- #1 [klnking], 16-01-07 09:52今天香港開始有 請問有什麼推介呢
- #2 [waitoria], 16-01-07 10:00如果你鍾意煲舊美國劇同佢自己嘅劇就訂得過。
Netflix而家無乜好電影睇。 - #3 [dttmtong], 16-01-07 10:07係咪要新版 apple tv 先睇到?
- #4 [mrbeansr], 16-01-07 10:27係咪要新版 apple tv 先睇到?
Seems no. Just subscribed.
You can choose any 2 screens from:
apple TV, smart TV, Desktop, tablet, phone etc.
I am low-tech.
Desktop now OK
Smart Tv not yet, wifi problem?
Going to hospital
Will look see look see later. - #5 [一號2世], 16-01-07 10:30Xbox One has Netflix apps.
- #6 [klnking], 16-01-07 10:30電腦,PS4, Apple TV都可以
- #7 [klnking], 16-01-07 10:31咩叫look see look see
6C6C? - #8 [klnking], 16-01-07 10:36
- #9 [tsonga], 16-01-07 11:09Just subscribed the Ultra HD plan, will try 1 month and see.
There are dramas and movies, but not as many choices as US - #10 [dttmtong], 16-01-07 11:12唔該曬 bean sir
- #11 [Ming Sir], 16-01-07 11:20Oppo 已原生有 Netflix apps (美國用), 我諗香港應該都得啩!?
最後修改時間: 2016-01-07 11:20:28 - #12 [Ming Sir], 16-01-07 16:49Any English and/or Chinese subtitles ? Thx !
- #13 [Kelvinzy], 16-01-07 17:00Oppo 已原生有 Netflix apps (美國用), 我諗香港應該都得啩!?
我覺得應該用唔到香港 - #14 [Ming Sir], 16-01-07 17:10Got the answer:
試睇 Netflix 上的高清電影,在寬頻環境下載入時間不消 10 秒,畫質相當不錯,而且全數影片皆已提供外掛式的中文字幕,方便香港用戶觀賞
最後修改時間: 2016-01-07 17:16:42 - #15 [Ming Sir], 16-01-07 17:28Netflix 官網有講:
使用串流方案的會員能在以下列出的地區中,利用 Netflix 服務即時觀賞影片。 可用內容可能會因地而異,且會隨著時間而有所改變。
地區名單有包括美國及香港喎, 好大機會...得! - #16 [joeyd], 16-01-07 17:30
- #17 [Kelvinzy], 16-01-07 17:55宜家少內容可能因為剛剛上線
啲片部部都要配番正規中文字幕,當然需要時間 - #18 [我是一個人], 16-01-07 20:26其實我想睇amazon prime多啲
- #19 [peewee], 16-01-07 20:30Just subscribed super hd plan
Want to watch house of card
Unfortunately, not found - #20 [waitoria], 16-01-07 20:36其實可以用美國account加vpn上,不過就無中文字幕。
而家拗緊親戚啲netflix, amazon prime a/c晚晚煲劇。
Vpn acc而家都係30美元一年 - 下一頁 (1 of 38)
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