica], 25-01-24 14:45第壹日入舊城亂行,行到尾就係聖馬可廣場,回程坐水上巴屎返火車站返酒店。。。♡
第叁日行主島尐博物館,主要係議事廳同監獄,同河邊尐前大有$人屋(家吓係博物館), 第壹日未入去聖馬可教堂可以順便入埋。。。♡
博物館同水上巴屎都有套票,酒店平平地可以住遠尐,近火車站就得,火車巧多巧平,酒店可以揀有穿梭巴士接返出機場嘅。。。♡ -
- #39 [浩男123], 25-01-24 12:35其實都可以嘅,不過唔知有乜玩!
- #38 [Somonica], 25-01-24 08:30男歌,去乜鷹國鴉,叁日玩曬威泥屎鴉。。。 ✈️??????✈️
- #37 [浩男123], 25-01-24 08:07搭單問,九月中歐洲坐郵輪,終點在 Italy Trieste, 想去威尼斯一日(夠唔夠),然後去倫敦兩三日。第一次去歐洲,乜都唔知,交通、酒店點安排,請問有冇師兄熟悉?
- #36 [bluejay], 25-01-24 06:48幫你譯: 禾稈冚珍珠
- #35 [fotheringay], 25-01-22 06:57Somonica,
You are soooooooooooo........funny!!!!!
You are the pearl under the straws.............(excuse my poor translation!!!!!!)
We went to Pennan Village( north of Scotland in Aberdeenshire) and stayed in the Pennan Inn where the 1984 film "Local Hero" was filmed.
The houses there are more or less three hundred years old but they are not listed at all. So people can build extension to the existing houses.
The only thing listed in the whole place is the Red Telephone Box because of the movie. And it is much younger than anythings there!!!!!
最後修改時間: 2025-01-22 07:01:29 - #34 [Somonica], 25-01-22 03:31Chi 大,家吓每人拾陸磅 ETA,玩唔喜貴國鴉。。。 :P
- #33 [bluejay], 25-01-21 17:04Nice pics!
- #32 [fotheringay], 25-01-21 06:20And of course tasting Whisky...
- #31 [fotheringay], 25-01-21 06:17This is The Ring of Brodgar which is a Neolithic henge and stone circle in Orkney Island.
It predates the Stonehenge by 500 years so archaeologists believe that The Ring of Brodgar gave the inspiration to Stonehenge.
In fact recent study has shown British culture starts from Orkney
最後修改時間: 2025-01-21 06:19:24 - #30 [fotheringay], 25-01-21 06:10The Highlands after leaving Fort William and enroute to the so called "Sky Fall Trail " where they filmed the James Bond's Sky Fall.
Literately we just stopped the car on the lay by and took pictures.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-21 06:12:47 - #29 [fotheringay], 25-01-21 06:07BJ,
Don't let us put you off to visit Scotland. If you have the desire then it will be a wonderful experience.
Here was a snapshot of Loch Ness I took when we just stopped on the roadside for a break. - #28 [bluejay], 25-01-21 05:52#23, 對,倫敦和劍橋都去過。牛津未去過。
- #27 [ich], 25-01-20 19:53#26
我去到就變成 Hemingway名著-- Old Man and the Sea - #26 [fotheringay], 25-01-20 18:07The famous Old Man of Hoy, a famous standing rock.
- #25 [fotheringay], 25-01-20 18:06#24
I wish your plan will come soon。
Sunrise on Hoy, one of the islands in Orkney, with the lighthouse. - #24 [ich], 25-01-20 17:37#22,#23
我想好似你咁去Orkney. 另外Whiskey tours, Library of Trinity College Dublin, Skye在我bucket list N 年.另外想去Alloway Parish Church.
我會plan 6-7日去感受 Scottish influence in my life. - #23 [fotheringay], 25-01-20 17:24For city tours, London has it all.
Oxbridge may be the only other cities worth considering for their unique university heritage.
But then again BJ you might have done the two cries before.
For staycation we prefer the countryside.
However, Canada may even offer better choices over the highlands!!
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Sir Maclehose 安葬在Alloway Parish Church, 附近有Robert Burns Monument.