- #136 [alexanderkoo], 24-12-12 08:57太陽能電筒都有的用,要内置電池,電車可以説on居産品,壞處多於益處
- #135 [patrick88], 24-12-10 20:58新界路邊充電站
- #134 [olddude], 24-11-08 21:22真係唔知點解比例上揸Tesla真係比較多a-holes
- #133 [Ken311], 24-11-08 19:43
- #132 [patrick88], 24-11-08 12:41司機既問題
- #131 [alexanderkoo], 24-11-08 12:33昨天撞死人,當然不限於電車, reckless driving,甚麼類型都可以,但重量多40% 及太靜,機會大一些
- #130 [patrick88], 24-11-08 11:30Tesla 這兩天升到傻左
- #129 [bigleung], 24-10-23 16:52#125
香港 - #128 [Ming Sir], 24-10-23 16:50
- #127 [alexanderkoo], 24-10-21 10:51燒烤好正,乳豬快熟,但很易濃
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 10:51:36 - #126 [patrick88], 24-10-21 10:48https://unwire.hk/2024/10/20/china-electric-car-no-technical-advantage/life-tech/auto/
中國電動汽車欠技術優勢 長城汽車董事長:只在產業鏈領先市場 - #125 [skyliner], 24-09-30 16:22好正
- #124 [bt99], 24-09-26 10:45設計啲泊電車專用車位,架車入咗車位就5面牆都係水箱,一感應到著火燒車,就引爆5面牆,幾噸水同時埋葬架車,咁仲有得燒?得咗 ~~~
- #123 [alexanderkoo], 24-09-26 09:13
- #122 [alexanderkoo], 24-09-25 15:18Read it somewhere, hybrid can be even worse. The engine is always at idling speed such that it can pick up the drive when deemed necessary. As such, lack of proper lubrication would lead to premature engine failure.
- #121 [bt99], 24-09-25 12:45咁樣好玩啲 ~~
- #120 [iku000], 24-09-25 12:42
- #119 [vitz], 24-09-24 15:14#117 身體最誠實
- #118 [patrick88], 24-09-23 23:44
- #117 [bt99], 24-09-20 10:27驚乜嘢?兩個口都話啲車好安全,燒車係人嘅錯喎 。。
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