- #9 [dominic36], 23-09-18 14:36https://youtu.be/DafcHhrDgYI?si=hZpyy0PnYu5TYd8B
- #8 [olivea88], 23-09-18 14:33地球人識條鐵咩..... 呢個係小灰人近親... ...小cake人
- #7 [skyliner], 23-09-18 13:25kaka
- #6 [bt99], 23-09-18 10:31存放係3星堆
- #5 [dumbdumb], 23-09-18 08:38其實點解只有外星人遺骸但冇遺物,咁即使係真嘅,亦可以係地球上嘅生物
- #4 [alexanderkoo], 23-09-18 07:08Man was created by hybridization of ape DNA and ET DNA. By "God", so to speak. That's why human resembles a bit of ET but reversed is not true. AFAIK, some humanoids are having fish/eagle heads yet human bodies.
Displaying something fake such that wise man(or pretending to be) would debunk easily. Then there is no ET. Common tactics.
最後修改時間: 2023-09-18 07:10:25 - #3 [敗家仔], 23-09-15 19:51所以用人樣出現既外星人好流
- #2 [lekin], 23-09-15 18:04:宇宙浩瀚,50光年範圍內,已可能有不同形式嘅生命體存在,不一定以人體形式
- #1 [iku000], 23-09-15 11:34
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