- #2182 [Dlbf], 24-11-12 16:07
- #2181 [r33er], 24-11-04 17:40Alpine 開心到 ^^
- #2180 [fotheringay], 24-11-04 16:18Russell and Norris both pitted one lap too late, missing the virtual safety car window and they couldn't regain positions and the Red Flag certainly gave Crasthavan a free pit stop.
That said, Max drove very well in the wet which I gave him the credit.
McLaren had lost the pace with extreme wet condition.
But Alpine got it right!! They literally sailed through the track. -
- #2179 [billytse], 24-11-04 09:51今場Max換完引擎,水怪上身,真心勁
但贏車會吾會係出紅旗係關鍵呢.. - #2178 [shektau6], 24-10-30 02:42https://www.threads.net/@f1/post/DBrlJAWiYGB
Lando and Carlos are very close and the two teams are having fun! - #2177 [Fotheringay], 24-10-28 18:55Crashtaven呢啲叫做上得山多終遇虎。
佢一同人鬥車就係咁。 - #2176 [billytse], 24-10-28 16:19Max既埋身格真係食硬你.
- #2175 [r33er], 24-10-28 15:54Max 成 L 日波 out 人. 抵 L 死.
- #2174 [billytse], 24-10-28 09:25今朝睇番精華重播,墨西哥站好似幾正喎
最緊要恭喜Sainz Pole to win. yeah!! - #2173 [billytse], 24-10-21 11:077屆可能排位失利無心戀戰,提走出去休息下.
反觀今年換入既車手真係交到貨咁喎^^羅神,邊圖 - #2172 [Dlbf], 24-10-21 09:43恭喜 拉利 1,2
美國呢個埸鬥車好睇。 - #2171 [Dlbf], 24-10-21 09:34我覺得 牛奶仔 被罰可以接受。
小角田 阿邦 都輸比隊友。。
阿 Sir 真係發夢。
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 09:37:35 - #2170 [billytse], 24-10-21 09:22仲有5場,睇下之後點判...
起碼無攬炒先,奶哥繼續努力啦! - #2169 [Hifi-bowling], 24-10-21 08:05FIA 嘅判決又再次引起爭議 !
- #2168 [billytse ], 24-10-21 07:57最後幾圈奶哥輸咗個第三真吾抵,今場認真估佢吾到拉利1-2,恭喜恭喜
- #2167 [Dlbf], 24-10-20 17:18我覺得佢二線頭。
- #2166 [billytse ], 24-10-20 16:2663頂多係二線中喳,關鍵時刻好多時都gg…
- #2165 [Dlbf], 24-10-20 16:15我都幾肯定 羅素 將來唔會嬴到世一。
- #2164 [r33er], 24-10-20 15:23Russell 又自炒
- #2163 [Dlbf], 24-10-20 14:24Sprint Race 幾精彩,Sainz 架車 set 得好,老麥俾人捉完尾翼跌watt?
排位 牛奶仔 執身彩,今晚睇好 Max Sainz 單Q。 - 下一頁 (1 of 110)
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墨西哥, Clashtappen 就算贏世一,都係不上道嘅 dirty driver。
車隊 世一,老麥 拉利 有得爭,期待。
巴西,牛奶仔 無運,之後自亂陣腳,下年嚟過。
Lawson 都好”牙咋”,應該啱 大牛 口味,不過 Max 俾唔俾佢上又係另一回事。