- #21 [alliance0621], 24-02-21 22:13
- #22 [伊雲士], 24-02-22 17:24有隻同長頸FOV差不多樣嘅叫古堡XO
- #23 [0925], 24-02-22 17:44如果冇記錯,~45年前,賣得便宜過 Hennessy、Napoleon、Martell VSOP cognac,酒質同 Camus VSOP 差不多。
最後修改時間: 2024-02-22 17:58:57 -
- #24 [0925], 24-02-22 18:07如果冇記錯,2004年過關返大碌國工作喺羅湖免稅店買支 Camus Extra $1420,支酒香醇過 Hennessy XO,好飲到而家仲有印象。
- #25 [伊雲士], 24-02-22 18:52最巴閉時有金花桌球大賽
- #26 [Drhandguns], 24-02-22 19:26我淨係記得以前最cheap嘅白蘭地係蜂巢大三星...
有一期就興Club, 啲廣告最難忘! - #27 [0925], 24-02-22 20:00呢啲酒好差,用來浸人參或炒餸OK。
最後修改時間: 2024-02-22 20:02:49 - #28 [Dlbf], 24-02-22 20:05Cognac 我最鍾意 Hennessy Paradis,第一次飲80’s,大約一千蚊支。
- #29 [御風], 24-02-22 21:52
- #30 [Drhandguns], 24-02-22 22:08
- #31 [degalle], 24-02-22 22:36蜂巢大三星應該係50年代大力推廣,符合當時社會階層大眾嘅洋酒,油麻地西貢街大華戲院睇完 尊榮主角嘅 The Longest Day 碧血長天,行過
隔離有間好大嘅辦館陳列咗唔少洋酒,亦有Remy Martin 人頭馬 Martell VSOP價錢當然比普羅大眾興嘅雙蒸,玉冰燒貴 - #32 [御風], 24-02-22 22:42
- #33 [Somonica], 24-02-22 23:22温度有影响嫁。。。♡
白蘭地市,舊年春去過,原來半個鎮係軒尼詩。。。♡ - #34 [伊雲士], 24-02-23 19:43D老酒好多人都係擺喺度唔捨得飲 等D後人平出比收酒佬......
- #35 [一縷炊煙], 24-02-23 19:53
- #36 [S.Chan], 24-02-23 20:25呢枝都擺咗喺度差不多廿年.
- #37 [Dlbf], 24-02-23 20:37#34 D老酒好多人都係擺喺度唔捨得飲 等D後人平出比收酒佬......
你哋屋企無酒老鼠姐。。。kakaka - #38 [0925], 24-02-23 20:54https://www.cognac-expert.com/cognac-brands/ansac-cognac
History of Cognac Ansac
The parent company, UniCognac, purchased the cognac house of Jules Gautret over half a century ago. Cognac Ansac is part of this collaboration, and has benefited from the might of the company and the fact that they have spent many years developing a powerful and effective distribution network. Thanks to this, Cognac Ansac has been and remains to this day available on all of the world’s continents.
Ansac Cognac Today
UniCognac built a new bottling and storage plant in 2007. It is located in the village of Saint Germain de Lusignan in the Charente-Maritime. Their distillery has 18 pot stills, each with a capacity of 25 hectolitres. They also have 10 aging cellars where the eaux-de-vie is gently matured in both Limousin and Tronçais oak barrels.
In the USA, Ansac Cognac is distributed by Heaven Hill Distilleries. In 2003 the bottles and packaging of the cognacs underwent a major overhaul. This was designed to add a contemporary flair and sophisticated note to a brand that is proving extremely popular all over North America.
News, Products and Prices
Ansac’s cognacs are produced in three different ages: VS, VSOP and XO.
Ansac Cognac VSOP can be purchased for around €20 per bottle.
The Ansac XO Cognac, which is beautifully presented in a decanter with regal style gold, black and red coloring, is supplied in a crimson moiré presentation box and is priced at around €50 per bottle.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-23 20:59:57 - #39 [degalle], 24-02-23 23:17聽返嚟,酒放喺玻璃樽內並無存得耐更醇,只係存喺橡木桶至會
- #40 [一縷炊煙], 24-02-23 23:21#39, 我都係咁理解,5知有冇錯
最後修改時間: 2024-02-23 23:28:09 - 下一頁 (2 of 3)
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FOV 長頸
Martell 仲有
三隻最後揀咗FOV 貪佢擺出嚟好睇D
我自己從來冇飲過亦唔好, 啤酒都好少飲(飲咗食唔落飯)
Hennessy XO 有一樽同個盒完整無缺(其它7樽D盒有D爛咗同用膠紙痴住左(甩咗D顏色估計冇人要)
大概幾多銀同係呢二手市場拍賣? 真係唔知叫乜價錢
FOV 估計又要幾多先合理?
補充: FOV 1986 購入(2 bottles)
XO 1991去加拿大之前買入送俾親戚朋友剩低嘅(8bottles)
最後修改時間: 2024-02-21 22:26:38