- #521 [Dlbf], 25-01-24 18:48我今季都係第一次買。
- #520 [lym], 25-01-24 17:27好耐無食膶腸。
- #519 [Dlbf], 25-01-24 17:19執小小過年食。
- #518 [EF9], 23-12-14 18:16#509
謝謝師兄資訊 , 咁諗吓 3XO先 thx - #517 [Dlbf], 23-12-14 15:36份報告話驗出禁用成份,咁食環仲唔拉人?
另一樣話有 花尼,臘腸 點解會有呢様野? - #516 [patrick88], 23-12-14 14:14所以有牌子吾一定好, 集中一隻牌子好易 total lost!
哩度買兩孖試吓, 嗰度買兩孖試吓最實際 .................. - #515 [lym], 23-12-14 14:06我就吾係太在意。尤其呢D乜乜不能排除,可能導致。。。作為依據,同不在場未冇事一樣係廢噏。況且一個人一日食得幾多?一日一斤?
- #514 [new68u], 23-12-14 13:00三興,錦祥都中
款為預先包裝樣本,14款為非預先包裝樣本。測試發現,發現6款非預先包裝樣本檢出本港禁止在食物中添加的染色料,其中「旺角金旺中西藥批發行」的「本港加瘦三花臘腸」驗出「紅2G」,會產生代謝物苯胺,不能排除會致癌。5款檢出「若丹明B」,可令人出現噁心、嘔吐和尿液變紅的徵狀,相關樣本分別為「金源南北雜貨」臘腸、「生興臘味雜貨」金牌腸王、「錦祥號臘味」特瘦鮮肉腸皇、「鉅利醬園」加瘦腊腸及「三興隆臘味」加瘦切肉腸。食安中心則指,跟進樣本的檢測結果合格,符合法例要求。 - #513 [alexanderkoo], 23-12-14 12:53Secret formula to make it yummy.
- #512 [DeepSea^^], 23-12-14 12:49
- #511 [alexanderkoo], 23-12-14 12:47Guys, check your urine. There must be a price to pay for all those preserved foods. But high price would prevent you from high consumption, besides no immediate danger.(as suggested by overpaid senior officials)
Nothing more serious than radiated or radioactive foods.
最後修改時間: 2023-12-14 12:48:16 - #510 [alexanderkoo], 23-12-09 07:29#506 No change, just been there a fortnight ago. Hanger is different from hangar which is storage area inside a plane.(watched numerous WWII footage)
#508 Wingx, worse than those available from market, bought last year for both duck and sausage.
最後修改時間: 2023-12-09 07:32:56 - #509 [御風], 23-12-08 23:59#508 幾年前買唔切,諗住買佢黎頂住先,食過無下次,香港包裝定係真香港做都悟會再買。
- #508 [EF9], 23-12-08 20:48榮嘩 是否 香港包裝定係真香港做?
老笑 嗰啲有冇師兄試過? - #507 [lym], 23-12-08 19:56#503好怕呢D傾銷手法。明明無需要食咁多,但最後貪少少便宜變相要逼自己食。
- #506 [Hifi-bowling], 23-12-08 19:27#502
Sam Hing Lung was definitely self made, I went there every year and luckily saw them marinating the pork with wine, hanging sausages into the heated hangar and moving some from the heater to natural wind drying hangar.
But these was 4 years ago, no idea how they do it now. Cheers ! - #505 [Dlbf], 23-12-08 17:05近年食過最好食係 頤和X 法國鵝肝腸,不過幾貴,聽聞係 和珍 幫佢地加工。
- #504 [patrick88], 23-12-08 14:33又個嗰招, 買二送一, 即係叫你最小一次過買斤半或三斤, 如果吾啱口味就 .....................
最後修改時間: 2023-12-08 14:34:17 - #503 [S.Chan], 23-12-08 14:27啱啱見到,大埔大元街市.
- #502 [alexanderkoo], 23-12-08 13:54#499 Sam Hing Lung is, bought from the food processing shop direct. Have been there for about 10 times. Wo Hing, too, processed in East st. (not eastern st)ground floor.
Not sun baking , lots of heaters for drying. Not anything high tech.
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