- #1 [R939], 23-01-21 14:32
- #2 [sbug], 23-01-21 14:57淘寶…. 不鏽鋼螺絲,全部一個星期生銹,電鑽工具屋企用,唔夠力、一兩個禮拜就壞。之後我唔會再買淘寶
- #3 [cornercube], 23-01-21 17:13up下.
風車鋸 高危工具, 小心小心小心!
我自己 d工具喜好, 鋸就鋸, 鑽就鑽.
2合1, 3合1..萬用etc..可免則免.
最後修改時間: 2023-01-21 17:16:33 -
- #4 [degalle], 23-01-21 17:21樓主有幾多隻手掌及手指?
- #5 [olivea88], 23-01-21 17:26風車鋸唔敢買...唔敢用..
舊年6月比一部好細 3吋碟鋸介親手指...好深..果一刻好驚手指甩..
流左好多血...好彩一個月後好番.. - #6 [olivea88], 23-01-21 17:28我就係比#1 呢款再細一d 界親手指啦..
不過呢種都可以買同用... 木工佬果種我連接近都唔敢 - #7 [0925], 23-01-21 17:53用鋸片的電動工具比較危險,升降高度 0.1~14mm ,長20厘米.........咁好細檯,卡鋸片時唔知會唔會翻觔斗,呢件嘢唔實用!
普通 DIY "界" 到 1吋板就夠,呢隻易存放,特價時唔駛 US$100。
最後修改時間: 2023-01-21 18:09:58 - #8 [bigleung], 23-01-21 20:20屋企淺窄,只可作簡單DIY,牽涉電動工具務必小心。
樓主個d迷你萬用工作台,我唔主張。 - #9 [rumorguy], 23-01-22 01:13我都想買支電動螺絲批,因為舊嗰支,电池都差唔多到期了,淘寶有冇好介紹?
最後修改時間: 2023-01-22 01:14:02 - #10 [敗家仔], 23-01-22 01:45風車鋸⋯⋯用工具督佢
吾好用手去扶件料 - #11 [shektau6], 23-01-22 02:00#7呢種迷你鋸可唔可以用嚟鋸開一張床板咁大嘅木板? 我見youtube都係鋸d 2x4 多。。
- #12 [0925], 23-01-22 02:08冇記錯 #7 的 4-1/2 吋刀片可鋸 1-9/16 吋厚木板。
最後修改時間: 2023-01-22 02:16:26 - #13 [呀金], 23-01-22 02:25個台一定唔夠大。
- #14 [0925], 23-01-22 02:30#12 + 1
呢種工具唔係睇可以鋸幾遠,係睇可以鋸幾厚。 - #15 [shektau6], 23-01-22 02:34#14 明白!
#13 我會用saw horse 頂住. - #16 [0925], 23-01-22 02:45個人覺得,用佢來閞料如 "界" 6分~吋2 大板比冇裝落鋸臺的大鋸較易操控。
最後修改時間: 2023-01-22 02:46:37 - #17 [BB1668], 23-01-22 23:33
- #18 [alexanderkoo], 23-01-23 06:35Got a Worx portable cutting wheel, 220V. It has a guard and the exposed part is underneath so it's quite safe as different from a cutting bench, the cutting wheel is more exposed to the personnel. Can cut tile as well but not even thin metal. External guide to ensure straight cutting but not as secure as bench.
In fact, the most dangerous tool is chainsaw for felling trees or trimming branches. All exposed part due to design.
For acrylic sheet or thin board, must be clamped tightly on a bench and use jigsaw, to avoid chipping. Can cut circular hole for kitchen hood exhaust opening due to flexibility of the blade.(use the one for metal, not wood)
最後修改時間: 2023-01-23 06:40:07 - #19 [ich], 23-01-23 09:42我仔從未接觸過木工.幾年前買樓時見間garden shed size Ok, 俾佢做workshop. 結果table saw, drop saw, circulating saw, router table..,乜都買齊. Table saw係拆了把circular saw改装,阿仔自製平台做 table saw + router table.後來都買番把circular saw間中用. 把reciprocating saw係我買來鋸樹.
小心正常程序用都可以安全, 但我只用drop saw, table saw會搵阿仔開料 . Chainsaw係最危險,一kick back就可能傷到自己,所以唔會買.
香港最難揾到屋企有地方做workshop, 要出去租工業大廈先處理到
最後修改時間: 2023-01-23 09:44:21 - #20 [olddude], 23-01-23 11:47#19 個table saw 無遮無掩好危險
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小弟近日睇緊呢D 小型鋸床, 去開D薄木板膠片, 唔知大家點睇?