- #22 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-03 07:12
- #21 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-02 07:16
Modern history, WWII, Akagi, 赤城號
- #20 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-02 07:11
Another xanxingdui, well explained and predicted.
- #19 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-28 16:54
Interesting.奴匈,衛青,霍去病。Of course, not all records are genuine, hard to prove as well.
- #18 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-21 10:20All men were created by Anunnaki from planet X, via hybridisation of ape DNA and theirs. So, basically similar DNA.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-21 10:21:28 - #17 [i-walker], 24-02-21 01:41
- #16 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-20 16:33
Jade clothing, Han dynasty being tomb raided due to high value.
Gold/silver/copper thread in descending order of prestige. About 2,400 pcs put together, the one from Choy territory was of 4,000 pcs.more sophisticated.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-20 16:36:29 - #15 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-12 07:42
Historical background only, commentary may not be correct, especially imported gold mask. Hiding up something especially civilization of xanxingdui, should be >5000. Shang dynasty is only 4000 which turns things up side down. Hard to admit.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-12 07:44:02 - #14 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-10 17:04Only Shang商 dynasty, no evidence of xia夏 dynasty or earlier so Chinese civilization is only 4,000 yo. The Samsung one is at least 5,000 yo with gold artifact 80%(not 999) Chinese myths might only happen in Mesopotamia.(now Iraq) Worth visiting the museum in Szechuan.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-10 17:05:28 - #13 [shanemcmahon], 24-02-10 16:44wow
- #12 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-09 19:53
Samsung. A group of ET's being defeated, then they destroyed everything and migrated to other galaxy. No need for dialect, simply telepathy.
- #11 [yeo], 24-02-07 09:50#7, 8
係糾音有人話三星堆揾到中國玄學之祖『河圖、洛書』中既河圖,再掘落去可能搵埋洛書,講者舉了有力證據。。。真係唔講得笑。。。。 - #10 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-07 09:15
This footage is worth watching as well, for quick understanding. Latter part, a bit vee won won.(won vee won is more close)
- #9 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-07 08:59The exploration is underway but might not be open to public.
While Shang oracle bone inscription and other artifacts are great discovery yet pertaining to a country 's civilization in particular.
The Sumerian civilization is the greatest discovery which can be linked to human's origin. All those anunnaki, planet X, clay inscriptions, modernized city planning/legal system. May turn all those religions up side down. Take a peek.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-07 09:01:47 - #8 [shanemcmahon], 24-02-04 23:45I will go to SiChuen this year again maybe can go to 三星堆.
im not scholar even I go to RTHK for a radio programme several times I still say im a traveller only - #7 [alexanderkoo], 24-01-29 09:26It's appears that 三星堆 is even a greater discovery not simply confined to history but ancient aliens. Golden mask, tomb with elephant tusks and bronze utensils.
南越古國 is between Tsun and Hang dynasty, much later era. - #6 [alexanderkoo], 24-01-28 09:10I see, I thought you were a scholar. A trainee bragged about his Chinese history due to his family background. At the end of the day, I asked his score in HKCEE as benchmark, a B. I said I scored an A. (also western history) He remained silent for the rest of the training period. No point of showing one's brilliance unless the situation calls for such.
Also, counting five top most subjects for scholarship, 3A+2B beat 4A+1B from another science student.Mine must be top A's. Still having keen interest in history. Wife said it's useless since it's thing of the past. I retorted I didn't have to listen to you since what you just said were the past as well.(people used past tense even it happened a moment ago)
最後修改時間: 2024-01-28 09:17:01 - #5 [shanemcmahon], 24-01-27 23:52My Chinese history was limited to F3 but specialized in Sanguo travel
- #4 [alexanderkoo], 24-01-24 13:13Watched two TV documentary before, one for Sheng dynasty city area, one for fu ho tomb. Samsung archaeology and South Yuet old dynasty.
My Chinese history was limited to F.5 namely on Ching dynasty as exam. syllabus.
最後修改時間: 2024-01-24 13:15:10 - #3 [shanemcmahon], 24-01-21 15:23對,就在文中,當然我仲有好多墓室相
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WWII Tokyo incineration, that's why the atomic bombs were not dropped over there.