- #27028 [kevinso], 23-12-01 17:56
- #27027 [羅密歐], 23-12-01 16:32#27026 正確。
- #27026 [kevinso], 23-12-01 16:24請教各位師兄,Leak 20果粒32uf+32uf電容接腳三個顏色黑、紅、黃,黑色是負極正確嗎?
- #27025 [伊雲士], 23-11-12 17:08G兄还健在嗎?
- #27024 [fotheringay], 23-11-12 16:55
Thanks, from this with..........
.................these.....then to .........
最後修改時間: 2023-11-12 17:09:06 - #27023 [newfocus], 23-11-12 16:51声和手工都好靚 !
- #27022 [fotheringay], 23-11-12 15:53It is a pair of Tannoy 3LZ Monitor Gold 10".
I made a bigger DIY box to increase the internal volume. - #27021 [newfocus], 23-11-12 13:22請問fotheringay 兄對天朗是甚麼型号?
- #27020 [fotheringay], 23-07-02 16:02
Not sure if people heard the name of EmporiumHifi in the UK.
Nick is the owner and his warehouse is only about 10 minutes drive from my home. In the past I bought something there for myself and friends in HK. I was asking him to match my single Leak TL12 Plus.
While waiting I am trying out some valve equipments from him.
First was the Art Audio Integra EL34 Int. amp. I like the sound but during play one of the caps exploded in front of me!! Quite scary.
Then he said why not the Leak Stereo 20 since I heard Leak TL12 Plus and they should sound the same.
I quite like the sound of the Art Audio. The Leak Stereo 20 is better though even though it is matched with a cheap passive preamp.
Here we go. - #27019 [rcwy], 22-10-29 12:33
罕有原裝外殼 12.1 及 25A 都合用, 有冇人有興趣? - #27018 [taimonsing], 22-07-10 12:28各位大神,請問一下各位12.1既TCC係十幾年後有冇漏呀?
- #27017 [fotheringay], 22-05-15 08:15
Being a Leak TL12/Plus user by accident.
Was aiming to buy a single Altec 604c speaker and the owner gave a single TL12/Plus!!!
最後修改時間: 2022-05-15 08:16:20 - #27016 [wongmondie], 21-03-01 08:46Leak 2060 speaker 和 Leak 600 speaker 除了中音唔一樣其它大致相同,唔知效果有幾大分別?
- #27015 [wongmondie], 21-02-28 22:52Leak Delta 70我在澳洲也有一部,音色不俗
- #27014 [ordinaryman], 21-02-28 16:19.
- #27013 [ordinaryman], 21-02-28 16:17未玩過Leak的蛋機,但多年前買落部Leak Delta 70 同 對2030喇叭
Leak的工程師曾在訪問中表示好野唔洗改,所以 Delta 70 = Stereo 70, 就好似 Quad 咁成十年先轉一次款,d 聲我都覺得似Quad,重濃味 d,但不hi fi
2030己是第二丶三代 sandwich 喇叭,個人感覺幾好,網上有人話因為sandwich的低音盆較重,最好隔幾年將喇叭倒放一段時間來平衡紙盆的位置云云 - #27012 [wongmondie], 21-02-23 10:25Leak膽机好聲係人都知,有冇人玩過它的原子粒合拼机,如Stereo 30或70?水準如何?
- #27011 [Pilotrol], 21-02-11 19:07Happy New Year!
- #27010 [rcwy], 21-02-10 00:33
Sorry to copy the following to alert my old 'friends'... although I enjoy, please not to find me in the air. :)
你好,爬文之後,知道你乃Leak膽機專家,亦知道你之前幫其他網友進行測試及翻新。小弟有部Leak ST20現想重拾英國聲,不知道你可否幫忙?先謝過。
Sorry! Not in the right time.
I don't think you can pay me to my perfect happiness. Actually I am not interested in $.
Wish you find your right sifu soon.
Don't try to find me... I am leaving in a jet plane... - #27009 [rcwy], 21-02-09 10:30
(Sorry to repeat)
I start to realise that people keep returning must be nostalgic, so am I.
拜個早早年... 恭喜發財 ! 牛年香港會更好, 有政客倒台, 大家就會更好 :) - 下一頁 (1 of 1346)
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最後修改時間: 2023-12-01 18:03:37