- #993 [hahayanyan], 22-11-12 12:33
- #992 [孟波], 22-11-12 11:53PA01賣相和定價同TA-N902完全冇得比,唯一優勢係後生成廿八年(03vs85),一個新紥師兄,一個老而彌堅,肯定有一番惡鬥。
- #991 [孟波], 22-11-12 11:02haha兄據我所知,鈴木哲在馬蘭士/飛利浦年代以至今日soulnote,都喜歡配搭B&W的喇叭,就算用PA 01,02開show都用上同amp價位不成比例的高階B&W喇叭。
- #990 [hahayanyan], 22-11-12 00:58ball sir
then what speakers mr 鈴木哲 use ?
keen to know
i am watching soulnote web site now..haha
haha - #989 [孟波], 22-11-12 00:28haha兄,
係呀,廿幾年前玩過神奇的Philips LHH P700無回輸前級和現在一對LHH-A700擴音機都係鈴木哲手筆,現在佢自己間公司叫soul note. - #988 [hahayanyan], 22-11-12 00:04ball Sir
Just google 鈴木哲 also designed those Philips LHH too - #987 [孟波], 22-11-11 23:29haha兄,
呢set 機的設計師叫鈴木哲,或者係佢個名畀我一個不凡的感覺從而產生信心,哈哈。 - #986 [hahayanyan], 22-11-11 23:20#984
ball sir
kind of understand that feeling..............
but not happened to me for long time because of hifi
u seem to have a lucky year..haha
haha - #985 [孟波], 22-11-11 23:17HaHa 兄,
買多部PA-01作BTL暫時不打算住,反而想揾埋該設計師同糸列製作,大一級輸出的PA-02,呢部機可能會係我手上最(樣衰)的一部機,但日本國內評價又幾高,有目標真幸福。:) - #984 [孟波], 22-11-11 23:09haha 兄:
好大鑊,AF-01同Exclusive C7的比試還未進行,兩部TA-N902只拆了一部包裝開聲仍未試真,今日又收到呢部PA-01,最慘係是旦一部都可以滿足我,使我懶得左右駁綫作比較,坐低享受音樂就唔想郁。
看來人老就係咁求其,或者叫包容,哈哈。 - #983 [hahayanyan], 22-11-11 21:23Ball sir
又有有趣嘅精品介紹啦.. So nice
相片中見到有一部, 如果好聽咁 買多一部?
*****Google *****
A professional monitor amplifier developed to drive small monitors for recording / editing studios and near field monitors for private recording systems.
The amplifier consists of an all-Non-NFB discrete amplifier, and realizes frequency characteristics extending up to the MHz band and overwhelming high-speed response.
NFB is a technology that cancels out the distortion by inverting the output of the amplifier and returning it to the input again. It is adopted in most audio amplifiers. In this method, static characteristics such as distortion and frequency characteristics can be improved as the amount of NFB is increased. However, dynamic characteristics are deteriorated by stabilizing a large amount of NFB. Even if an amplifier circuit or power supply is composed of high-speed elements, its ability cannot be demonstrated and it cannot follow music signals that change instantaneously.
In the PA series, not only the current amplifier stage but also the voltage amplifier stage are all Non-NFB configuration which completely eliminates NFB, so the linearity of input / output is greatly improved.
A fully balanced 400 VA R core transformer and 1,000 μ F / 63 μ F/63Vx20 electrolytic capacitors, and is a ± separate rectified high-speed power supply.
Equipped with various line input selectors and volume.
It can also be used as a monaural high-power amplifier with BTL connection by switching the front panel selector.
最後修改時間: 2022-11-11 21:24:40 - #982 [孟波], 22-11-11 21:09兩部sony TA-N902是意外驚喜,其實之前我說找的後級是AF-01的元配PA-01,它和我手上其他non NFB的後級相比,連電壓放大級也没有施加負回輸,今天收到了,好大期望。
- #981 [孟波], 22-11-02 10:05各位老友,sorry for late reply....
haha 兄, TA-N902是有220v本地版本的,info2K兄也說了。
TA-N902昨日剛送抵,小弟仍未開聲,可能下午打風時趁機玩餐飽,試音報告待試真後再上。? - #980 [info2k], 22-11-01 14:10波 Sir 真識貨, 呢台機中原 1986 年大減價都要六千幾, Esprit 系列最後期産品, 正呀
- #979 [孟波], 22-11-01 14:01Oh sorry,電話睇到左睇唔到右,原來係久未交流的羅蜜歐兄兼大師,好高興。
- #978 [hahayanyan], 22-11-01 13:56Ball前輩
was 羅密歐 guess right...
not me..haha
i forget those hifi historical nice item for long time.......
i need to be reminded..
in the past ,. i had no knowledge for those philips and that sony TA-N902 too
that sony TA-N902 also only 100V only ?
nice to learn....
當年曾主編講嘅嘢信得過... Haha
happy to tell us more about the sound of that sony TA-N902 ?
最後修改時間: 2022-11-01 14:01:44 - #977 [孟波], 22-11-01 13:52自己也忘記了曾出帖討論過這機。
- #976 [孟波], 22-11-01 13:48haha兄你猜對了,這部LHH-A700也是無總回輸設計,小弟也在多年前入了兩部享受中,我剛剛入手的是這對sony TA-N902,陳主編讚不絕口話好聲過Rowland, Krell 和FM的石機,不過主編冇研究這機是NFB的,我是送了貨冇變數後才敢post出來,哈哈。
- #975 [hahayanyan], 22-11-01 11:26oh..such interesting things
Ball 前輩 mentioned something about philips in the past..
https://audio-database.com/PHILIPS/amp/lhha700.html - #974 [羅密歐], 22-11-01 11:19#972 讓我來猜猜,是這一台後級嗎?
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Fro. Your 觀察者四十多年的 power amp, 可以運用嘅電子零件, 這幾十年有沒有一些比較新的及有 明顯認為好聲音的 的電子零件?
等我都上網睇下any soul note video
朋友個朋友買咗部soul note phono stage, 都好似用得好開心