- #21 [Ken311], 25-01-15 08:40
- #20 [Dlbf], 25-01-13 18:01我無試過 Plug In,亦唔清楚佢份 spec,但佢優點係唔怕無電,缺點就揹多一千幾百磅,performance 就唔使諗,做腳車就睇吓成本效益。
EV 我真係0興趣,阿仔兩年前過咗 Montreal,問我意見我都叫佢唔好買 EV,只係冬天大塞車已經死得。 - #19 [Drhandguns], 25-01-13 17:51#15 Google 比啲咁'行'嘅答案...
要先pre-warm架車, 即係要用多D能源, 重要係'响屋企'差緊電時先得, 一係叫人放架車入garage, 美加北歐都重可以, 去到英國就無可能, 因為就屋細, 十個有九個有車房嘅屋主都convert做storage或工作室。 住Flat就更加無辦法, 一定要去油站快差。 呢編咩Norway用EV嘅文章可能係AI寫嘅廢話, 又叫人揸短trip, 咁遠程點算? -
- #18 [ich], 25-01-13 17:26#17
要換偈油,因為主要行 engine.
Nissan ePower就用 ICE純去叉 onboard battery, drive train用 motor。
新嘅 PHEV電池比以前 hybrid大咗好多。To my understanding, 理論上每日市區番工幾十公里可以淨用 motor,夜晚回家叉電,等第二日就夠電。可以好耐都唔用 ICE。我都試過 BYD Sealion 6 PHEV。澳洲好幾年前 Mitsubishi Outlander有 PHEV version,頗受歡迎,算係 section leader,舊年多咗 PHEV來澳洲。我等緊年中掃把佬 Forester可能轉新一代,其中好似會有 PHEV。有的話我可能換車。始終我對純電車有 range anxiety。遲幾個月又會上Sydney,一日行 8xx Km,純電會麻煩D。澳洲有個 YTuber Ludicrous Feed專講純電車,早幾日試架小鵬G6來回 Syd Mel時都有碰到電樁無端端唔肯叉電問題。暫時我都未敢買純電車。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-13 17:29:44 - #17 [Dlbf], 25-01-13 16:38#13 Plug in hybrid 而家係大陸剛剛多咗,又睇吓點?我唔熟知運作,例如使唔使換偈油?
- #16 [Dlbf], 25-01-13 16:33#15 睇完,妹仔大過主人婆,真係唔挖你四婆。。。kakaka
最後修改時間: 2025-01-13 16:33:31 - #15 [ich], 25-01-13 15:28#12
Good and sensible question. Google 到呢個講法:
https://www.fastcompany.com/91011373/evs-work-fine-in-the-cold-in-norway-heres-how-they-do-it - #14 [olddude], 25-01-13 15:14#12 好似上次美國大風雪出事新聞見到喎啲都係Tesla。Toronto個朋友話佢架Taycan最淒時都係低10%左右
- #13 [ich], 25-01-13 14:32#10
我呢邊普遍開車咪數比香港高,好多人喜歡hybrid真係慳好多油.Toyota 好多新車都只賣hybrid e.g.Camry. 2024年新車銷售統計,多咗人買hybrid, 純電,plug in hybrid
https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/vfacts-2024-new-vehicle-sales-hit-record-high-but-slump-expected-soon - #12 [Dlbf], 25-01-13 14:27#11 有趣,佢哋解決到EV遇上低氣溫嘅問題?
- #11 [jumie], 25-01-13 13:47挪威有望成為第一個實現全電動化的國家
挪威在電動車的使用方面處於世界領先地位,去年該國銷售的 10 輛新車中就有 9 輛是電動車。其他國家可以藉鏡嗎?
75 年來,總部位於奧斯陸的汽車經銷商 Harald A Møller 一直在進口大眾汽車,但在 2024 年初,該公司告別了化石燃料汽車。
Norway on track to be first to go all-electric
Norway is the world leader when it comes to the take up of electric cars, which last year accounted for nine out of 10 new vehicles sold in the country. Can other nations learn from it?
For more than 75 years Oslo-based car dealership Harald A Møller has been importing Volkswagens, but early in 2024 it bid farewell to fossil fuel cars.
Now all the passenger vehicles for sale in its showroom are electric (EV).
"We think it's wrong to advise a customer coming in here today to buy an ICE [internal combustion engine] car, because the future is electric," says chief executive Ulf Tore Hekneby, as he walks around the cars on display. "Long-range, high-charging speed. It's hard to go back."
On the streets of Norway's capital, Oslo, battery-powered cars aren't a novelty, they're the norm. Take a look around and you'll soon notice that almost every other car has an "E" for "electric" on its license plate.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-13 13:48:20 - #10 [Dlbf], 25-01-13 11:41我以前都覺得 Hybrid 唔得,架車重咗,舊電池又貴,不過呢兩年係日本租車自駕,多數行公路都慳成1/3油,而家舊電池又平到兩萬以內,覺得粗咪數 Hybrid 有著數。
- #9 [alexanderkoo], 25-01-13 11:20根本EV就是失败,包括hybrid,天氣太熱或太冷绝對不宜,很難服侍,還有以前討論過的问题
- #8 [dttmtong], 25-01-09 18:01Skoda 英國幾多人揸
原本十五十六買唔買多架油車,現在唔駛諗。 - #7 [ich], 25-01-09 17:03
Tong 兄你在英國可以買到特別版:
我早排買咗普通276HP版,覺得非常實用,買餸、road trip都好好用 - #6 [dttmtong], 25-01-09 16:50真係要岀多部油車先
- #5 [vitz], 25-01-09 16:20膠到無朋友x2
- #4 [Chia], 25-01-09 11:49膠到無朋友
- #3 [kccCK], 25-01-09 11:46立志幫強國清貨。
- #2 [Dlbf], 25-01-09 11:30唔怪之得 RR 要拿拿聲搞個新廠房。
不過我估 工黨 唔襟玩,轉頭保守黨回朝又轉。 - 下一頁 (1 of 2)
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