- #61 [winning7], 20-07-05 20:22
- #62 [ich], 20-07-05 20:24#58
大家都係睇報導吹水,點知道最後 details係點呢?得同唔得係英國政府關門再計算再討論先有結果。唔係細路玩泥沙,英國政府真係有 principle的話 97年前都應該俾香港人有居權。2X年前的 Right of Abode disgusting decision忘記了?
英國政客一定計過數先再推出 對佢最有利的final proposals。唔好太認真網上吹水的"推論"。不過 in general多數國家會將成人 (? >21)獨立處理,唔會自動"跟"父母有同等權利。通常用家庭團聚方法申請。
Debate over full citizenship rights
At the time of nationality reclassification in 1983, the largest group of BDTCs (2.5 million people) was associated with Hong Kong.[12] The deprivation of full passports and nationality rights for colonial residents was criticized for effectively codifying ethnicity as the deciding factor in determining what rights British subjects were entitled to, an impression confirmed by exceptions granted to the majority white residents of Gibraltar and – after the Falklands War – the Falkland Islands.[13][14] The British government was particularly unwilling to grant full citizenship and immigration rights to Hongkongers,[13] fearing a mass migration to the UK after the transfer of sovereignty to China in 1997.[15]
In the remaining dependent territories, the majority of white residents maintained access to full citizenship while this was denied to non-white belongers. Territorial residents resented this treatment, because although Britain bore ultimate responsibility for their homes as the sovereign power, it did not treat them more favourably than travellers from foreign countries.[16][17][18]
All British Overseas Territories citizens other than those solely connected with Akrotiri and Dhekelia became British citizens on 21 May 2002, and children born on qualified overseas territories to British citizens since that date are both BOTCs and British citizens otherwise than by descent. Prior to 2002, only BOTCs from Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands were given unrestricted access to citizenship. BOTCs naturalised after that date may also become British citizens by registration at the discretion of the Home Secretary.[44] Becoming a British citizen has no effect on BOTC status; BOTCs may also simultaneously be British citizens.[45]
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 20:27:06 - #63 [S.Cheung], 20-07-05 20:31感謝ich 及winning7 兄回覆
- #64 [ich], 20-07-05 21:17#60,#63
S cheung兄, Delay兄,唔好客氣。網上吹水,唔好認真,但我有認真 advice:
移居去另一地方其實好多好多好多方面要考慮。可以走又留在香港亦係一個選擇。80年代移民潮係好多人擔心未發生又驚發的事。太空人製造好多家庭破碎。我聽醫生朋友講佢有同行真係一次買 52張機票, weekends就飛去澳洲探妻。 97後初期又冇事發生 wor,於是又大把人回流搵錢。搵到水泡搵錢係好多人心態,但今次唔同,如果真係揀外地生活的話最好越快投人,快 D成為當地人,對整個家庭有好處。
在港居住一樣可以發揮作用。我識人在內地發揮影響力,有另一種作用。唔正面衝突唔等如接受。人內陸一樣有同心意的人。唔同人clim bs different mounta in,一齊腦力
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 21:18:31 - #65 [Delay_no_more], 20-07-05 22:21好難講,英國都係老狐狸,唔會無端端端俾好處俾你,我諗都有好多限制~
- #66 [fotheringay], 20-07-05 22:55好難講,英國都係老狐狸,唔會無端端端俾好處俾你,
And you think they will hold you ransom? They would use you as human shield against ...........who?
And you think they charge you £400 per annum for the NHS surcharge and they make big profit from it as many Blue Ribbon would have it believed .
Do you understand how much does it cost for initial consultation with a doctor( not Consultant) in NHS?
In the worst scenario if you need Chemotherapy or surgery, let say the basic caner treatment of breast cancer and prostate cancer. How much do you know it will cost?
Of course there is no free lunch and you wonder why the British Government would do it. It is something called moral commitment and humanity which unfortunately is lacking and even non-existent in Beijing.
£400 is a symbolic gesture and respect that you pay for it and you are entitled to have full access to it and deny it regardless of your status, ethnicity and wealth.
As you would expect there will be laws and restrictions in place and they will be in Black and White. If you need detailed explanation there will be free advice eg, Citizens Advice and many other voluntary organisations.
All you need to do is acting within the law and basically you can whatever you want. If you think the Government is doing wrongly you can challenge the department and even vote the government out by casting your vote. It is as simple as that.
If you have such prejudice and worry and I think you should be called be "delay-forever-more".
This is applicable further to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA.
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 22:57:54 - #67 [dttmtong], 20-07-05 23:15以前英國投資移民要二仟萬,現在揸 BNO 一蚊都唔駛,重覺得人哋係老猢狸?
雖然現在無乜條文出嚟,但你個 case 人哋唔俾你太太和仔女留英都正常。如果合資格人士都唔去英國,我諗一定俾人 misuse 都爆,到時 BNO holder 分分鐘值幾佰萬。係香港同 BNO holder 結婚,成家即刻去英國拎福利。 - #68 [winning7], 20-07-05 23:19好難講,英國都係老狐狸,唔會無端端端俾好處俾你,我諗都有好多限制~>>>
我睇過上議院開會和下議院幾十個議員對外相藍韜文既質問.....96%議員 都覺得政府對香港人做得唔夠.....不斷逼政府做多d....
英人民調 71% 支持香港人有BNO 平權.....去英國住
何來覺得英國都係老狐狸,唔會無端端俾好處俾你??? 岀口傷人
你想駛個無 BNO 既老婆去攞埋仔女著數 (你唔好諗住之後偷偷返香港做野....係全家計你 5+1 )....到人地唔俾就係老狐狸? 好多限制?
£400 per annum....平到嘔啦....政府仲要貼錢俾你架.......醫療要補貼, 免費教育....仲話人老狐狸?
住英國,就算香港打工都要交英國稅。冇得避、冇得逃、冇得縮骨。 x2
你千奇唔好去英國呀....影衰香港人呀............你心態似藍絲多過港猪.....有成千萬都計到咁盡, 仲要出口傷人話人老狐狸?
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 23:26:19 - #69 [浩男123], 20-07-05 23:20對移民英國有疑慮可以理解,但太多陰謀論大可不必,英國佬心中可以有盤算,但斷估你去到佢唔會謀財害命,攞左你帶去的資金然後趕你走!
留港就乜都有可能發生,係衰嘢,好嘢唔駛旨意,除非你好似民賤聯,陳弘X之流賣左個良知俾共產政權喇! - #70 [delay_no_more], 20-07-05 23:26Winning7
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 23:34:39 - #71 [bliss33], 20-07-05 23:41英國民眾,一如樹頭婆般,宅心仁厚,乃念人類互愛互助,促肥波內閣無條件開隻逃生門仲咁多疑,留喺腥港吧,未來可多多享受無盡襠疼国爱
- #72 [t4456], 20-07-05 23:44十劃都未有一撇就諗點R著數R到盡,仲係自己有能力唔R 都生活到,好難為師兄辯護,咁嘅心態移民同做難民都唔太好,難聽啲講影衰有需要幫助同肯付出嘅港人。
- #73 [delay_no_more], 20-07-05 23:53Sorry 我都唔多解釋,我尼啲港猪會反省……
最後修改時間: 2020-07-05 23:55:23 - #74 [呀金], 20-07-06 00:00哈哈
kakaka~~~ - #75 [delay_no_more], 20-07-06 00:08呀金,唔好笑我啦!唉
- #76 [hkzt3105], 20-07-06 00:18some useful links for you
UK tax for foreign income
What is dual tax residency
key point is, if you live in UK for over 90 days in a year, and own a permanent home in UK, and work in Hong Kong over 183 days in a year ( ie, like 4 months Uk, 8 months HK, work in HK ) you may be subject to double taxation ( both HK and UK treat you as tax residence )
- #77 [fotheringay], 20-07-06 00:21I may have strong words and please accept my sincere apology.
It's tough time in HK and even tougher to leave for another country.
To be or not to be? that's the question.
Ask yourself do you have/need to leave HK? It is very sentimental and extreme emotional for most but there is no need to bombard yourself with this thought.
Don't feed the fear with more fear. - #78 [呀金], 20-07-06 00:32我無笑架。
在英國工作交英國稅,除咗享受福利之外,其中一個原因係英國職埸提供咗一個工作機會俾你,如果你在香港工作,英國就多一個工作機會俾當地人,但稅你又交足俾英國政府,我又唔覺得有太大問題,除非你係專業移民,英國俾你過去以交換你的專業技能,而你又偷偷走番香港唔貢獻啦。 - #79 [arcet], 20-07-06 05:39#66
Regarding the NHS 400 pounds surcharge for BNO holders, do you know if it cover the consultation fees only or including the medications cost? Thanks. - #80 [fotheringay], 20-07-06 06:27#79
Almost everything is covered but it will depend if you are in England, Scotland or Wales.
NHS England, NHS Scotland and NHS Wales though provide all health services free they will have their differences. Scotland won't charge prescription while it is £9.15 for the rest of the country.
Some treatments(end of life or rare condition) may be eligible in England but not necessary be eligible in Wales and Scotland, vice versa. If you do get the drugs from NHS for your medical treatment it will be free.
There was once a big fuss about Post Code Healthcare. Some people living in the same area but with a different post code will or will not receive certain drugs/treatments. Luckily this has gradually improved to make sure that the discrepancies should not jeopardise patient's care.
This is not just applying to BNO holders but everyone so don't get nervous and carried away about it. NHS is struggling with funding across all nations. Many hospitals have to reduce numbers of staff and some treatments in order to save cost.
Nonetheless, we all have a duty of care and the healthcare system is constantly scrutinised and monitored by The Healthcare Commission and other patients advocate charities so I would say NHS is not prefect but still the best government healthcare in the world.
Today marks the 72th Anniversary of the NHS so you may want to clap for us.
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jun/10/call-for-final-national-clap-on-nhss-72nd-birthday - 下一頁 (4 of 223)
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父母有BNO, 都正式公佈, 仔女 18歲以下可跟父母走, 且可入 local school, 到18歲前有免費教育
仔女 18歲以上如有殘疾, 不能照顧自己者, 都有酎情權待別處理
有成千萬, 決定去邊都得啦....仲諗住拖到d樓跌一半或外匯管制先走?
上面無錢岀惡法, 出法例唔俾人賣樓....匯走錢....拖到果時咁惡劣就好笑啦....光住身走?