- #41 [榮進無敵], 08-11-16 02:31
- #42 [weilong], 08-11-16 06:31食雪茄
食dark chocolate
try each with whisky, turn u on! - #43 [wolala], 08-11-16 22:39>>
第一個問題最重要,在享用雪茄與威士忌之中,到底誰是老大,通常抽雪茄的人一定把雪茄當作主角,而威士忌為配角,此時不管你抽的雪茄濃郁與否,都應儘可能挑選清淡型的威士忌,如:愛爾蘭的Bushmills,日本的Yamazaki,蘇格蘭的The Glenlivet,甚至加拿大的調和型Canadian club,如此不會造成口腔的負擔,也可盡責的扮演好綠葉的角色,美國的波本酒就不是很好的選擇,太多的松香水的味道,讓人分不清是雪茄的表現還是酒的. 如果威士忌是主角,那威士忌的選擇可精彩著呢,好好把學苑研究一遍,就可以找到心之響往,不過別忘了挑淡一點的雪茄,喧賓奪主的事可是做不得呀!!如果那天在酒吧看到一個手上拿著Cohiba限量雪茄的傢伙,嘟嚷著沒有一隻酒配得上,別忘了在他的品味上打幾個XXXXX,充其量就是炫燿的成份罷了!!
第二個問題,通常古巴雪茄偏向濃郁,非古巴雪茄較清淡,偏上層的香氣,或是可以看茄衣的外包葉來分辨,顏色淡為清淡,深者較為濃郁,但這並非有必然性.如何搭配呢??建議濃郁的雪茄選擇思貝河區(speyside)或高地區(high land)來搭配,如:Longmorn,Aberlour,Glenrothes,Gragganmore,清淡型的雪茄選擇低地區(low land)來搭配,如:Auchentoshan,Glenkinchie,當然當你對威士忌更了解之後,也可以在高地區找到清淡型的酒,或低地區也有濃郁的佳釀.
The Dalmore出了一隻以搭配威士忌為主的Ciger malt適不適合配雪茄??當然適合!它特別加深了享用雪茄該要的甜度及圓潤度,看得出酒廠的用心,但對威士忌的愛好者而言,別人幫你準備好的東西,少了那份探索的樂趣. -
- #44 [wolala], 08-11-16 22:40
- #45 [justice], 08-11-17 10:08任何 distillery
任何 年份
任何 價位
Single Malt
Chivas ( including Royal Salute )
黑方 - #46 [HappyHeart], 08-11-17 19:14大JJ,
一K上下, 有乜好介紹 ? Tks. - #47 [justice], 08-11-17 21:22HH
This is item no. 1 - #48 [justice], 08-11-17 21:24item no.2
- #49 [justice], 08-11-17 21:25item no.3
- #50 [justice], 08-11-17 21:27HH
I think you will have a handful of change after getting all three.
Do a bit of serious A/B/C comparison.
You will be amazed of the diversity in characteristics in Single Malt. - #51 [justice], 08-11-17 21:35HH
Go for cheapy cheapy cheap cheap Single Malt for best casual enjoyment.
Do no buy anything close to 1K.
If you want to really treat yourself, start from $4K and upward. - #52 [HappyHeart], 08-11-17 21:57start from $4K ? 0.4K 就可以 !
禾第一枝目標係Macallan 1851 $780 Duty Free
2. Glenlivet 18 yr $480 Again, Duty Free
3. Glenfiddich 21 yr $940 Still, Duty free
禾飲過Johnny Walker Blue Label (1L, 人地送),
唔太特別. 另外, 禾覺得同價錢既Whisky 好飲過
Brandy (主觀睇法). BTW, 你有冇買 MJ 本天書 ?
唔該side 你 ! - #53 [justice], 08-11-17 22:06HH
Forget low end Macallan. It's a rip off.
In fact, forget any Macallan below $4K. It isn't what it used to be.
Glenlivet 18 yrs is good value for money.
Paying 2 times more for a 3-year older Glenfiddich?? How does that stack up?
I would not touch Johnny Walker with a 10-foot pole.
(Sorry, don't know MJ Skybook wor?) - #54 [HappyHeart], 08-11-17 22:20Macallan 25yr $2580 (DF), 唔捨得買.
Glenlivet 禾 E 仔有支 1967.
聽你咁講, Glenlivet 18 yr 買得過. 乜原來你老哥係
Whisky 高手, 花旗番泥會鍾意飲 whisky, 奇怪 ! 通常係去完英倫三島既人至會喜歡.......
咁, 有冇其它18yr 好野介紹 ?
Glenfiddich 15 yr 典睇 ? 契X個獎, $380 jar.
你話頭, 泰國雞 --------------------------- 抵 X !
再次唔該 ! - #55 [justice], 08-11-17 22:36HH
Should be:
斗 零 打 砲 ( 抵 X )
斗 零 打 砲 再送 叉燒飯 ( 抵 X 到 爛 )
Glenfiddich 15 yr is good because it is $380. V4M (Value for Money) - #56 [justice], 08-11-17 22:43HH
- #57 [justice], 08-11-17 22:53HH
This is the baddest single malt on earth!
Must try! - #58 [HappyHeart], 08-11-17 23:08baddest single malt on earth ?
妐傽X仟銀(多年前), 冇理由咁屎wor !
Aberlour 18yr HK 有某得賣, 幾$ ? D 色好似 amber,
應該唔錯ga. 好彩有你教路, tks.
MJ 本天書(講Whisky)要$560, 20%off 禾至會買.
要做呀信 ! - #59 [justice], 08-11-17 23:16HH
This is American slang!
You are Bad means you are good.
Baddest is grammatically wrong. (Bad, worse, worst 先至 口岩)
But they play with the word.
You are the baddest means you are the best. - #60 [justice], 08-11-17 23:19HH
Last year I bought a bottle of Aberlour 16 yr in Dublin Airport for less than $500HK.
I think 18 year old is around 700$HK. - 下一頁 (3 of 178)
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