- #312 [gundam00], 24-06-08 11:40
- #311 [mrbeansr], 20-10-29 18:146-70 年代, 細佬買了架 Kawasaki 3 cylinders 2 strokes,
唔記者 model 名?
最近搵返是 Triple
The Kawasaki triples were a range of 250 to 750 cc (15 to 46 cu in) motorcycles made by Kawasaki from 1968 to 1980. The engines were air-cooled, three-cylinder, piston-controlled inlet port two-strokes with two exhaust pipes exiting on the right side of the bike, and one on the left.
It was the first production street motorcycle with capacitor discharge ignition (CDI). Right from the first triple model, the 1968 Mach III H1 500 cc, it was a sales success that gained a reputation for almost unmatched acceleration as well as an air of danger for inexperienced riders trying to cope with the bike's increased power to weight ratio over any previously available stock motorcycles.
我們的是 Mach III H1 500 cc 原來是當時 power to weight ratio 最高的 stock motorcycles.
The Mach III became known to its critics as "dangerous for inexperienced riders" - #310 [G1], 20-10-21 13:45買GOLDWING呢D大型車少了很多泊車的便捷性,泊車應該好頭痕,係香港
- #309 [patrick88], 20-10-13 11:55
- #308 [Dlbf], 20-10-12 09:39強烈對比。
- #307 [patrick88], 20-10-11 22:11Honda Gold Wing
- #306 [yrsix], 20-03-19 16:49我都玩呢d
- #305 [yrsix], 20-03-19 16:45街爬,好玩
響跑車面前係爬山車,響純種爬山車面前係跑車 :) - #304 [patrick88], 20-03-17 18:47爬山或高低起伏的道路用?
- #303 [ckwan2014], 20-02-24 00:57#302﹐咁明顯嘅個性化fairing, S1000RR吖。
- #302 [patrick88], 20-02-23 22:47請問係乜形號?
最後修改時間: 2020-02-23 22:52:04 - #301 [Dlbf], 19-12-26 10:02豆Sir,
Modus operandi。
大家都聖誕快樂,身體健康! - #300 [mrbeansr], 19-12-24 21:50#294 豆Sir,
MO? 腦殘唔明?
Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! - #299 [Dlbf], 19-12-24 19:40我老死部 Honda 90cc 。
- #298 [Dlbf], 19-12-21 10:46自己買了個車位泊架細車, 有位剩可以泊多架 26 完全在白線範圍內都唔比, 單車都唔得!
樓梯底唔算走火通道, 架車油箱容量小於法例危險品的上限 4 gallons, 最後不了了之
最後修改時間: 2019-12-21 10:48:52 - #297 [Dlbf], 19-12-20 21:55#294 豆Sir,
我同你真係好唔同MO!kaka - #296 [mrbeansr], 19-12-20 18:09Kind of Motorcycles For Women Riders - My Sweet Beautiful Life
finding a bike you can actually ride is even harder. I stand at 5'1'' and motorcycle shopping was no walk in the park. The motorcycle industry has changed a lot and now has motorcycles custom…
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/10133167898048455/ - #295 [mrbeansr], 19-12-20 17:25[#100] 車天車地 R33
Honda Honda Honda Honda!
MAY 20, 2015
This one should be OK - #294 [mrbeansr], 19-12-20 17:19[#292] 電單車
住宅吾得啦 , 工廈仲見過下 有推入電梯.
有些管理公司是惡霸, 如 MTR. 自己買了個車位泊架細車, 有位剩可以泊多架 26 完全在白線範圍內都唔比, 單車都唔得!
多數 DMC 都冇寫入
法例吾比? 以前泊過入舊樓梯底, 被投訴. 消防黎過.
樓梯底唔算走火通道, 架車油箱容量小於法例危險品的上限 4 gallons, 最後不了了之
親友古董 vespa 前車主是設計師, 泊在商厦 studio 内, 出入電梯冇問題.
最初管理處唔比, 其後上訴話係裝飾品又得左 - #293 [Dlbf], 19-12-18 19:31我以前有個同事推26入貨?上樓,然後放公司側邊走廊,我話會阻住走火通道唔比佢咁做。
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最後修改時間: 2024-06-08 11:41:00