- #21 [mrbeansr], 17-04-30 14:32
- #22 [dlbf], 17-04-30 14:3960's 我老竇有架黑色皮頂!
- #23 [mrbeansr], 17-04-30 16:39#22
This? -
- #24 [dlbf], 17-05-01 09:36豆Sir,
年代久遠,我唔敢肯定,我老竇成日捉我幫佢抹車,幫佢抹架Simca時見係皮頂咁奇怪,就問佢個頂會唔會發痗! - #25 [mrbeansr], 17-05-01 10:47係人造皮 vinyl
- #26 [dlbf], 17-05-01 11:25呢點我知!
- #27 [mrbeansr], 17-05-02 22:22在隔離由 flatbed 扯到 sips, 搬來呢度繼續吹水
2015 老美測試樣本 side impact.
11 款話最安全, 10 架係歐美車
日本車只有 subaru outback 入圍, 係咪日本製造定美國設廠?
Prius 都唔係好惦
最後修改時間: 2017-05-02 22:26:23 - #28 [Somonica], 17-05-03 01:13咪信尐冇名網站亂膠咁噏鴉。。。♡
依個係美帝保險公司做嘅, 全世界嘅 Gold standard。。。♡
http://m.iihs.org/mobile/ratings/mobileratings/tsps - #29 [dlbf], 17-05-03 07:54Sasa霸氣回post! 勁!
- #30 [mrbeansr], 17-05-03 11:40鴉姐 quote iihs 係講全面性安全標準 overall safety,肯定是對啲
我 quote 網站係指 side impact protection
試下搵搵 iihs 有冇單試 sip
最後修改時間: 2017-05-03 11:42:33 - #31 [mrbeansr], 17-05-03 12:14Fiat 500 rating 係五星咁勁?
英文程度不高, 唔明下列 “in response to a low result”
係指 low result of cases?
“and some developed improved safety in response to a low result
(Dodge Ram and Fiat 500)”
List of cars after 2011[edit]
The NHTSA results are evaluated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration using Office of Crashworthiness Standards, New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Side Impact Laboratory Test Procedure[9] and Side Impact Rigid Pole Laboratory Test Procedure[10] to display a simple star-rating. The "primary purpose of the NCAP side impact program is to provide comparative vehicle side protection information to assist consumers in making vehicle purchase decisions, thereby providing an incentive for vehicle manufacturers to design safer vehicles."[10]
The IIHS results are evaluated by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety using their protocols.[11][12]
This list shows the most notable of newer tested vehicles tested via NHTSA and IIHS. Some provide good protection, some less so, and some developed improved safety in response to a low result (Dodge Ram and Fiat 500). Some are common examples of their type.
Sorted roughly by rating, Head injury criterion (HIC) and Crush. - #32 [Somonica], 17-05-04 14:54
Iihs 入面大鬼把料囉,重有壹大堆 YouTube。。。♡
http://www.iihs.org/iihs/ratings/ratings-info/side-test - #33 [mrbeansr], 17-06-15 17:39[#53] 500,000左右有乜高性能車可以揀
回顧一生駕駛生涯至今六十二 年, 和家人近親, 也曾擁有車輛中, 康打竟然有六部.
第一部 honda, 係 civic 4-door sedan, 80 年代尾在加拿大買
新車兩月, 即被偷去, 其後警方尋回, 但已車身遍體鱗傷.
保險話可以當 total loss, offer 賠二手市價, 約新車 90%
接納後, 一兩天即收銀, 買另一架 2-door model, no power steering, 唔使點補錢
最後修改時間: 2017-06-15 17:40:57 - #34 [mrbeansr], 17-06-15 17:5390 年代中 回流
近親讓出架 accord, 係 flip-up headlight model
女兒又買架二手 acura vigor.
Acura 當年在加, 名氣接近孖B
最後修改時間: 2017-06-15 18:07:12 - #35 [mrbeansr], 17-06-15 18:46留加期間, 女兒男友駕駛新車到訪
我有眼不識泰山, 在港少見, 問乜車黎架?
小男友面有難色, 話: uncle, 呢架車好難揸, 兼係手波
女兒見勢色不對, 連忙打圓場, 話我老豆識揸手波架
小男友非常勉強, 交出車匙
老夫雖然沒有好似大班冰皮月餅 ad 中的老餅, 大顯威風
只係 dum 一個 round, 泊回原位, 冇死火, 冇跑馬仔
其後知道架車係 acura integra (有 type R, 唔知佢架係唔係)
有眼不識泰山, 1st impression 好低分 - #36 [mrbeansr], 17-06-15 20:33當年在加, 覺得揸 acura (唔係一定 NSX), 係另成一格
好似有 taste 兼 intellectual class
尤其是呢架 acura legend coupe
最後修改時間: 2017-06-15 20:37:57 - #37 [dlbf], 17-06-15 21:10Legend 好揸又舒服!
- #38 [olddude], 17-06-15 21:43Acura 8/90年代响北美都幾流行,後生鐘意Intregarding, Type R 更正,family就啱Legend。佢價位在Lexus之下但都係premium brand,中上價咁啦。good value for money
- #39 [dlbf], 17-06-15 23:52我89年係美國揸 Integra 1.8,不知幾好飛!
- #40 [mrbeansr], 17-06-17 14:56[#34] 90 年代中 回流
近親讓出架 accord, 係 flip-up headlight model
accord 只係回流後第二架
第一架係冷門既 isuzu, 揸左幾個月, 轉汰開始有聲, 似係 80 年代 FWD 通病
十字頭 universal joint 三五年就漸漸唔惦
有機會換 accord 當然要 - 下一頁 (2 of 8)
- 返回 ...
of course, 幾個 fds 都有, see #16
圖一係 saab
圖二係 DKW 和法國 simca