- #1 [weilong], 08-11-12 13:35這三支抵買嗎?
- #2 [weilong], 08-11-12 13:38macallan 1851 hk$715
highland park 21yrs hk$700
talisker 1991 hk$857 - #3 [letsrock], 08-11-12 14:08Macallan 1851 $715>VERY good buy
Highland Park 21 700> good buy
Talisker, never tried. -
- #4 [榮進無敵], 08-11-12 14:18我估到letsrock兄會來睇下,俾意見~~
- #5 [letsrock], 08-11-12 15:47Wing hing....no lah.....just "bad habit"....hahahahaha
- #6 [letsrock], 08-11-12 15:50But good buy is good buy, but Macallan and Highland Park are v2 very different flavored single malt. HP is more smokey flavored while Macallan has stronger oak with a slight acidic touch. Really depends on your preference.
- #7 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 16:00letsrock Hing,
Johnny Walker 既 Blue Label 如何, 抵買ma ? - #8 [letsrock], 08-11-12 16:08Blue Label is blended, not really my cup of tea. it is smooth, but lacks of character.
Personally, i really like Macallan more. - #9 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 16:36letrock Hing,
咁, Macallan 1851 仲有冇高一級或最高級 & 多少$ ?
Tks. - #10 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 16:47Macallan 30年, Duty Free (Airport) 賣$4880.
- #11 [榮進無敵], 08-11-12 16:49Macallan 30年, Duty Free (Airport) 賣$4880.
嘩~~~上次去士多見到支Macallan唔知咩野先係賣幾舊水.......呢枝咩名堂? - #12 [letsrock], 08-11-12 16:53Happyheart hing, Macallan has 10, 12, 15, 18, 21 and even 30 years. And there are limited editions like the 1851, and also 50 yrs and 100 years.
There are also fine oak and sherry oak versions.
It is really a personal preference. - #13 [letsrock], 08-11-12 16:59I think the Macallan 50 yrs is like 32000
- #14 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 16:59letrock Hing,
多謝資料 ! - #15 [letsrock], 08-11-12 17:01happyheart hing, just buy the 12 years first and try. add 1-2 cubes of ice and a splash of water or soda water. sit back and enjoy.
- #16 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 17:04咁, 要出絕招 - 呃飲呃食 !
- #17 [weilong], 08-11-12 21:213支我都想飲,等有機會飲過再上來傾傾
新架坡機場DFS賣威士忌平過香港機場dfs - #18 [HappyHeart], 08-11-12 21:57平幾多, 20% ?
- #19 [devilcoach], 08-11-12 22:24
- #20 [bennyto], 08-11-12 23:04you guys really experts. I always stick with my cheap cheap Chivas, never thought of change to other brand even black label.
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