- #12 [alexanderkoo], 24-09-17 08:58
- #11 [Drhandguns], 24-09-16 23:08呢啲咁嘅片放真係得啖笑, 仲要個個話自己係醫生。 咩病人做緊化療, 跟住食竹筍, 跟住癌症指數降低, 咁究竟係啲化療醫好咗啲癌, 定係食蘆筍醫好咗佢? 定係你每日食兩碗飯之後醫好咗啲肺癌呢? 好多所謂呢啲叫做醫師嘅人, 連基本化療(Chemotherapy)、電療(Radiotherapy)同標靶治療(Targeted Therapy)都分唔到, 真係信一乘雙目失明。 仲有, 香港上咗年紀嘅人好多都有尿酸問題, 你再食咁多蘆筍, 到時真係自求多福, 有排你痛。
- #10 [AC88], 24-09-16 22:22有冇人試過?
- #9 [alexanderkoo], 23-07-03 09:08The only supplement having more comprehensive study and adopted in Japan hospital is AHCC, mushroom extract and broken down in smaller molecules for easy adsorption, especially good for treating liver cancer. Go to Tai Shan charitable association for herbal treatment, tonic improvement. Not exactly cure. No one is free from cancer cells yet strong immunity system identify them for eradication and it's anticipated that 1/3 of population will die of cancer.
Of course, still need to go for blood test from time to time as benchmark. Surgery, chemo or radiation, at one's choice. For typical HKger, most likely "yes".
Discussed once for a while, not a new topic.
最後修改時間: 2023-07-03 09:10:23 - #8 [徐福], 23-07-03 08:09係防癌?定治癌?每天吃多少?真係好難定斷!
- #7 [alexanderkoo], 23-07-03 07:27If it were so simple, there is no more cancer whatsoever. Another Nobel prize winner. However, if every course of action can help 10%, just do it.
- #6 [Kenny], 23-07-02 21:34HK01
- #5 [Thanatos], 23-07-02 21:19每日倒立10個鐘頭可以壯陽
- #4 [一縷炊煙], 23-07-02 19:40民間偏方,多如繁星,只限個人,全冇數據,難成主流
- #3 [Av96], 23-07-02 16:58Re
- #2 [AV96], 22-10-21 12:17
- #1 [AV96], 22-10-21 12:14
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