- #1355 [benjamin61], 23-07-28 16:40My cat in a sweet dream
- #1354 [hahayanyan], 23-07-27 17:55That big cat is quite famous too
Happy cats happy life
Haha - #1353 [無聊會員], 23-07-27 01:24
really big cat, really big black cat, all cats love milk.
最後修改時間: 2023-07-27 14:43:38 -
- #1352 [Jblfriends], 23-07-26 17:52MoonMoon你好嗎?
- #1351 [hahayanyan], 23-07-26 17:17Happy Sunny day
- #1350 [olivea88], 23-07-06 18:55she black she black you know it,
- #1349 [Nikkor], 23-07-06 17:00
Nyakim Gatwech is an Ethiopian-born American model of South Sudanese descent. Nyakim Gatwech's parents lived in Maiwut, South Sudan, before they fled the Second Sudanese civil war to Gambela, Ethiopia where Nyakim was born. From there, they migrated to Kenya where they lived in refugee camps, until they finally migrated to the US, when she was 14 years old. Originally settling in Buffalo, New York, Nyakim later moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has stated that, while she has never been to South Sudan, she considers herself South Sudanese.
- #1348 [Hiroto], 23-07-06 16:38貓可以黑千祈唔好西黑
- #1347 [Hiroto], 23-07-06 16:36大黑洞
- #1346 [olivea88], 23-07-04 16:02黑肉斷腸 gap ....^_^
- #1345 [samlui], 23-07-04 14:17聽聞呢啲特別滑嘅
(^^)(^^) - #1344 [Hiroto], 23-07-04 10:52我寧願打飛機都食唔落呢隻黑貓><
- #1343 [olivea88], 23-07-04 08:51#1337
. - #1342 [Hiroto], 23-07-04 05:45人不如貓
- #1341 [hahayanyan], 23-07-04 02:527:50pm
Sun bathing after dinner..
真係識 享受人生 haha - #1340 [hahayanyan], 23-07-03 18:41And one of our visitor
Haha - #1339 [hahayanyan], 23-07-03 18:41Sunday need massages.. This mornjng...circling around my pc.. Haha
- #1338 [hahayanyan], 23-07-02 22:48Haha I find U la
- #1337 [Hiroto], 23-07-02 22:40多多聲氣L…….LL
- #1336 [Kenny], 23-07-02 16:43日本有好多工具可以減少貓毛。我見過有脫毛手套,脫毛梳等等。當貓貓細细個,乜嘢都冇事。當貓貓大個,幫佢打理毛毛,佢哋會好開心。
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