- #38 [alexanderkoo], 22-04-03 07:07
- #37 [alexanderkoo], 22-04-03 06:38From second hand market, half.the price. A bit too good to be true especially from HK seller.
https://www.dcfever.com/trading/view.php?id=9540041 - #36 [alexanderkoo], 22-04-03 05:51#33 No need to worry, it can be an open system inside a box not fully covered, as different from using a mask. Simply watch out the vital sign for proper breathing rate for percentage adjustment.70% as start. Can also see colour of tongue and paw. If too low, most of the oxygen would escape and being wasted. Even for human, the air volume each minute is very low at 0.5 L.
Local adjustment at the appliance is quite convenient. The display is on the top so can't see too much using remote control, only voice for flow rate, not duration. You can still buy the remote from the same seller.
最後修改時間: 2022-04-03 05:57:20 -
- #35 [呀金], 22-04-02 18:51一般手機沒有IR功能,就算有,都只可以發射而不能接收,即係不能學習其他遙控的編碼,如果你用手機遙控app,又找到支援你部機,咁十分好彩。(手機沒有IR功能可以用一粒3.5mm音響插頭加一粒紅外線發射LED,DIY後插在手機phone jack代替)。
就算你有IR讀取設備,都要揾到個遙控去讀取code。 - #34 [mcdull], 22-04-02 18:17#29
Its difficult if you do not have the hardware to catpure the IR code.
Some cheap accessories can be attached to the android phone and use 遙控精靈 for the purpose. But dont border to get one if no daily needs.
And I usually uses the boardlink rmpro to read and send ir code.
Its handy to have the IR to control the unit with voice command (through smart home gateway), but manual control is good enough for ad-hoc purpose. - #33 [mcdull], 22-04-02 18:06#32
一方面係 standby for covid. 另一方面係 buy time for my cat if having respiratory issue.
For these 2 cases, what safety oxygen level should be use for which means to supply?
我諗covid case, 應該係用鼻氧管, 70% 2L
for cat case, 應該係一個膠箱, 半開放式加 55% 3L 會合適? 我隻貓只係 2.7KG, 而且係扁面.... 所以呼吸一向都唔太好.. - #32 [alexanderkoo], 22-04-02 13:49$1,200 for Haier Vs $12,000 for Taiwan one, both 1L/min. Two different categories and price level. Can't say which one is better. However, if one is now having respiratory or cardiovascular disease, one may wish to buy a quality one. Otherwise, simply buy an inexpensive one for standby purpose, just preparing for COVID infection.
Based on technology, PSA oxygenator won't last long though claimed to be 5 year lifetime. No consumable/spare part purchase for the zeolite stone and the swing valve. Even there is, won't be cheap either.
I did work on the largest PSA system in the territory, which supplied concentrated oxygen to ozonator.
最後修改時間: 2022-04-02 13:52:42 - #31 [Mercury2015], 22-04-02 13:25
- #30 [alexanderkoo], 22-04-02 11:01Principle of PSA, copy from Haier manual. One reagent tube adsorbs nitrogen and passes through oxygen while the other purging nitrogen to surrounding via the swinging valve, and vice versa.
Air flow at 90% 1L/min. was feeble, difficult to feel so size never too large. May buy 3 L one if you're serious. Used 70% 2 L. setpoint.(not exactly output measurement) Very quiet except appliance purging sound. Extra mask is $12, must buy.
最後修改時間: 2022-04-02 11:03:25 - #29 [alexanderkoo], 22-03-29 19:10Got the generator, but no information on code, only a small remote control. Any means to retrieve?
- #28 [alexanderkoo], 22-03-28 09:34Only got the Haier oximeter few days ago. The oxygenator, earliest today. One year warranty, won't bother to ship back.
最後修改時間: 2022-03-28 09:34:30 - #27 [mcdull], 22-03-28 09:24#24
did you get yours with remote?
I got the cheapest model, and CS said it also have remote receiver but I do not have those IR code. See if you can managed to share. Thanks. - #26 [mcdull], 22-03-07 14:58@alexanderkoo
HA105 最平基本款有間賣 549.
我諗我都係買返海尔算.. 大部少少就大部少少.. - #25 [mcdull], 22-03-07 14:24我post果隻 2KG 等效 5L 先 500人仔.. 有得諗...
我比隻貓用, 可以開 3L @ 47% - #24 [alexanderkoo], 22-03-07 13:27Don't spend too much, won't last long. Around RMB 1000 would be ok. Just treat it as a toy. Already told my kid to buy the Haier one with remote control tomorrow if having discount.
The one used in industry had deficiency in generating higher conc. of oxygen since commissioning. A small guy climbed inside the tank to re-align the zeolite pebbles.
最後修改時間: 2022-03-07 13:29:18 - #23 [mcdull], 22-03-07 13:20
- #22 [mcdull], 22-03-07 13:18Yuwell 同 Haier 都係 5KG 以上既大size. 我真心想搵部細既... 唔知有冇選擇.
- #21 [alexanderkoo], 22-03-06 08:52Buy only when there's volume discount on 8/3. Or Yuwell brand. Otherwise, it only lasts 1-2 years due to intrinsic design, may not worth pursuing.
- #20 [alexanderkoo], 22-03-05 11:56Warning- Don't smoke in bed. The one I worked on was based on PSA, pressure swing adsorption(not absorption) for industrial ozonation plant input oxygen. For better production of ozone, it would need concentrated oxygen by removing atmospheric nitrogen via zeolite (volcanic stone) which is kind of consumable. Besides, the swing valves having numerous cycles per minute would have wear and tear due to frequent on and off. Tends to be quite problematic. The other source is LOX, liquid oxygen tank as standby.
I thought you're talking about cryogenic via liquefaction of air on industrial basis.
Came across this renowned Haier brand. Won't hurt to buy a smaller unit for fun, namely 1L. Good for single person.(used with oximeter)
https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-b-s.w4011-22880023639.74.2bbb5555XMbtKp&id=604531111753&rn=1d2f25479dfc84db7421d450ea209428&abbucket=1&skuId=4818015899264 - #19 [呀金], 22-03-03 16:16
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