- #43 [Nikkor], 25-02-18 21:46
- #42 [Nikkor], 25-02-18 02:31
- #41 [Nikkor], 25-02-16 00:06
- #40 [Nikkor], 25-02-15 11:30
The smartest thing she said was her country doesn't want to fight the US
EU Foreign Affairs Representative Responds To JD Vance's Speech: He ‘Tried To Pick A Fight’
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 11:30:46 - #39 [Nikkor], 25-02-15 04:30
- #38 [Nikkor], 25-02-12 04:10
Hamas put on a display of releasing the hostages like something from the Hunger Games! DISGUSTING! - #37 [Seagull], 25-02-11 01:46
- #36 [Nikkor], 25-02-11 01:30
This guy never sleeps, he's literally on our news feed 24/7
- #35 [Nikkor], 25-02-10 03:32
- #34 [simpleman], 25-02-09 12:23中国主席個女在何方???喺唔喺跟姓習,定喺姓彭、姓孟?音信全無!
- #33 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-09 07:51移民未,使美金未、入籍未
「一言既出、駟馬難追」 - #32 [Nikkor], 25-02-09 07:25
These kinds of footages never shown any previous administration before. Massive love from Japan - #31 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-09 01:21重唔多謝D大^_^萬能key圖
有人PM我稱呼你叫隔甩底屎塔蓋^_^ - #30 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-09 01:09等你條白痴Nikkor移到民先算啦
最後修改時間: 2025-02-09 01:10:30 - #29 [Nikkor], 25-02-09 01:05
Delete USAID and put the 50 BILLION dollar budget into the social security fund. An American fund for Americans not foreign countries like Columbia, Serbia, Afghanistan, South Africa. - #28 [Nikkor], 25-02-07 01:51
We do need our faith back, peace and help each other, all Glory to our Eternal Loving Creator Father. - #27 [Nikkor], 25-02-06 06:36
Thank you for your professionalism and service. You are doing a great job. God bless you and bless America. - #26 [Nikkor], 25-02-05 04:28
An absolute pleasure listening to someone that gives clear straight answers. - #25 [Nikkor], 25-02-04 06:57
Trump Signs New Executive Orders While Taking Questions From Reporters In Oval Office
特朗普在1月19日就任總統當日即簽署行政命令,暫緩執行上述國會禁令75天,希望TikTok能夠在期內易手,不再由中資控制,而美國在收購TikTok的合營企業佔50%權益。 - #24 [Nikkor], 25-02-02 21:05
Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt has a Ph.D in kicking some butt. I love her integrity and professionalism. What a breath of fresh air. She is setting the bar for her colleagues. Well done!!
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What do you expect in a city and state led by stupid corrupt politicians ?
最後修改時間: 2025-02-18 21:50:59