- #1 [Ivan913], 24-12-01 23:00
- #2 [new68u], 24-12-01 23:17if it's a series, go to the last episode and fast forward to the end. It should then disappear from your list. If it's an ongoing series, you'll have to wait till the finale.
Works with movies, too. - #3 [Philippe], 24-12-02 08:16Netflix方便得多,可以按交义移除.
- #4 [Ming Sir], 24-12-02 19:54Disney+ 個介面真係好唔掂,啲介紹又唔湯唔水,搵戲又搵唔到!
- #5 [ich], 24-12-02 20:18兩個services都subscribe, 我屋企睇Disney + 清好多, 老婆煲劇時我一睇就知Netflix 定Disney+
- #6 [new68u], 24-12-02 21:11Netflix壓得勁啲?
- #7 [Ming Sir], 24-12-02 22:34我都係兩個都有拾乖,Disney 介面真係唔掂,但聲效同動態就完勝 Netflix,猶其是睇 movie !
- #8 [Ivan913], 24-12-02 23:39#2
It works, thanks! - 返回 ...