- #1 [kkaries], 12-01-29 20:48高人幫助 用klangfilm 10吋全音單元做了一对有趣的ob.
- #2 [welborne], 12-01-29 20:55They are Telekunken 10" red nipples plus pioneer/TAD ribbon tweeter?
- #3 [kkaries], 12-01-29 21:19WELBORNE兄
Klangfilm L307+Pioneer ribbon7III -
- #4 [welborne], 12-01-29 21:25Interesting! Where are they? My friemd in germany recently built a pair like these too but have the tweeters, a paper one, placed in the centre of the horn. I have seen similar projects by the russian audio artist Atelier Rullit, intetested in kmowing a bit more about them
- #5 [kkaries], 12-01-29 21:49In Homg Kong.
I am a new comer in Open baffle, it was great to learn your experience. May I have a chance listen your bautiful OB (Bastanis baffle would be upgraded to new Chrylstal version drivers and new improved woofer after CNY holiday.)
最後修改時間: 2012-01-29 21:50:47 - #6 [welborne], 12-01-29 22:03Sure, lets do it. Lets PM each other, i want to hear yours too. Nice woodwork
- #7 [audionote300B], 12-01-29 22:30kkaries hing, where to make you baffle? want to know
- #8 [audiowen], 12-01-30 10:59Hi kkaries hing,
very interesting set up, how is the sonic?
wanfai - #9 [welborne], 12-01-30 19:35Kkaries, your baffle reminds me of these in Russia
- #10 [welborne], 12-01-30 19:36and this...
- #11 [welborne], 12-01-30 19:48.
- #12 [welborne], 12-01-30 19:49
- #13 [kkaries], 12-01-30 20:28audionote兄
本人是初哥,因有幸聽hifi前輩李生的Open baffle 喇叭.非常喜歡它通透音色及驚訝它的空間感。這喇叭只是試試,它的空間感比原本的SONUS FABRE 喇叭仔好,分析力不错,細心可聽到錄音背景雜音,曾用T a b V 73 4瓦推,因器材普通,暫末能發揮它的潛力。 - #14 [kkaries], 12-01-30 20:40WELBORNE 兄
你POST 的喇叭很靚,大開眼界。 - #15 [welborne], 12-01-30 21:26I have gathered a lot of studies and revord on open baffle projects around the world becoz i think my ears are spoiled and after my experience in open baffle I couldnt be satisfied by most other speaker system, perhaps with the exception of electrostatic panel one day, but I doubt given the huge difference in sensitivity
- #16 [eric300], 12-01-31 01:00coleman,the speaker looks so good with a solid magnet..which brand ?
- #17 [welborne], 12-01-31 01:36Hi Eric, are you talking about the big pairs in the picture? I gathered they are a special fullrange with proprietry cellulose paper cone and fieldcoil magnet made by the almighty Alterlier Rullit from russia.
Google it and you will find lots of stuff about him. I know a man from Germany who swear by them. - #18 [welborne], 12-01-31 01:52for example, one of Rullit's
- #19 [welborne], 12-01-31 01:54
- #20 [welborne], 12-01-31 01:57parts and cones in his creation.
Per his update:
"Nov 22, 2010 — We are preparing a new series of drivers called "Aero" for release. Planned models include 8" FR, 12" FR, 8" WR, 12" WR, 15" WR and 18" WR. 8" FR design is complete, the rest are unergoing final tests and tuning. With a cone of just 20g, 15" WR are ideal for open baffle, for building Zeiss-like vintage cinema systems. These units are the result of years of tireless experimenting, listening and refinement. Stay tuned for more details soon. "
One of our friends on r33 "Pluto" has a pair of Rullit modified fieldcoil Supravox 8" - 下一頁 (1 of 130)
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