- #636 [olddude], 25-02-16 13:36成班白痴MAGA就係greatest American suckers
- #635 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-16 12:53
我知Uncle Sam代表咩
但唔知咩叫Uncle Sucker 應該點譯 ^_^
Trump Aide Hegseth Says Europe Can't Turn Uncle Sam into Uncle Sucker | Firstpost America | N18G
Trump Aide Hegseth Says Europe Can't Turn Uncle Sam into Uncle Sucker | Firstpost America | N18G
US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth tore into European allies as he took the stage at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. Calling to make NATO great again, Hegseth lashed out at European allies for not spending enough on their defence. The Pentagon chief further warned Europe it can't turn "Uncle Sam into Uncle Sucker". Hegseth's remarks came as he firmly asked NATO countries not to rely on the US for Europe's defence. President Donald Trump has long threatened NATO allies of letting Russia "do whatever the hell it wants" if they continue to shoulder their defence burden on America. Meanwhile, Hegseth also rejected criticism of Washington's strategy to negotiate with Russia to end the war in Ukraine. - #634 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-16 12:12
Tulsi Gabbard 是退役陸軍上校,打過第二次伊拉克戰爭,曾擔任四屆夏威夷州的民主黨衆議員,她強烈反對拜登政府介入俄烏戰爭及多次在公衆頻道公開譴責政府在烏克蘭援建十幾個生化實驗室,她被拜登政府列為A List 監聴名單人物,亦被烏克蘭政府列為「不受歡迎人物」及稱為「俄羅斯間諜/Russian Asset」,她於2022年退出民主黨,亦在多次公開場合發表反戰言論,並指責民主共和黨有大量為軍工複合體效力的好戰份子(Warmongers)及新保守份子(Neo-Conservatives,俗稱NeoCons 牛康派),令美國長期介入不必要的戰爭,令稅金不能用於改善基建設施及搞好經濟。
Tulsi Gabbard & Piers Morgan Disagree On Ukraine War
Neocons Fueling A Proxy War” - Tulsi Gabbard Warns Ukraine vs Russia Is The Next "Forever War
Tulsi Gabbard Calls For The Closing Of Secret American Bioweapon Labs in the Ukraine
最後修改時間: 2025-02-16 12:14:05 -
- #633 [浩男123], 25-02-16 12:05打左三年,雙方都傷亡慘重,戰事在膠著狀態,唔搵位談判,唔通一路打落去?
- #632 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-16 11:51Tulsi Gabbard
最後修改時間: 2025-02-16 11:52:31 - #631 [Dlbf], 25-02-16 11:36Kakaka
- #630 [bt99], 25-02-16 10:30普癲被國際制裁3年,甚至發出全球拘捕令,等同過街老鼠,
如今由侵侵拖住手,帶返上國際舞台前方,鐵兄弟也。 - #629 [浩男123], 25-02-16 10:27上任一個月即展開俄烏停火會談,拜登又係連尾燈都見唔到!就任一個月,做嘅嘢比阿糟成個任期都要多!
- #628 [Nikkor], 25-02-16 07:47
This was shot down only after it completed its mission. Another sad chapter of the Biden administration.
Chinese spy balloon contents revealed
- #627 [Nikkor], 25-02-16 03:47
Trump's mugshot now hanging outside Oval Office
President Trump is the G.O.A.T !
最後修改時間: 2025-02-16 03:48:18 - #626 [lee958], 25-02-16 03:19
- #625 [Xylitol], 25-02-16 01:50癲佬用 marker 簽署行政命令!
- #624 [Nikkor], 25-02-15 22:19
It's not waste, it's FRAUD
Rand Paul Lists Example After Example Of 'Wasteful' Spending By USAID
- #623 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-15 22:03
- #622 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-15 22:00
用返ICAC老廉「官職與收入不相稱」來要求被調查的人解釋, 就係打擊貪污、濫權和欺詐最好的切入點
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 22:04:29 - #621 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-15 21:51
2025年馬斯克交代身後事,背水一戰揭露深層政府陰謀! 效率部大清算美國國際開發署USAID! 牽涉跨國貪腐、情報滲透、顛覆活動和生化武器研究! 民主黨包庇一切! 深層政府邪惡計劃將曝光【上帝的信徒】
深層政府,暗中操控世界??? | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - #620 [bt99], 25-02-15 21:28馬斯克周四帶着女友與3個孩子,到美國總統國賓館布萊爾宮(Blair House)與莫迪會面,隨行的還有一群保姆。會面期間,馬斯克向莫迪送贈禮物時,3個孩子圍住了莫迪。
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 21:29:13 - #619 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-15 18:24
Reuters, AP, New York Times 通通都有收水
川普馬斯克整肅USAID 控拜登政府資助媒體 | 美聯社拒用"美國灣" 遭封殺禁入橢圓辦公室採訪 【全球現場】20250215 @全球大視野 - #618 [george1977v5i.], 25-02-15 18:21
JD Vance代表老細在Munich Security Conference 屌鳩歐洲政界縱容左膠和非法移民,而且在烏克蘭問題上不作為,只係想依賴美帝出手
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 18:25:22 - #617 [bt99], 25-02-15 14:10>> 彈入彈出未見過?
良策。。奧妙之處在於,你唔知我幾時彈入呀嘛,你又唔知我彈出幾多呀嘛 - 下一頁 (1 of 32)
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