- #91 [mrbeansr], 18-01-15 11:16
- #90 [junk], 18-01-14 00:37
- #89 [cow], 18-01-12 17:49#88,咪返我,不過如果將來真係唔洗點載人,但又會養住架車,smart係我其中考慮之一...
- #88 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 17:44如果二手, 三幾萬既 smart 不錯了
亞牛十架八架都買得起有凸 - #86 [cow], 18-01-12 15:35其實我一直都很想渣下smart,我估將來會有機...!!!
- #85 [jcmbz], 18-01-12 14:59我冇諗過IQ, 因為預唔平
SMART都冇諗, 但某日見到POST, 見到架SMART好平
之後回價, 車主又OK, 咁就買左 - #84 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 13:52個人意見
IQ 全部水貨, 多數未出牌
己出牌狀況好而價錢合理, 超難揾
我買 smart 之前, 揾過 IQ
[見到一街都係SMART, 我都幾出奇]
流量比 IQ 多
最後修改時間: 2018-01-12 13:52:44 - #83 [jcmbz], 18-01-12 12:51未試過, 估計應該會舒服過架SMART既
岩岩德國返, 見到一街都係SMART, 我都幾出奇
可能泊車真係太方便了 - #82 [mrbeansr], 18-01-11 17:31jcmbz 兄
有冇試過 IQ?
連 Aston Martin 都揾佢來攪野
最後修改時間: 2018-01-11 17:34:46 - #81 [jcmbz], 18-01-11 17:07豆SIR, 同你一樣999冇TURBO, 你應該都係MHD吧
因為試過有TURBO既SMART, 第一代又好, 第二代又好, 真係輕快好多 - #80 [mrbeansr], 18-01-11 15:56始終同solio 有緣
選佢是為家人方便上落, 佢係長者兼長期患病
又 smart 力水又冇?
我以前架係 999 cc, 雖然冇 turbo, 覺得夠用
上高速用 semi-auto, 用 5-speed 手波, 幾過引 - #79 [我是一個人], 18-01-11 12:32豆sir始終同solio 有緣
- #78 [jcmbz], 18-01-11 11:50豆SIR
其實架SMART堅係代步工具, 油錢又唔係平, 力水又冇, 空間係夠但路噪同乘坐感都唔好
但細架, 有冷氣, 泊車方便, 又真係頂到佢既咁多不足
所以一直心大心細換唔換走佢好....但都落到決心 - #77 [jcmbz], 18-01-11 11:48sasa, 正常車只係指可以正正常常坐到5個人同有位放行李姐.... :P
2人車一般夠用, 但WEEKEND想車屋企人去食個飯就唔得了 - #76 [mrbeansr], 18-01-09 20:28any member here?
- #75 [mrbeansr], 18-01-09 15:31不正常車過引 D
我由 smart + stepwgn, 二換一 轉左呢架
最後修改時間: 2018-01-09 15:33:15 - #74 [Somonica], 18-01-09 14:29mbz大大冇正常車喎。。。♡
- #73 [jcmbz], 18-01-09 13:54我揸緊SMART, 一直想換返架正常車, 但SMART太方便
有冇缺點, 有, 好多
1. 副MHD有隱憂同埋冇力
2. 轉波點都差D, 不過慣左就唔係太大件事
3. 好登... 軸距短冇計
4. 架車好粗糙, 但代步工具的確不能要求太多
但架車方便好用, 如果只坐一兩個人, 一般情況都夠, 包括去機場接機, 尾箱大到你估唔到 - #72 [mrbeansr], 18-01-08 18:45[#2051] 入油未?
全單 = 折扣前或折扣後?
N 年前試過入唔夠數, 要比正價
點解要限 $400?
唔做電單車生意, 定另有優惠?
一向有 keep 細車, 入滿都是四百幾, 分分鐘只入得三百餘
係咪驚太多兩6 和細車來入, 阻住d 大 deal?
其實一張單入一百幾十 (兩6), 有冇可能增加成本?
應該執得幾多就幾多 - #71 [mrbeansr], 18-01-01 17:11老虎日夜哦, 放左部 smart, 有d後悔
見到呢篇野, 即時想買返
Bobby Hahn, Race Car Engineer at Precision 3D (2000-present)
Is a Smart Car even worth buying?
Having two Smart Cars since new 2009, I can tell you a lot about them.
First, until the computer learns your driving habits, shifting is terrible, once learned, not even noticeable. Paddle shifters also help in this department.
The original designer of the Smart car was an F1 engineer. The passenger compartment literally has a roll cage surrounding it, and the front wads up quite nicely, absorbing impact. We have 4 airbags and a 5 star front crash rating.
Not only are the cars built to take a hit, they are exceptionally difficult to hit! They are small. Not only can you park sideways, you can stop in the turn lane sideways without anything hanging out.
They have automatic everything when it comes to acceleration, skid control , cornering control, anti-lock brakes and much more. There aren’t many vehicles which can stop as fast as a Smart Car. It weighs less than 2000 #s, 15″ rims
The security system uses motion detectors inside the car.
Handling is awesome! It’s like driving a go kart with a/c and heating and weather protection. Parks anywhere and only have a 8.5 gal (32 L) fuel capacity. She gets 42 mpg (5.6 L/100k) hwy, 36 mpg (6.5 L/100k ) city, I get 36 (6.5) no matter what I do.
At 85 mph (136 kph), big truck turbulence is kind of freaky. The ride is a bit stiff, but seats are comfortable. The butt/back warmers are fantastic! It was built for two 6′4″ people to sit comfortably.
The 1.0 L 3cyl engine sets sideways in the rear using drive axles exactly like FWD cars. Power just isn’t there… and annoying when trying to pass someone who doesn’t want to let you by…tiny cars don’t get any respect!
Everything on a Smart Car is built for easy disassembly/assembly. Brake pads are snap, the blower motor takes 15 sec to remove. Oil change is once every 10,000 miles and don’t have to jack up the car to do it. 3.7 qts (3.3 L) oil.
I can go on but here’s the most important thing….
Smart Cars are a blast to drive!!
Thanks for all the views and upvotes! It never entered my mind so many would
be interested in Smart Cars! - 下一頁 (4 of 8)
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某些港人不時唱衰香港, 話經濟會爆㷛, 其實美國人都有同樣憂慮.
Forbes 在 2012 教人如何在財政危機時保障自己資產, 似乎都是老生常談.
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5. Alternative Assets
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