- #21 [DeepSea^^], 17-01-10 14:32順德名菜,生食鯇魚片!
- #22 [tamarwander], 17-01-10 14:35日本橋高島屋。日本售賣有問題魚生情況值得關注
- #23 [tamarwander], 17-01-10 14:39核心區東京站大丸。
竟以三文魚做壽司。 -
- #24 [tamarwander], 17-01-10 14:39再一堆
- #25 [tamarwander], 17-01-10 14:42豈有此理,將三文魚混入人氣no. 1內呃唔食生既三文魚既日本人買。
- #26 [dumbdumb], 17-01-10 14:48據聞經過急凍後,三文魚係可以食用,因為空運一定要急凍,所以進口魚生應該冇問題,但本地野生三文魚就唔肯定
- #27 [seaseasea], 17-01-10 15:15大把日本人食三文魚 好多壽司店賣海捕三文魚
- #28 [hk2046], 17-01-10 15:34オーストラリア 澳洲
- #29 [hk2046], 17-01-10 15:38天然三文魚存有寄生虫不适宜生吃 日本冷凍殺蟲技術
http://channel.pandora.tv/channel/video.ptv?ch_userid=hk2046&prgid=54482300&categid=all&page=1 - #30 [tamarwander], 17-01-10 15:47題目係:日本人唔食三文魚?
唔理decent日本人,定澳洲三文魚 - #31 [alexanderkoo], 17-01-10 16:35Wild caught Alaska salmon should be fine.(sustainable harvesting, the small fish being bred and let go into the ocean) Not the one from the farm, too much toxin due to fish meal and also artificial coloration-industrial astaxanthin.(once a week is probably OK)
- #32 [tamarwander], 17-01-11 13:19吉祥寺東急,成為三文魚重災區
- #33 [tamarwander], 17-01-11 13:20被譽為最好住既地區,竟然受三文魚毒害
- #34 [tamarwander], 17-01-11 13:21補圖
- #35 [tpe_ryan], 17-01-11 13:52結論: 人云亦云
最後修改時間: 2017-01-11 13:53:55 - #36 [tamarwander], 17-01-11 13:57我估都影夠啦,亦唔會去decent壽司舖。即係高檔唔賣咩,關一般日本人食唔食三文魚咩事呢
- #37 [堯軍], 17-01-11 14:20當年第一次跟團去東京,團餐其中一餐自助形式,壽司吧有三文魚壽司揀
- #38 [tamarwander], 17-01-11 16:22今次影壽司舖,喺中野。
混咁多三文魚壽司搞外賣,呢間舖都相當indecent. - #39 [dumbdumb], 17-01-11 16:33睇過一集日劇講新舊代厨司之爭,話舊一代厨司不應死抱以前嘅practice, 以前嘅保鮮和冷藏技術不可同日而語,要與時代進步
- #40 [newnew], 17-01-11 16:48菜欄講都信?佢介紹十間話好食十間都中伏
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