- #1 [uat506], 22-04-19 16:30
- #2 [uat506], 22-04-19 16:38呢隻由Bel Canto 作品嘅錄音(Introducing Si Zentner and his Dance Band) 其中一首又主音嘅歌曲非常之動聽. 錄音製作我俾75分( 100分滿分)
- #3 [uat506], 22-04-19 16:42Vocals 主音係Lynn Franklin
- #4 [uat506], 22-04-19 18:08飯後 正正經經 聽隻特別好聲 Netania Davrath - Great Arias from Russian Operas (Conducted by Golschmann)
- #5 [uat506], 22-04-19 18:11Vanguard 錄音幾有保證。
AMPEX 製造品質 值得收藏 - #6 [uat506], 22-04-21 15:34經典柴可夫斯基-天鵝湖
- #7 [uat506], 22-04-21 15:37應該好多人都有呢一隻黑膠或者CD
指揮 - Ernest Ansermet。 - #8 [uat506], 22-04-21 18:08應該大家都耳熟能詳
《天鵝湖》,是柴可夫斯基在120餘年前創作的不朽之作。 他為家庭舞會而寫,主題音樂是歡快的。 樂曲講述的是王子和公主戰勝邪惡、追求愛情的故事。 這是柴可夫斯基芭蕾舞劇中最壯觀的一曲。 其中長笛在第二幕的《四小天鵝》的演奏中扮演著主要的角色,樂章顯得十分歡快,並且這一樂章較為易懂,通常被作為初聽交響樂者的首選曲目。 - #9 [uat506], 22-04-21 20:43今晚再多只 更悅耳 嘅 柴可夫斯基 - The Nutcracker (指揮: Ernst Ansermet) London label, AMPEX 製作.
《胡桃夾子組曲》是兩幕三場夢幻芭蕾舞劇,作於1892年。 劇本是彼季帕根據恩斯特·霍夫曼的童話《胡桃夾子和鼠王》及大仲馬的改編本寫成的。 作者從舞劇中選了六首曲子作為《胡桃夾子組曲》,同年3月7日在一次交響樂演奏會上首演,獲得了巨大的成功。 同年12月6日舞劇在彼得堡首演。 這部作品是柴科夫斯基三部芭蕾舞劇代表作品之一,也是世界舞蹈舞台上久演不衰的舞劇精品之一。 共選用八首樂曲,分成以下三個樂章:
第二樂章:有特色的舞曲(包括進行曲、糖果仙子舞曲、特列帕克、阿拉伯舞曲、中國舞曲、蘆笛舞曲) - #10 [hahayanyan], 22-04-22 14:44thx for sharing..........
- #11 [uat506], 22-04-22 19:25You are welcome Haha兄:
Do Showcase your open reel music collection:) - #12 [uat506], 22-04-22 19:27Byron Janis with Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra(conducted by Kyril Kondrashin)
- #13 [uat506], 22-04-22 19:29Great performance, unbelievable recording (Bel canto)
- #14 [hahayanyan], 22-04-23 13:02Haha uat..
I do not listen to pre recorded at all..
All my collection is my personal Playlist recorded from various streaming services....
Mostly.. One for each type of music /instrument pre mood related..
My enjoyment from tape is the analog sound feeling.., the visual satisfaction and a mixed of music within a session.. (never aim for ultimate fidelity.. Luckily . It has.. Haha)
Seem obvious...U are also aiming for musical enjoyment from tape but not ultimate fidelity too..
May be one day.. I get some pre recorded..
Nice thread to follow.. Super nice sharing..
最後修改時間: 2022-04-23 13:05:47 - #15 [uat506], 22-04-23 13:25週末閑情 聽啲 爵士 Blues
- #16 [uat506], 22-04-23 13:43有好多鍾意嘅名爵士音樂人,其中已故英國音樂人BigBand leader - Ted Heath 亦有好多 靚音製作 由其 London 及Decca label 為最多。
- #17 [uat506], 22-04-23 13:58可能係reel tape大動態 特性,聽呢啲Big Band 演奏嘅trumbone, clarinet, sax(soprano, tenor) 特別sexy 吸引.
- #18 [uat506], 22-04-23 14:08#14. Indeed it is great fun to convert (copy) different music into r2r analog, I often copy Tidel (master format) tracks into 15” or 7.5” tapes via my B77 2T deck, interestingly it also improves dynamic and more analog sounding in tape format… do you have the similar feedback?
I am very blessed that I managed to collect a fair of bit 7.5ips pre recorded tapes in pretty short period of time. Happy to share my feedback and comments of what I have been listening. - #19 [hahayanyan], 22-04-23 16:29I am super happy to let's my 心理作用 over rule my music listening session
YES.. I feel music is more dynamic from same ditigal track onto a new tape.. Which I over drive a little but with some eq, but logic tell me... It is not.. But I feel it is.
.. Bass feel more authority... Mid is richer.. Sense of air.. Is different... Less dry
Absolutely not really amid for the the truth and delighted
The recording sound different than the source material etc..
For both old tape and new tape.. I feel ambient... Sense of space and feeling of analog.. Etc...
I have low end digital China made 9038 tube of cheap dac only.. Haha
In short I enjoy watching things spinning... And happy to let's my 心理作用 (never rule that out) to over rule the truth...
May be one day.
I have a open frame CD transport I can watch the disc spinning.. and hi end digital backend.. I Will enjoy more..
Quite selective ON WHAT TO BE RECORDED ON a tape nowaday...
Take awhile to finalize each Playlist
Eq is important for me.. (next investment may be a proper eq)
最後修改時間: 2022-04-23 16:32:33 - #20 [uat506], 22-04-24 16:43‘Handel Messiah Highlights’ London Symphony 經典演出 AMPX 經典錄音(1967)
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希望響呢大家R2R分享吓我哋聽開卷好歌好音樂. 我比較多 收集及聽古典樂,亦都有一小部份嘅爵士樂電影原聲。