- #10 [JTA], 24-12-04 08:38又一年 !
- #9 [JTA], 23-11-29 20:17
Diana Krall - The Christmas Song - colored vinyl by the Classic Records
- #8 [JTA], 23-11-29 20:17Diana Krall - The Christmas Song - colored vinyl by the Classic Records
- #7 [doomday], 05-11-27 16:37But don't know will they come out SACD or XRCD version. By the time, Christmas is already over ?
- #6 [alx500], 05-11-27 12:32XRCD?
SACD機會大些!! - #5 [doomday], 05-11-26 13:27Just had a listened yesterday in a CD shop.
Good. But too bad its normal cd. If XRCD, I will buy it....... - #4 [alx500], 05-11-24 07:52My CD Version is USA, not HK version!!
- #3 [icaruscheng], 05-11-24 00:58Even HK Version?
- #2 [alx500], 05-11-16 23:19(更正第四段)
水準相當不錯 - #1 [alx500], 05-11-16 22:55大家好,
漂亮而高貴, 穿著紅綠衣裳的女郎突然現身聖誕佳節?
今個聖誕的精彩音樂, 她和樂團也來熱鬧一番, 為聽眾帶來十二首動聽的聖誕音樂, 增添節日氣氛!!
這款唱片是小弟介紹的第三款的Holiday Album, 唱片由Diana Krall和由樂手John Clayton和Jeff Hamilton所組成的The Clayton/Hamilton Jazz Orchestra擔綱演出, 更有她的好拍擋結他手Russell Malone, 小號手Rick Baptist等等一同演奏, 場面和陣容熱鬧!!
碟中音樂好像有著數十年前的大樂隊演奏的影子, 而音樂編曲風格都甚為有著不同的特色, 有Big Jazz Band, Swing Jazz和具管弦味道的輕音樂浪漫演奏; 她的歌唱風格依舊保持一貫個人風格, 水準相信當不錯, 反而Orchestra的處理手法和表現, 就或多或少影響了歌曲的可聽性, 現在就為大家談談其中一些心水之作:
開首的一曲"Jingle Bells", Diana盡顯她一貫Swing Singing的特色, 爽朗輕快; 敲擊樂器和結他聲展現出活潑輕鬆的氣氛, 而在眾多演奏得十分流暢的Trumpet聲之下, 將全首音樂的氣氛推至最佳時刻, 動聽之作!!
"The Christmas Song"一曲中, Diana的歌聲帶著一份醉人的味道, 背景音樂演奏出很溫暖的感覺, 尤其是Anthony Wilson的結他演繹表現出色, 如果你家中有火爐的話, 一邊聽著這首歌, 相信這份感覺會更加佳!!
"I'll Be Home For Christmas"一曲中, Diana以一份感性的歌聲唱出動聽的歌詞, 相當動聽; 而背景音樂帶著一份淡淡溫馨而富詩意的情懷, 弦樂和敲擊部份運用得十分得宜, 相當舒情!!
而在"Have Yorself A Merry Little Christmas"一曲中, 聽眾可以欣賞到優美的鋼琴彈奏和柔和悅耳的歌聲; 全首歌曲散發著一份瑰麗的Night Mood味道, 弦樂部份編排得相當具水準; 當你調暗一下燈光, 靜靜坐下來聽著此曲, 保証甜到入心, 十分滿意!!
節拍輕快的一曲"Sleigh Ride", Diana以一份開朗的心情去演唱, 配合樂團的流暢的演奏, 相當悅耳!!
最後一首歌曲"Count Your Blessing Instead Of Sheep", 全碟最優雅清新的樂曲; 豎琴聲, 小提琴聲, 長笛聲和輕輕的敲擊聲, 構成一幅富童話色彩的詩意音樂; 而Diana的歌聲增添一份醉心的感覺, 極之動聽, 高水準之作, 令聽眾再三回味!!
CD Tracklisting:
1. Jingle Bells
2. Let It Snow
3. The Christmas Song
4. Winter Wonderland
5. I'll Be Home For Christmas
6. Christmas Time Is Here
7. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
8. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
9. White Christmas
10. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
11. Sleigh Ride
12. Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep
Musician Listing:
Diana Krall --- Piano and Vocal
Anthony Wilson --- Guitar
Russell Malone --- Guitar
John Clayton --- Bass
Robert Hurst --- Bass
Stefon Harris --- Vibraphone
Jeff Hamilton --- Drums
Ben Wolfe --- Bass
Johnny Mandel --- Arranger/ Conductor
Clayton/Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
Produced By Tommy LiPuma and Diana Krall
Co-Produced By Tommy Lipuma and Johnny Mandel
Recorded and Mixed By Al Schmitt
Artist: Diana Krall
Record Name: Christmas Songs
Label: Verve
Music Type: Jazz (Holiday)
Category No.: B0004717-02 (988 212-1)
Release Date: 1 November, 2005
Happy Listening!!
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