- #3547 [Dlbf], 24-11-09 20:53Good old days。
- #3546 [fotheringay], 24-10-21 20:39We had a few visits to some small distilleries on our driving in Scotland.
There are so many and each has their own favour.
At the end while visiting a Whisky Specialist Shop we bought this because Balbair is our favourite.
It was quite fruity as expected and most of all strong!!!
Distilled in 2006 and bottled in 2021 so not very old.
" This spectacular single cask from 2006 is a first-fill, sherry seasoned, Spanish oak butt from Balblair, bottled exclusively for members of The W Club. This expression was distilled in 2006 and matured for 15 years before bottling in 2021 at an eye-watering cask strength 55.8% abv. This expression is pretty special for a couple of reasons; it's the first Spanish oak matured whisky released from Balblair since its rebrand - and will be the only sherry cask they release in 2021. Cask #78 has produced just 378 bottles."
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 20:42:36 - #3545 [Dlbf], 24-10-16 17:57中貴價烈酒減稅。
- #3544 [Dlbf], 24-10-14 15:15以前有10年任飲,我自己帶小食去,飲到陀陀令先走人,近年直接入比錢試酒區睇吓有冇好嘢,飲完shopping走人。
- #3543 [skyliner], 24-10-14 14:21頭先再睇多次又覺得好普通,家庭餐廳咁,
奇怪果日門口見餐牌相又幾吸引。 - #3542 [dlbf], 24-10-14 09:13余市 間餐廳無乜特別。
去歐洲酒莊跟 day tour 起碼唔使煩。 - #3541 [skyliner], 24-10-14 08:57我唔識飲酒,但有次試過去巴塞跟左個酒莊day tour,個午餐正到不得了。
之後去波圖時又訂咗graham’s 廠tasting 午餐,20年30年砵酒任飲,餐廳風景又靚,飽到個日冇食晚飯。
唔知威士忌tour有冇飯食呢? - #3540 [Dlbf], 24-10-14 07:19Chi Gor, join day tour la。
- #3539 [ivchan123], 24-10-14 05:01如果未參觀過,建議首選大酒廠,Mcallen Glenfiddich 之類,因為多啲介紹。有多啲時間,參觀下啲中型或local 的牌子,Tomatin Benromach 都好靚。Speyside 啲酒廠普遍有規模啲。
day tour就一日跑幾間睇同試,都要成$2k,如果自駕就可以係途中加插兩間。
另外,有機會可以試吓book啲local castle住返晚,應該$1/2K 一晚,可以係Air B&B 睇吓,幾特別的體驗。 - #3538 [Vitz], 24-10-14 04:43參觀過一間,不過冇跟團,只係入去買下酒
- #3537 [fotheringchi], 24-10-14 04:15正在Scotland旅遊中,在酒店大堂見到呢啲distilleries leaflets.
要請教各威大大。 - #3536 [Dlbf], 24-10-01 20:03菓香出,飲落好有蜂蜜味,但又好爆,正!
- #3535 [Dlbf], 24-09-19 20:41貢品無投訴。
- #3534 [御風], 24-09-13 23:24
- #3533 [uat506], 24-09-07 20:42KTV at home
- #3532 [Dlbf], 24-09-07 19:51呢支 日威,真係要加冰先得。
- #3531 [300Bguy], 24-09-07 15:50剛看到條片,㗎仔(?)拍得有深度,並非就咁直推支美威。。。
- #3530 [dlbf], 24-09-07 14:59#3527 shektau兄,條片好感觸,今朝同老友傾開,大家啲細路都出曬去,為有我地幾個老野互相照應。
最後修改時間: 2024-09-07 15:05:26 - #3529 [300Bguy], 24-09-07 14:30邪惡老尾,都爆~
Cheers~ - #3528 [kennycwc], 24-08-11 01:34Del
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