- #1 [raymond229], 24-04-14 09:27請教各位師兄:我部科寶膽機S6i KT88 開機時聽到右邊有炮仗嘅聲音,隨即關了機,發覺右邊最尾嗰隻kt88膽特別熱,拆開部機檢查沒有發現零件銷毀,請問怎樣修理?
- #2 [alexanderkoo], 24-04-14 10:00Check bias around 50 ma or according to manual value. Swop tubes or replace the faulty one by new one. If not ok, may be bias circuit problem. B+ should be ok, high voltage one , common to all tubes.
最後修改時間: 2024-04-14 10:02:13 - #3 [Baker.Steven], 24-04-14 14:21師兄,拎去俾師傅整啦,如果您懂檢查,自然懂得維修!
- #4 [daddykool], 24-04-14 14:30...
香港有幾個月回南天嘅時候 .... 從來不開膽機
. - #5 [Mercury2015], 24-04-14 14:33首先膽機如果是用 AC 電 是大功率電器, 危險性高, 如果自己不是做開這行而且是合資格工程人員就應該 請有經驗的合資格技師幫忙.
最後修改時間: 2024-04-14 14:40:05 - #6 [alexanderkoo], 24-04-14 14:53For electrical appliances, there is no need for electrical worker registration. However, basic knowledge is still a must. Internal, namely DC in B+ up to 500 V for KT 88 tubes pp. For 211, 845 triode etc, can be 800 V DC. Anything above 120 V DC is not safe voltage. Can it kill someone? It depends, 1 ma flowing through heart can kill, especially across two arms of shortest path. Current flow can be quite high, not limited as other electronic device.
最後修改時間: 2024-04-14 15:02:56 - #7 [alexanderkoo], 24-04-15 09:02沒有回應?若不是胆問题,一般做法是拔除所有胆,(胆整流另計)用两個8oHM电阻固定在每個LR输出,用可变壓火牛接驳220V 輸入,测试各点電壓,不要太高,否則爆电容,如死了輸出牛,也可以另外用低電压驳在輸出来测試,看輸入电压比例
最後修改時間: 2024-04-15 09:04:51 - #8 [raymond229], 24-04-18 23:55多謝各位C HING向本人提供宝貴意見,我將2隻胆對調後,炮仗聲在左邊發岀,證明是其中一隻胆有問題,特別多謝
alexanderkoo C HING 提供多種方法去測試讓一知半解的我很快找到答案,謝謝 ! - #9 [伊雲士], 24-04-19 02:12恭喜
咁去淘返粒旦就搞掂啦! - #10 [alexanderkoo], 24-04-19 06:14通常用大陸蛋做炮灰,輸出驳水泥大火數5w電阻,不要驳喇叭,試好才用大金獅之類及驳喇叭,最好試有沒有DC,mV output,直流輸出,幾個mV可接受, 以防電容已打穿coupling capacitor
就算消了輸出牛也不用怕,大陸的$200可有,最重要知道輸入抗阻5600ohm ?,push pull輸出是8ohm,及火數,尺寸
最後修改時間: 2024-04-19 06:24:51 - #11 [raymond229], 24-04-19 11:10非常多謝各C Hing提供宝貴的意見 !
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