- #1 [浩男123], 24-02-18 08:09買嘢, 在餐廳點菜埋單, 又或者叫車全部都唔收現金, 咁是否係寸步難行?
- #2 [Philippe], 24-02-18 08:13在內地唔收現金係犯法的,不過叫車唔登記apps跟本叫唔到,只好截的士.
- #3 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-18 08:27Re topic, very likely. Easy to install alipayhk, though. In fact, already used the same in HK.
最後修改時間: 2024-02-18 08:28:28 -
- #4 [我是一個人], 24-02-18 11:01我係楓葉國可用contactless credit/debit card/google pay/apple pay/cash 都得,好多時cash pay仲有“折”(明嘅唔駛問我,唔明唔好問我),悉聽尊便。手機點菜多數只係Asian 餐廳見到,除左老麥呢類快餐店外西人鋪未見過,原因係呢邊習慣上係一定要俾15%或以上tips,而你用app既話個客係會覺得你無service.
- #5 [bt99], 24-02-18 11:06據悉 .. 大陸拒收現金犯法 。。
- #6 [bt99], 24-02-18 11:10我認識以前經常北上鬼佬,傾開話已經無上幾年,生意做少好多。。
問點解唔親身上去商談?佢話唔鐘意係佢個電話度裝鬼 apps,無哂私隱 - #7 [浩男123], 24-02-18 11:48咁即係返大陸唔用apps一樣可以用現金?
會唔會好唔方便? - #8 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-18 12:57HK has already refused to accept coins 50 cents or below. Basically illegal.
- #9 [olddude], 24-02-18 13:48#5 吓?唔用app咁唔先進?
- #10 [bt99], 24-02-18 15:49>> 會唔會好唔方便?
會,絕大部分收錢方都唔想收現金,1大量現金要處理,2怕收到假銀紙。 所以最終都係拒收現金 - #11 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-18 19:30Heard of such news, people could not buy food during block down and system outage
- #12 [dttmtong], 24-02-18 20:37從來冇試過唔收現金,不過全部都無得找咁解 :p
- #13 [Kenny], 24-02-18 20:56#10 講得岩。以前係上海夜晚去買生果,100%找錢都收到假銀紙,就算5蚊10蚊都係假嘅。自己唔識分別,上海同事唔會話比你聽,到比錢時,店家見到係外來人,特別小心,通常都有假銀紙。
- #14 [浩男123], 24-02-18 21:30咁唔找錢又犯唔犯法呢? 鬼佬點用支付寳、微信等apps ,佢哋又冇大陸電話號碼,聽聞綁定外國信用卡又好難攪,點樣花費呢?
- #15 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-19 08:59That's why fewer foreign visitors, besides warning for US visitors.
- #16 [dttmtong], 24-02-19 09:18無返大陸好幾年,上次去基本上幾蚊都無得找,香港支付寶九成九係用唔到。
有冇師兄可以 update 下,現在香港支付寶係咪仍然用唔到?外國信用卡係咪仍然唔普遍? - #17 [alexanderkoo], 24-02-19 09:42It's possible to use alipayhk direct, at least 90% but taxi. YouTube got the information back to 6 months ago. Can remit from alipayhk to alipay(china) Both verified but don't know why being rejected after a few days. Anyway, only for interest.
Don't know why foreigner having difficulty to use alipayhk. What's the actual problem in verification? Alipay(China) needs Chinese name and home return permit, not passport, this may be the problem.
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