- #384 [BB1668], 24-07-02 23:58
- #383 [呀金], 24-07-02 23:55日本H3火箭發射成功 衛星已進入軌道
H3運載火箭由日本宇宙航空研究開發機構(JAXA)和三菱重工共同研發,去年發射1號機時以失敗告終,上面搭載的大地3號衛星也因此損毀,經過調整後,2號機在今年2月發射成功,預計從明年開始會以H3全面汰換目前使用的H2A火箭。 - #382 [Dlbf], 24-02-19 07:41恭喜曬!
- #381 [呀金], 24-02-19 04:46
- #380 [iku000], 24-01-20 11:14
- #379 [416GTA905], 24-01-20 04:51咁小人咁小資金都好到位, 型!等第一批DATA,希望有相同影片
最後修改時間: 2024-01-20 04:54:28 - #378 [Dynavector], 24-01-19 23:42
Explainer: Why is Japan's 'moon sniper' landing mission important?
By Kantaro Komiya
January 19, 202412:08 PM GMT+8Updated 11 hours ago
TOKYO, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Japan aims to become the fifth country to put a spacecraft on the moon when it attempts the precision landing of the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) probe on Friday.
Dubbed the "moon sniper", SLIM will put to the test an experimental technology the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) says is unprecedented and essential to searching for water, and other factors that could sustain life on the moon.
JAXA will start a 20-minute touchdown phase on its one-way mission from 1500 GMT Friday, trying to land on a site roughly the size of two athletic tracks located on the slope of a crater just south of the lunar equator.
More than two decades in development, the SLIM project is JAXA's second lunar landing attempt. It lost contact with the OMOTENASHI lander shortly after launch in 2022.
SLIM is designed to land within 100 metres (328 feet) of its target, versus the conventional accuracy of several kilometres for lunar landers. As the probe descends onto the surface, it recognises where it is flying by matching its camera's images with existing satellite photos of the moon. This "vision-based navigation" enables a precise touchdown, JAXA says.
The precision landing technology will become a powerful tool in future exploration of hilly moon poles - seen as a potential source of oxygen, fuel and water - and boosts a lunar lander's chance of survival by helping it select the best location for solar power generation, according to JAXA.
Only four nations - the former Soviet Union, the United States, China and India - and no private companies have achieved the soft landing on the moon's surface.
JAXA has twice landed on small asteroids, but landing on the moon is more difficult due to its gravity. Last year, probes from Russia and Japanese startup ispace inc (9348.T), opens new tab crashed into the moon's surface. A lander from U.S. startup Astrobotic last week suffered a fuel leak, forcing it to abandon a touchdown attempt.
Manufacturing a lightweight moon lander with less fuel consumption was another objective of the SLIM project, as Japan aims to carry out more frequent missions in the future by reducing launch costs. SLIM weighs 700 kg (1,540 lb) at launch, less than half of India's Chandrayaan-3 that in August made a historic touchdown on the moon's south pole.
In March, JAXA manually destroyed the initial model of new flagship rocket H3 after launch due to engine ignition trouble.
The failure caused widespread delays in Japan's satellite launches and space missions, including SLIM and another joint lunar polar exploration project with India, which is now slated for 2025.
JAXA also failed to launch an Epsilon small rocket in 2022, followed by an engine explosion during a test in July.
JAXA has completed the investigation into the first H3 rocket's failure last year and set the launch date of its second model to Feb. 15.
A number of lunar landers will be headed to the moon this year. U.S. startup Intuitive Machines (LUNR.O), opens new tab aims to launch its IM-1 lander in mid-February. China plans to send its Chang'e-6 spacecraft to the far side of the moon in the first half of 2024 to retrieve samples from an ancient basin. Tokyo-based ispace has said it would launch its second moon mission this year.
NASA plans the launch of its lunar polar exploration rover VIPER in November. The U.S. space agency last week announced fresh delays to its Artemis moon program, scheduling for 2026 its first astronaut lunar landing in half a century.
Reporting by Kantaro Komiya; Editing by Miral Fahmy - #377 [呀金], 23-02-14 14:53日本將試射H3火箭 進軍國際衛星發射市場
H3火箭的首次發射計劃中,也包括將「大地三號」(Daichi 3)觀測衛星送上軌道。該衛星攜帶了紅外傳感器,日本防衛省將用它來預警中俄等國家的導彈攻擊。
俄退出國際發射市場 日希望H3搶占份額
對商業發射服務的需求與日俱增,許多公司正為互聯網服務部署「衛星星座」(Satellite constellation)。《日經亞洲》指出,在俄烏戰爭與台海局勢緊張之際,各國政府努力加強太空軍事能力。
山東女足隊員呂亞童家遭強拆 挑戰官方通報熱門文章關閉
山東女足隊員呂亞童家遭強拆 挑戰官方通報
日本將試射H3火箭 進軍國際衛星發射市場
2016年11月2日,日本H-2A火箭正被移動到種子島宇宙中心發射台上,該火箭將攜帶日本氣象廳的新氣象衛星「向日葵9號」升空。 (Jiji Press/AFP via Getty Images)
日本將試射H3火箭 進軍國際衛星發射市場
更新: 2023年02月13日 5:55 PM 人氣 397
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H3火箭的首次發射計劃中,也包括將「大地三號」(Daichi 3)觀測衛星送上軌道。該衛星攜帶了紅外傳感器,日本防衛省將用它來預警中俄等國家的導彈攻擊。
H3包含大量汽車部件 有效降低成本
新飛行器的首飛總是很困難,特別是H3擁有相當多的新部件。為將發射成本削減到50億日元(約3,800萬美元)——這將是H2A火箭的50%,H3之中90%的電子元件使用了汽車零件。安倍直彥說,這些汽車部件可耐振動、濕氣和高溫。同時,三菱也重新配置了組件,減少布線量,同時自動化鉚接以降低成本。 - #376 [hahayanyan], 22-09-29 01:08原來這裏有一個這麼有趣的分享
Thx thx
cannot believe...my ear...................... "7 millions miles away "
最後修改時間: 2022-09-29 01:12:07 - #375 [Dynavector], 22-09-29 00:34
NASA's DART slams into asteroid
NASA smashes spacecraft into asteroid
Nasa Dart spacecraft successfully smashes into asteroid - BBC News
最後修改時間: 2022-09-29 01:15:12 - #374 [Dynavector], 22-09-14 02:56
Blue Origin New Shepard NS-23 發射任務 在發射後約一分鐘發生異常、啟動飛行中逃生系統。本次任務為無人的無重力實驗任務。 - #373 [Dynavector], 22-08-08 00:50
監視全球彈道飛彈發射 美太空軍SBIRS衛星全部就緒
洛克希德馬丁公司為美國太空軍建造的第6枚,也是最後1枚太空紅外線系統地球同步軌道(SBIRS GEO-6)飛彈防禦預警衛星,於4日正式於佛州的卡納維爾角空軍基地升空,代表SBIRS生產與發射階段正式落幕,接下來將可透過衛星24小時監測與追蹤全球任何地方發射的彈道飛彈,為美國本土與海外部隊提供關鍵預警時間、抵禦潛在威脅。
據《國家防衛雜誌》(National Defense Magazine)報導,太空軍「太空系統指揮部」(SSC)表示,GEO-6將進一步強化SBIRS提供飛彈預警、防禦、強化美軍太空狀態覺知與技術情報等能力。
報導指出,SBIRS飛彈預警衛星部署在距地表3.5萬公里遠的地球同步軌道(Geosynchronous orbit)和高橢圓軌道(Highly Elliptical Orbit),能有效協助陸基彈道飛彈的預警、提供彈道防禦系統追蹤目標,還能捕捉地球部分戰區的紅外線影像。
五角大廈表示,SBIRS飛彈預警衛星群,配備強大的掃描和紅外監視傳感器,以 24小時,每週7天的全天候保護美國。這些傳感器會立即發現地面上的不尋常動向,並且將威脅座標與位置傳送給美國飛彈防衛署(MDA),立即派出最有效的攔截飛彈。 - #372 [Dynavector], 22-07-21 00:25
Lunar Landing Sea of Tranquillity, Moon, July 20, 1969 4:18 p.m. EDT
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Alden Armstrong / American astronaut - #371 [Dynavector], 22-07-16 00:55
- #370 [Dynavector], 22-06-22 01:54
- #369 [Dynavector], 22-06-15 01:21
- #368 [tonywong], 22-06-05 10:57咁大支
- #367 [Dynavector], 22-05-30 15:34
日本防衛裝備廳以安全創新科學與技術資金資助JAXA在7月發射一枚S-520-RD1回聲火箭測試衝壓發動機,這也是日本國內的首次極音速測試。 - #366 [Dynavector], 22-03-26 01:14
- #365 [Dynavector], 22-03-04 13:30
HKEJ 今日 12:28
馬斯克警告Starlink或成攻擊目標 籲謹慎使用
美國太空探索公司SpaceX創辦人馬斯克警告稱,該公司的「星鏈」(Starlink) 衞星寬帶服務很有可能在烏克蘭成為被針對的目標。
馬斯克日前稱,已經在烏克蘭啟動Starlink,SpaceX正在向該國發送更多終端,以此回應烏克蘭政府官員在Twitter對他提出的提供Starlink工作站的要求。烏克蘭周一表示,已經收到捐贈的Starlink衞星互聯網終端。 - 下一頁 (1 of 20)
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