- #21 [mrbeansr], 18-01-11 17:21
- #22 [Dlbf], 18-01-11 17:54越好白酒越好味、看你自己食吾食得出!
有人話煑嘢用平價白酒已經得,我就唔同意! - #23 [0925], 18-01-11 18:19煮野用:
- #24 [phil.ng], 18-01-11 18:25清口丶要食汁丶最好用靚D白酒丶
如醉鷄丶靚酒一入口就知 - #25 [ichi], 18-01-11 19:14#14 mrbeansr
尖沙咀百佳買架,年份係98年,嗰時淨番3枝,女友幇我掃晒 - #26 [mrbeansr], 18-01-11 20:02ichi
好似 wine 不宜 keep 咁耐
舒特家族酒庄(Sutter Home)在19世纪末建立,作为现今美国最大、最知名的葡萄酒庄之一,
一直致力于生产质优价廉的产品。曲雀罗家族(Trinchero Family)于1947年购买了此酒庄,
發表於 2015-5-2 11:28 PM
sutter home白酒
發表於 2015-5-5 01:47 AM
回覆 1# 的帖子
supermarket can be found.
BTW, recently, it is involved in the "over chemical mineral case"
in the USA report. may be put off from the shelf...............
QQ - #27 [phil.ng], 18-01-11 20:09如果飲白洒配海鮮丶white burgundy 正!
用作煮丶就太浪費了 - #28 [Drhandguns], 18-01-11 22:10>>>有資深酒友教路, 試平酒一個簡單方法, 就是淨飲 (without food). 如果沒有食物伴飲都可以接受, 應該合恪
試酒有時真係要試幾次先為準, 有時天時暑熱, 淨飲酒唔食, 其實飲乜嘢凍嘅白酒都好好飲, 之後第二日飽肚飲同一支又唔係咁好飲, 我諗你的情況大家都試過。 - #29 [嚦嚦二世], 18-01-12 14:09>> 如果飲白洒配海鮮丶white burgundy 正!
白bur都系賣飛佛,靚白bur夠厚身入口順滑餘韻長,淨飲襯海鮮襯芝士都冇得頂. - #30 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 17:30超市唔覺有百 bur, 可能冇留意
有乜靚白bur介紹? - #31 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 17:38Google 下
係咪即是 white wines made from Chardonnay grapes in the Burgundy region?
Chardonnay-dominated Chablis and Gamay-dominated Beaujolais are formally part
of the Burgundy wine region, but wines from those sub-regions are usually referred to by their own names rather than as "Burgundy wines". - #32 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 17:51即是法國 Burgundy region 的 Chardonnay?
For winemakers, white Burgundy may just be the Helen of Troy of Chardonnay because nearly everyone who’s ever made Chardonnay has looked to the white wines of Bourgogne as gold standard.
All in all, white Burgundy is just Chardonnay, but the region is also the origin place of the variety, which is by the way, the world’s most popular white grape.
In Burgundy, the combination of climate, land, and tradition produce a wine that is coveted by many and never precisely replicated anywhere else.
“White Burg is the crack cocaine of Chardonnay.”
最後修改時間: 2018-01-12 18:03:07 - #33 [phil.ng], 18-01-12 18:25二世兄 果然是"二世祖"⋯⋯一笑
Grand cru 級更佳丶飲完後丶杯中 留果香 數 至 十分鐘丶但真係好貴!
千元以下的 特色就弱D丶千五以上才有強烈特性 - #34 [Phil.ng], 18-01-12 18:50只是1st cru, 已千七
其實white burgundy 同Chardonnay 比丶分別好大
最後修改時間: 2018-01-12 18:58:33 - #35 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 19:17又上了一課
白 burg 千元以下唔使去揾
好在庸人是福, 覺得乜悲物悲都唔錯
一於入多枝 oyster bay, cloudy bay... - #36 [phil.ng], 18-01-12 19:36Bean sir, Australia, Margret River...產在最高 Victoria Point (也是牌子) Chardonnay 好正 澳元約三十
- #37 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 19:57Thanks
Noted down, 一陣去 PK 睇下有冇?
由單車 cono sur bicicleta
升呢到 oyster bay
已是由幼稚園升小一 - #38 [Phil.ng], 18-01-12 20:07Bean sir FYI
留意溫度,不能太凍,breathe 少少
最後修改時間: 2018-01-12 20:13:46 - #39 [mrbeansr], 18-01-12 20:15嘩, ratings 好高噃
- #40 [Phil.ng], 18-01-12 20:42因在頂位,溫差大,葡萄特靚,吾係好多人知,其他Margret river 不及它,希望吾會比大6人買佐個莊
試由10c 飲到 15c - 下一頁 (2 of 19)
- 返回 ...
而家左扣右折係 $87
試左 chardonnay (另有一支 sauv blanc)
係比一向飲開 cheapo 唔同.
有資深酒友教路, 試平酒一個簡單方法, 就是淨飲 (without food).
如果沒有食物伴飲都可以接受, 應該合恪
今次淨飲 oyster bay 都 ok