- #127 [0925], 24-03-08 18:20
- #126 [一縷炊煙], 24-03-08 18:12其實我真係懷疑rumorguy果d個案全部係幻想出泥 哈哈哈~~
- #125 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 18:02HEM-7141T1呢個型號,是蓝牙款式。
见行货,price .com $300也有wor -
- #124 [0925], 24-03-08 17:32https://www.healthline.com/health/amlodipine-and-fatty-liver-disease#effect-on-liver
How does amlodipine affect the liver?
Your liver contains enzymes that break down other proteins so your body can absorb them. It helps turn food into energy and removes toxins from your body.
These enzymes also break down many medications, including amlodipine. Cytochrome p450 enzymes break down amlodipine into its parts. This enables amlodipine to work in your body and for your body to then discard the waste portions.
Damage to your liver can cause it to release some enzymes into your bloodstream. Recent researchTrusted Source has shown that amlodipine can cause levels of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) to increase. This suggests that amlodipine may cause drug-induced liver injury.
Researchers don’t quite knowTrusted Source how amlodipine may cause liver injury. As the liver breaks amlodipine down, it may form a toxic compound.
最後修改時間: 2024-03-08 17:44:08 - #123 [0925], 24-03-08 15:30#121 HEM-7141T1 旺角電腦中 201舖行貨 $350 ,水貨 Omron 其它 model $2xx。
- #122 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 15:09re#114
7122 我好似搵唔到香港有行貨賣 - #121 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 15:08網上睇咗一輪 ,依家諗住鎖定呢一款型號, 有藍牙功能。
價錢算係合理 300元有找 - #120 [0925], 24-03-08 14:13https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/apha.13227#:~:text=TUDCA%20protects%20against%20the%20development%20of%20glomerular%20and,tool%20against%20chronic%20high%20salt%20induced%20renal%20damage.
TUDCA protects against the development of glomerular and proximal tubular damage, decreases renal cell death and inflammation in the renal cortex in rats with ETB receptor dysfunction on a chronic high salt diet. These results highlight the potential use of TUDCA as a preventive tool against chronic high salt induced renal damage. - #119 [0925], 24-03-08 12:52唔一定要買 MIJ,Vietnam 造的也 OK,日本大品牌有系統監管。
- #118 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 12:31明天買,
因為本身我有个taboo货,手腕式用緊 - #117 [0925], 24-03-08 12:15買個血壓計都拖半年? 咁婆媽?
最後修改時間: 2024-03-08 12:15:31 - #116 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 11:34請問大家 ,cool手肩嗰條帶係 用軟還是硬式,會好啲呢?
唔見有啲型號 都不是日本做是越南做的 - #115 [kenneth288], 24-03-08 09:58Omron唔會買錯啦
- #114 [rumorguy], 24-03-08 09:44屋企急用 ! 應該明天會去買 血壓計了
最近有人介紹,買呢隻7122,MIJ, price.com 约35X元,
最後修改時間: 2024-03-08 09:46:26 - #113 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-03 15:51Depending on individual cases, most of the time, it's easier for me to write in English. Chinese, can use fewer words to carry meaning especially involving jargons and special terms.
HK English is relatively low when compared to SE Asia. Should use more whenever there is opportunity.
最後修改時間: 2024-03-03 16:06:55 - #112 [rumorguy], 24-03-03 12:41re#110
咁多啲寫中文啦: ) - #111 [0925], 24-03-03 12:36Astragalus
Immune System Support
Adaptogenic Herb
A Dietary Supplement
Family Owned Since 1968
Quality GMP Assured
Astragalus Root (Huang qi) has been used as a popular herbal tonic in China for many centuries. Some of the known active components include flavonoids, free amino acids, trace minerals and polyphenols.
Other ingredients
Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetable source) and stearic acid (vegetable source).
Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients.
Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
Astragalus can lower blood pressure and prevent/reduce damage to the kidneys. One of the ways that astragalus lowers blood pressure is by increasing nitric oxide synthesis which increases vasodilation- the relaxation of blood vessels.
Astragalus membranaceus (also called Huang Qi or milk vetch) is a plant native to Asia and is considered to be one of the most important herbs in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It has a long history as an immune system booster and is one of the most widely used herbs in TCM for treating kidney disease.
Today I thought we’d have a look at some of the actions of Astragalus that make it such a key herb in the treatment of kidney disease.
Actions of Astragalus
Kidney tonic
Balances immune system
Immune enhancer
Cardiovascular tonic
Energy tonic
Adrenal gland tonic
Lowers blood pressure
Anti-diabetic actions
Astragalus has a long history for the treatment of diabetes and diabetes related symptoms in China and given that diabetes is the number one cause of kidney disease I wanted to start off discussing the ways that astragalus is of benefit in diabetes and diabetic kidney disease.
Type 2 diabetes develops over a long period of time. During this time the body becomes more and more resistant to insulin and the pancreas gradually loses the capacity to produce enough insulin.
The function, quality and number of pancreatic beta cells (the insulin producing cells) decrease progressively, this is why blood sugar levels increase over time and often diabetic medication has to be increased or a second medication or insulin added to the mix.
Astragalus lowers blood sugar levels by actually improving the insulin secretion activity of pancreatic beta cells by protecting them from damage, increasing the number of pancreatic beta cells and improving their function. It also reduces insulin resistance which means that the cells in muscles, body fat and liver start listening to the signal that insulin sends out- which is to take glucose out of the bloodstream and put it into your cells, resulting in lowered blood sugar levels.
Numerous studies have been conducted in both animals and humans that demonstrate that astragalus is a promising complementary medication in the management of diabetic kidney disease.
A meta-analysis of 25 studies that included 945 patients with diabetic kidney disease and 859 control subjects found that astragalus treatment resulted in significantly improved creatinine clearance levels, lower blood urea nitrogen (BUN), lower creatinine levels, reduced urinary protein loss.
Controlling blood sugar levels is one of the keys when it comes to protecting your kidneys (and other organs) from damage but that’s not the only way astragalus protects the kidneys.
Let’s have a look at the other ways astragalus protects the kidneys and helps to improve their function.
Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant
Inflammation and oxidative damage are two of the key contributory factors to the development and progression of CKD regardless of the cause. Astragalus has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions which plays a role in healing the kidneys and preventing further damage from occurring.
A final, common pathway in CKD is fibrosis, the formation of internal scar tissue. Renal scarring results in a progressive loss of renal function and if not prevented or treated, ultimately leads to end-stage kidney disease. Astragalus has been shown to prevent this fibrosis from occurring and it does this primarily through reducing transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B) which has long been considered as a key mediator of renal fibrosis.
Improves kidney blood flow
When your kidneys don’t get enough blood, this disrupts both your blood pressure and the balance of fluid throughout your body. In an attempt to increase blood flow to your kidneys, a series of hormonal interactions kick into gear, your arteries constrict, and your body retains salt and water to increase blood pressure and volume. As we know, high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney disease and contributes to damage to the kidneys. Reduced blood flow also means reduced oxygen delivery to the kidneys which results in damage. Astragalus has been shown to improve blood flow to the kidneys which also ensures adequate oxygen delivery and prevents damage from occurring.
Reduces protein loss in urine
Loss of protein in urine is a common symptom of kidney disease but that’s not all, it also accelerates the progression of kidney disease. Clinical trials have consistently shown that whenever proteinuria is decreased by treatments, progression to end-stage kidney disease is reduced. Multiple studies have shown that astragalus can reduce proteinuria in both animal models and humans.
Improved albumin levels
Albumin is a blood protein that makes up a significant portion of the blood plasma. As the main protein in blood, albumin plays a role in many functions including maintaining pressure in the blood vessels and transporting substances such as vitamins, hormones and medications. People with CKD commonly have low albumin levels because of the loss of protein (albumin) in urine. Low albumin levels can result in swelling of the feet or hands, fatigue, loss of appetite and dry/itchy skin. Astragalus has been shown to increase albumin levels in the blood so may help with reducing the symptoms caused by low albumin.
Lowers blood pressure
Over time, high blood pressure constricts and narrows the blood vessels which eventually damages and weakens them throughout the body, the narrowing also reduces blood flow. If the kidneys’ blood vessels are damaged, they may no longer work properly and when this happens, the kidneys aren’t able to remove all wastes and extra fluid from your body. This extra fluid can raise your blood pressure even more, creating a dangerous cycle and causing more damage to the kidneys. Astragalus can lower blood pressure and prevent/reduce damage to the kidneys. One of the ways that astragalus lowers blood pressure is by increasing nitric oxide synthesis which increases vasodilation- the relaxation of blood vessels.
Prevents hypertensive kidney damage
Studies on astragalus injections have shown that it may prevent or reduce the damage to the kidneys caused by high blood pressure. Astragalus was more effective than a placebo at lowering blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine clearance rate and protein loss in urine in people with kidney damage caused by elevated blood pressure.
Astragalus also has diuretic properties which can take the workload off the heart in heart failure and reduce kidney failure related swelling. Its diuretic properties also contribute to its blood pressure lowering effects.
Other benefits of Astragalus
As you can see, astragalus has many benefits when it comes to healing the kidneys and protecting them from damage but that’s not all it does! Some other benefits of astragalus include:
Astragalus can increase red blood cell and haemoglobin levels which make it useful in the treatment of anaemia.
Astragalus has been prescribed for centuries for general debility and chronic illness and to increase one’s overall vitality. This makes it a useful treatment for fatigue.
Astragalus contains beneficial plant compounds that may enhance your immune system, reducing the risk of infections and illness. it is particularly beneficial for chronic immune weakness.
Astragalus is also classified as an adaptogen which means it helps the body deal with and adapt to stress.
Therapeutic dose: 2g to 4g a day.
Cautions and Contraindications
According to the principles of TCM, astragalus shouldn’t be taken during the acute stages of an infection. Astragalus should also be avoided alongside immunosuppressive medication due to its immune enhancing actions.
Astragalus may potentiate the effect of diabetic medication and blood pressure medication so closer monitoring of blood sugar levels and blood pressure is needed.
And don’t forget….
Before starting on astragalus, please consult your doctor or naturopath to make sure it is suitable for you and your situation.
So, there you go, there’s a snapshot of the benefits of astragalus in the treatment of kidney disease. As you can see, it’s a beneficial herb for kidney disease regardless of the cause with particular benefits when it comes to kidney disease caused by diabetes and high blood pressure.
最後修改時間: 2024-03-03 12:36:59 - #110 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-03 10:29心血管問題,如有醫療巻,可試政府中醫,中藥譬如山楂,丹參,三七,地龍,對通血管有一定幫助。
I can speak Chinese eloquently without extra words or dead air. Some people thought I was a DJ or MC. It's not a surprise to write in Chinese, case by case
最後修改時間: 2024-03-03 10:32:08 - #109 [alexanderkoo], 24-03-03 09:00林鄭留芳百世的金句,也許是唯一貢獻,不是愈低愈巴x閉。
No point of judging from a few figures, the overall well being should be also assessed. Dining, sleeping, exercise and growth etc. Otherwise, going for a Numerical doctor, seeing things on the monitor.
最後修改時間: 2024-03-03 09:01:42 - #108 [0925], 24-03-03 08:37https://mymedicalscore.com/blood-pressure/110-60/#:~:text=What%20does%20a%20blood%20pressure%20reading%20of%20110%2F60,systolic%20and%20diastolic%20pressure%20fall%20into%20different%20ranges.
What does a blood pressure reading of 110/60 mean?
Readings where the systolic pressure is normal (between 91 and 119) but diastolic pressure is between 50 and 60 indicate low blood pressure or what is called Hypotension. This is because the worse reading is used when systolic and diastolic pressure fall into different ranges.
What this means is the blood pressure in your arteries is lower than what is considered normal.
However, there’s usually no need to be concerned about low blood pressure unless you’re experiencing dizziness, fainting, nausea or fatigue. Hypotension may not even be diagnosed unless you’re experiencing these symptoms.
What to do if your blood pressure reading is 110/60
The first thing to do is to check your pulse. If your pulse is over 90 your heart may be compensating for the low blood pressure. Call the doctor for advice if you’re pulse is high and your experiencing any unusual symptoms.
As an aside, home blood pressure monitors are amazingly affordable and great way to stay on top of your blood pressure. So invest in your health and check out Amazon’s best rated blood pressure monitors today.
You don’t need to do anything if your pulse is normal and you’re not experiencing any symptoms.
Medications with Blood Pressure of 110/60
You may get low blood pressure as a side effect of certain medications. Already on blood pressure medication? If so it may be working too well and should be adjusted.
Talk to your doctor about adjusting your blood pressure medication dosage.
If lifestyle changes don’t work to raise your blood pressure your doctor might prescribe medicines such as Fludrocortisone, which promotes sodium retention, or Midodrine, which activates receptors in arteries to promote blood pressure.
Lifestyle Changes with Blood Pressure of 110/60
Your doctor may suggest a few lifestyle modifications for those with a blood pressure of 110/60. This will depend on the severity of your low blood pressure in combination with your other health history.
Increase Salt Intake
Most of the time doctors want you to limit sodium since it can increase your blood pressure. In this instance, that’s just what the doctor ordered!
Drink More Water
Fluids increase blood volume, which can help increase your blood pressure.
Wear Compression Stockings
In more extreme cases your doctor may want you to wear compression stockings that will limit the blood flow to your legs and keep more blood in your upper body.
Remember that what is low blood pressure for one person could be normal for another. Don’t get so hung up on the number and instead listen to your body. - 下一頁 (2 of 8)
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咁娿哿買水貨 $2xx 啦,問一問佢唔要包裝紙盒和收據可唔可以再平啲!
#126 一縷炊煙兄可能估中咗。