- #1 [leicaholic], 22-01-25 12:27
- #2 [BB1668], 22-01-25 12:30
黃世澤幾分鐘評論 20220124 - #3 [GP], 22-01-25 13:17一邊增兵烏克蘭,一邊南海雙航母,仲有冇廢同通脹,老人家唔知撐唔撐得往。
- #4 [BB1668], 22-01-25 13:43
- #5 [klinsmanner], 22-01-25 13:47start considering it's just a show between nato countries and putin himself in order to jeopardize or give joke to the olympic games from feb 4 onwards
look at us stock market last night...keep going up - #6 [kccCK], 22-01-25 18:23[有消息称:82空降师第三旅,将在未来的72小时内部署到欧洲。]
美帝伸手了。 - #7 [kccCK], 22-01-25 18:28
- #8 [DeepSea^^], 22-01-25 19:11現在美國事先張揚,迫北極熊表態不會開戰。
- #9 [micromegamah], 22-01-25 19:25剛剛新聞話俄軍已經集結十二萬軍人...
- #10 [H9713325], 22-01-25 20:08等烏克蘭東部d親俄勢力開始攪事俄軍先有藉口出兵。
- #11 [kccCK], 22-01-26 07:32
- #12 [alexanderkoo], 22-01-26 08:05
Already there, invasion of Ukraine, though staying in St. Petersburg. Would need lots of money to support the girl's original family. Same for HKer Vs Mainlander a decade ago.
- #13 [peewee], 22-01-26 08:37今次中國肯定
睇下點樣可以攻打台灣 - #14 [落雨路], 22-01-26 08:57我就唔信強國敢郁TW, 打咀炮就叻!
- #15 [lym], 22-01-26 09:52但在這事態上歐美無疑比左個好差的訊息比充共。就係無論玩到點,搏懵到點,都只係會制裁。像俄佬不斷部署集結增兵,打開哂牌呢打,都只係面對咁無力的回應。
最後修改時間: 2022-01-26 09:53:40 - #16 [我是一個人], 22-01-26 09:52當年盧溝橋咁樣 話唔見咗士兵 要入去搵
- #17 [bigleung], 22-01-26 09:59
- #18 [degalle], 22-01-26 10:52克里米亞之後,北極熊食髓知味,西歐再繼續綏靖,吞埋班左膠政客落肚至醒啦
- #19 [lym], 22-01-26 10:55不如不換肩又學吓企廿萬人係福建海邊睇下。
- #20 [kccCK], 22-01-27 20:08
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