- #41 [parker75], 22-10-13 16:31
- #42 [parker75], 22-10-13 16:34alexanderkoo
>People should go to Optometrist not simply for pair of glasses but for any common types of ailments, once every few years. Only pay $350 more for some basic tests.
Wife went to both Tung wah(3 years' waiting time) and Association for the blind(not as good) for eye tests. Eyes would degenerate fast due to complexity, followed by hearing.
我朋友白內障, 等政府醫院做,要等兩年。
祝身體健康。 - #43 [沉默的膏蟹], 22-10-13 16:42我之前眼朦政府醫生寫紙轉介去葛量洪專科,封信寫明我睇唔到近野如餐牌,會影響我生活,都要排三個月先有初診。
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 16:43:12 -
- #44 [oystercake1997], 22-10-13 17:14睇眼真係唔好等政府. 遲左睇影響好大.
- #45 [parker75], 22-10-13 18:00沉默的膏蟹
甚麼問題? - #46 [御風], 22-10-13 18:05#45 睇唔到近野如餐牌?
可能係老花 - #47 [沉默的膏蟹], 22-10-13 19:04揾唔到原因,果時糖化血色素(HbA1C)去到18, 超高血糖, 到眼科照完正常,試左用老花鏡可以睇得清。就出去配左副。
之後個普通科醫生話咁可能係血糖高令眼球d水濁咗,不過都只係推斷。 - #48 [alexanderkoo], 22-10-14 07:22If having high blood pressure and/or high glucose, the retina is adversely affected, even causing internal bleeding. Eyesight is not a fixed value, as related to health condition and diurnal fluctuations. Besides, varying focal length with distance of viewing to avoid over-correction. One set of glasses is very rudimentary. So, don't brag on how expensive the glasses.
Presbyopia (lo fa) is very common due to heavy use of mobile.Would need kind of magnifying glasses. There is test chart on the Internet.
Apply 20/20/20 rule, watch something 20 ft away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. - #49 [parker75], 22-10-14 09:13沉默的膏蟹
>揾唔到原因,果時糖化血色素(HbA1C)去到18, 超高血糖, 到眼科照完正常,試左用老花鏡可以睇得清。就出去配左副。
一般醫生,又無特別測試,好難估到專科醫生都搵唔到的原因。 - #50 [parker75], 22-10-14 09:16alexanderkoo
>If having high blood pressure and/or high glucose, the retina is adversely affected, even causing internal bleeding. Eyesight is not a fixed value, as related to health condition and diurnal fluctuations. Besides, varying focal length with distance of viewing to avoid over-correction. One set of glasses is very rudimentary. So, don't brag on how expensive the glasses.
Presbyopia (lo fa) is very common due to heavy use of mobile.Would need kind of magnifying glasses. There is test chart on the Internet.
Apply 20/20/20 rule, watch something 20 ft away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
不過現在D人越來越快有老花。 - #51 [沉默的膏蟹], 22-10-14 10:31#49
最後修改時間: 2022-10-14 10:34:20 - #52 [JC8852], 22-10-14 13:21本人曾患 ‘’飛蚊症‘’ 數年至痊癒,供大家分享:
由於工作關係,每天對著電腦約五六小時, 又睇手機, 喜歡到沙灘 曬太陽。
初時感覺眼睛間中有黑色細點飄浮, 時間長了那細點 逐漸 變大及間中有透明的 浮點, 持續數年, 到後期,那黑色點變了 一隻蚊子的形狀,及 間中有閃電。
往眼科求診,做眼底檢查, 及安排翌日做 視網膜 激光治療, 當天射了97 槍。 據醫生解釋,若然 大量積水入了視網膜 ,有機會令 視網膜 脫落, 視網膜脫落的手術費較貴。
本人做了激光治療直至今天已經 8 年 ,在猛烈陽光下,眼睛間中會有微細的黑點浮現, 最好戴防紫外光的太陽眼鏡來保護眼睛。
若各位發現眼睛間中有黑點或透明點浮現, 尤其是發現 "閃電" ,這是危險的警告 !! 最好即時向眼科醫生求助 ; 檢查眼底。
最後修改時間: 2022-10-14 13:32:12 - #53 [alexanderkoo], 22-10-14 13:46Sunshine is useful but don't go to the extreme. The reflective light on sea is devastating especially for fisherman, causing premature cataract. Glucoma is another issue.Besides AGE, not exactly age but advanced glycation end product due to excessive sugar and simply carb. Cancer as well, got a few relatives suffering from such. High percentage.
Early sign of eye edema, can take Vitacost bilberry, 160mg capsule (not the one with grape seed) A friend suffering from it found the supplement useful in reducing the outbreak due to regulation of blood flow in capillary blood vessels. - #54 [parker75], 22-10-14 14:21alexanderkoo hing,
This one?
最後修改時間: 2022-10-14 14:25:18 - #55 [parker75], 22-10-14 14:24JC8852
>本人曾患 ‘’飛蚊症‘’ 數年至痊癒,供大家分享:
由於工作關係,每天對著電腦約五六小時, 又睇手機, 喜歡到沙灘 曬太陽。
初時感覺眼睛間中有黑色細點飄浮, 時間長了那細點 逐漸 變大及間中有透明的 浮點, 持續數年, 到後期,那黑色點變了 一隻蚊子的形狀,及 間中有閃電。
往眼科求診,做眼底檢查, 及安排翌日做 視網膜 激光治療, 當天射了97 槍。 據醫生解釋,若然 大量積水入了視網膜 ,有機會令 視網膜 脫落, 視網膜脫落的手術費較貴。
做視網膜激光治療當時, 視網膜有無穿孔?
祝身體健康 - #56 [alexanderkoo], 22-10-15 08:09This supplement.(wait until there is discount) Many friends found it useful. Myself, having it for a few years, on and off, no longer useful.
Reaching a saturation point, can't have continual improvement. Now, having a pack of fresh blueberry/day but the one-African blue is no longer available. In comparison, pineapple is more useful.(Dole brand from U- select).But high fructose.
最後修改時間: 2022-10-15 08:12:07 - #57 [alexanderkoo], 22-10-15 08:30#54 Maybe worth trying due to price and convenience though not standardized extract as the one I was using. Besides, Vitacost would require shipping cost of US 12 up to 4 lb (free for iherb for purchase of US 40)
Now having Life extension NAC(reducing spike protein), Carlson fish liver oil and Nature's way alive vitamin C. Don't know which one has helped to improve eyesight.
最後修改時間: 2022-10-15 08:35:27 - #58 [tonywong], 22-10-15 09:55我今年6月出事, 50歲, 有5xx度近視, 二十幾年前做了矯視
第一日放工, 出現圖形血絲, 唔大唔細
第二日放工, 即去睇專科, 即刻做laser(眼外)
幾日後, 再出血(少量)
一星期後復診, 醫生說再觀察
幾日後, 再出血(大量), 睇唔到野
一星期後復診早上, 出現死點, 下午復診, 醫生話視網膜, 已甩了一半, 即晚做了3.5鐘手術
事後問人, 有幾隻飛蚊(血點), 應該都正常, 如果突然出大量血, 應該即去睇醫生, 我錯失了
現在我左邊邊位唔清, 中間有10%位, 睇唔到野
希望對大家有用 - #59 [沉默的膏蟹], 22-10-15 11:16幾個月前我一邊眼右下面都爆晒血管紅晒唔知咩事,但又冇影響視力,見幾日都係咁走咗去睇眼科,照過晒話純係爆血管。
開咗支普通眼藥水同2日消炎藥,最後成三個禮拜先吸返晒啲血。 - #60 [Kenny], 22-10-15 13:04希望大家輕鬆吓。
有個朋友,佢仔仔係職業交易員,教老豆一招搵食,話利用港股盤前交易炒一轉,快上快落,每日都可以賺到茶錢。一個星期後,見到朋友對眼充滿紅絲….. 刪除其他千字肺話。
一定盡量要開心啲。 - 下一頁 (3 of 4)
- 返回 ...
>多謝先前各位師兄資訊, 報告一下
去旺角中心睇左眼科, 視網膜穿窿, 黑影是流出的血絲, 用激光 "燒焊" 補返個窿就得, 盛惠 $12K
排期約一星期, 全程一個鐘就走得, 聽日再約多個眼醫睇下.
隻眼以前冇傷過, 唔記得問成因, 應該唔會影響視力, 因為而家都清楚睇到, 不過有黑影,
老婆叫我睇政府 ...
剛剛做完,下次幾時再睇? (做完激光 "燒焊" 之後, 醫生通常會跟進結果點。)
正常一般檢查,大約$900 - 1,200左右。
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 16:37:19