- #11 [CS168], 24-11-09 10:54
- #10 [fotheringay], 24-11-09 06:01
Joe 哥,凍親個頭?冇問題啦。我冬天成日戴帽,揸開篷車係必須嘅,我習慣咗 la.
喺英國 B 鄉村路揸 MX5係最好嘅感覺,只要唔落雨就唔使理會凍.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-09 06:08:47 - #9 [Dlbf], 24-11-09 05:28Chi Gor, 冬天因住凍親個頭。。kaka
- #8 [fotheringay], 24-11-09 01:33".....英國都幾多local揸MX5....."
Yeah, for my sin I am one of them.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-09 01:34:26 - #7 [bearbear007], 24-11-09 01:05架MX 5 好靚。 英國都幾多local揸MX5
- #6 [fotheringay], 24-11-09 00:53Honestly I will be more interested in the new MX5 Speeder. As much fun as the RX8 to drive it was let down by the Rotor Engine.
I had driven my friend's RX8 and it was so thrilling. It was so good in a track day and I really did love the car. I nearly bought it off from my friend.
Then problems started. My friend tried to sell it but the news that the engine was a major problem. Many reports that their engines developed problems as soon as reaching 50,000 miles, though majority between 60-80,000!!!!!!
That's a disaster!!!
My friend tried to sell his 5-year old RX8 from the beginning of £18,000 then £14,000, then £10,000 and at the end it was sold for £3,000!!! after reaching 55,000 miles on the clock.
This MX5 Speeder looks as gorgeous as a Aston Martin Speeder and just a fraction of the Aston's price in my opinion.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-09 00:54:30 - #5 [patrick88], 24-11-08 22:35轉子引擎, 解決左高損耗問題未呢?
- #4 [bearbear007], 24-11-08 22:334.1幾咁同架MX5差唔多?
- #3 [Dlbf], 24-11-08 22:29睇個樣似8多啲。
仲玩 運高引擎?真係拭目以待。
我無揸過7,但試過朋友架8,好玩嘅,但真係太難保養。 - #2 [416GTA905], 24-11-08 22:03FR RWD?
自動波唔重要,有得自行SHIFT波就得。 最重要DRIFT到先買得過,如果唔喺FD個名無意思 - #1 [ff4300], 24-11-08 19:31
Mazda Iconic SP
萬事得 (Mazda) 的設計總經理中山正史透露,經典的 RX-7 跑車回歸在即,Iconic SP 概念車即將成為量產型號。他表示:「這個概念並非只是空洞的展示車,而是真正有意圖將其變為現實,量產不再遙遠。」
萬事得的三代 RX-7 跑車,以轉子引擎而聞名,並在 90 年代達到巔峰。近期,萬事得在 Iconic SP 概念車中再次搭載雙轉子引擎,並結合電力動力系統,以便與電動化時代接軌。該雙動力系統可適應多種燃料,包括由氫氣與二氧化碳合成的燃料及生物燃料。
Iconic SP 概念車的最大輸出功率為 370 匹馬力,比最後一代 FD RX-7 的動力多出約 100 匹。該車型尺寸接近第三代 RX-7,車長 4,180mm,車寬 1,850mm,車高 1,150mm,車重 1,450kg,比 FD RX-7 略重但較現代跑車輕。
外觀上,Iconic SP 延續了 90 年代 RX-7 的風格,低車頭、流線型側窗和弧形線條讓人不禁聯想到經典的 RX-7。內飾採用簡約設計,配備觸控螢幕,顯示再生制動、發射控制、主動空氣動力學及 G 力控制等信息。
萬事得總裁兼 CEO 毛籠勝弘在 2023 年東京車展上強調:「在電動化時代,我們決心保持駕駛樂趣,而 Iconic SP正是我們的夢想解決方案。」
Source: https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/mazda/361326/mazda-iconic-sp-concept-revealed-electrified-rx-7-successor
最後修改時間: 2024-11-08 19:36:42 - 返回 ...
>> 車體線條有驚喜夠跑格,唔錯!!