- #16 [What7u4], 24-09-09 00:35嘩....一見有港人放樓以為執到金仲唔衝出嚟柒
- #15 [olddude], 24-09-08 23:54條on9以為見到位就入,抽水抽著電油,人哋都無犯佢,佢就無端端去踩人,正一非洲和尚,犯眾憎重以為自己幾咁醒
- #14 [What7u4], 24-09-08 23:11傻仔2021年至到而家賣樓早期買落仲有錢賺嗰班
就真係割咗你韭菜 -
- #13 [What7u4], 24-09-08 23:10佢係咁踩英國但係佢又爆自己有朋友喺倫敦有200-300個單位到而家賺大錢
所以搞到佢自己心理好唔平衡 - #12 [What7u4], 24-09-08 23:08傻仔另一個post已經話咗畀你知而家係時候沽英國倫敦附近去投資西北部最落後
個post頭嗰段咁簡單嘅英文你都睇唔明好心你就唔好學人指指點點啦 - #11 [What7u4], 24-09-08 23:07無聊垃圾你又上嚟搭咀
咁即係你連垃圾都不如唔怪得知叫你做littered - #10 [degalle], 24-09-08 22:51沽一度唔可以買另一度?沽牛津買 Bath唔得架?沽細買大又唔得⋯?乜鳩想法?咁L神奇,剩係諗到唔睇好
- #9 [littlered], 24-09-08 21:49總之都係一句啦,咁睇好英國前景睇好英國嘅樓市物業市場,點解咁快沽貨呀? 一定係一係撈唔掂,一係就其實係睇淡, 搵戇鳩y仔接貨!
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:54:39 - #8 [littlered], 24-09-08 21:47什麼戇鳩呀?我冇你個無謂人咁多無聊時間,我做緊運動,邊有咁得閒慢慢咀嚼你啲垃圾寫嘅嘢呀!
- #7 [What7u4], 24-09-08 21:31你上面戇鳩咗就認咗佢啦
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:33:33 - #6 [littlered], 24-09-08 21:30諗住長住。咁睇好牛津郡嘅屋價租金回報,咁點解賣樓呀? 睇嚟係想割人韭菜喎!
- #5 [What7u4], 24-09-08 21:26人哋講過物業已經租咗兩年而家想放售
I am living in the UK and have an almost new two-storey semi-detached house in a secluded area of Oxford (OX4) for sale at £515,000:
- Purchased from developer in Aug, 2021, handed over in Nov, 2021 and rented out for 2 years,
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:30:07 - #4 [littlered], 24-09-08 21:24嘩! 好震驚呀! 人哋業主寫住 rented out for two years, 唔係打算 rent for two years! 用下個鳩腦諗下都知啦, 如果諗住出租嘅,點會寫屋價呀?
坦白講,其實我都唔知你諗乜, 亦都冇興趣知!
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:26:26 - #3 [What7u4], 24-09-08 21:21on9仔人地寫住 rented out for 2 years
2024-08-26 20:38:00
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:24:39 - #2 [littlered], 24-09-08 21:03師兄, 咁快回流呀? 未攞護照喎!
- #1 [familyman], 24-09-08 21:01Hi Brothers,
I am living in the UK and have an almost new two-storey semi-detached house in a secluded area of Oxford (OX4) for sale at £515,000:
- Purchased from developer in Aug, 2021, handed over in Nov, 2021 and rented out for 2 years,
- Master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom on the 2/F, two bedrooms sharing a family bathroom on the 1/F and a separate WC on the G/F,
- Kitchen cupboards, double ovens, gas hob, extractor hood, dishwasher, washing machine, boiler and radiators all in pristine condition,
- Council tax (band E),
- Energy performance certificate (band B),
- 1260 sq.ft with tandem parking driveway including exclusive carport and electric charging point,
- Front lawn and rear garden with storage shed,
- Two-minute walk to the bus stop, two-minute driving to Sainsbury's supermarket and the Oxford railway station within 3 miles,
- Catchment area for good primary school and outstanding special primary school.
- Vacant and unfurnished.
- Pictures and video as shown in link below
Please pm if you are interested.
Thank you.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:10:47 - 返回 ...