- #1666 [ym2283], 24-06-07 15:33
- #1665 [wklie], 24-06-07 15:18更正:
KKBOX 功能正在開發中 - Lumin U2 / U2MINI / T3 / P1MINI / D3 - #1664 [wklie], 24-06-06 18:12#1647: KKBOX 功能正在開發中 - Lumin U2 / U2MINI / T3 / P1MINI
- #1663 [wklie], 24-06-04 16:09【音響技術】2024年3月號第510期
https://www.audiotechnique.com/single-post/lumin-d3 - #1662 [wklie], 24-05-28 12:10#1661
Sorry about the trouble, please e-mail info@luminmusic.com
I'll ask the L2 team to help you.
Meanwhile, I suggest you try network copy from computer instead of USB copy.
最後修改時間: 2024-05-28 12:11:54 - #1661 [Eric301], 24-05-28 10:04I have already purchased the L2 last weekend and is now transferring data into the SSD via USB connected with my computer. However, it has quite frequently occasions that it came up "unexpected error" and I have to pressed "retry" button to continue. Is this a setting issue?
- #1660 [wklie], 24-05-27 15:33#1659:
Please note that with the L2, you still need to set the DHCP reservation for L2 in router settings. Please check with our dealers for pricing:
https://www.luminmusic.com/purchase.html - #1659 [Eric301], 24-05-25 10:48Hi WK,
Problem solved after installing the MiniServer software in the USB hard drive. Thanks.
Meanwhile, please advise what is the street price of L2 Music Library and where is available? - #1658 [wklie], 24-05-23 23:16#1657:
The MAC address of Lumin can be found in Lumin app About P1. - #1657 [Eric301], 24-05-23 21:03Hi WK,
I am not a computer guy so would you explain a bit more about how to allocate IP address from the router? - #1656 [wklie], 24-05-23 20:25#1655:
Please reserve an IP address for the Lumin in the router settings for DHCP reservation table. After that, power cycle the Lumin.
In Lumin app, clear the playlist and re-add the tracks from the USB drive.
Alternatively, plug the USB hard drive to a computer or NAS. Install the free MinimServer there. In Lumin app, select the library to be MinimServer. The computer or NAS also needs an IP address reserved from the router DHCP reservation. - #1655 [Eric301], 24-05-23 20:01Hi Wklie,
I am using P1 and just updated the software to 9.2.2. However, right now I cannot play the file from the USB hard drive and also the album photo cannot be displayed on the App. Please advise if there is bug on the latest software?
Eric - #1654 [wklie], 24-05-12 00:01#1652: 幾位 Reviewers 將 U1 (Mini) 與 U2 (Mini) 進行了對比, 他們提到了升級後分析力和流暢度的提升。
U2 加入對光纖網路(SFP)的支持 和 LPS。 - #1653 [littlered], 24-05-11 17:46主要進步會在分析力,兩極伸展。
- #1652 [LingCH], 24-05-11 12:33想問下如果我本身已經用緊Lumin U1 mini w/ LPS.
打算 upgrade 上去 U2 , 大概會係邊方面上會有進步/改變架? - #1651 [yeungchris], 24-05-11 12:09價格會是?
- #1650 [wklie], 24-05-09 17:02https://www.luminmusic.com/lumin-p1-mini.html
LUMIN P1 MINI 相比 T3 有以下優勢:
1. 數位 / 類比輸入
2. 飛秒時鐘 (Femto clock)
3. 線性電源供應
4. Fiber network
5. 附贈實體遙控器(主要用於輸入選擇和音量調整), 而這在其他非 P1 Lumin 型號上為選購配件
P1 MINI 的定價策略是旨在以具競爭力的價格, 將我們旗艦級別的功能帶到中價位市場, 就像我們把最新的技術和 DAC 設計精華注入 D3, 以低價位提供給大家。
最後修改時間: 2024-05-09 17:16:10 - #1649 [wklie], 24-04-16 16:36Tidal 用戶注意: 請檢查你下期繳費單, 確保上面沒有增加一項名為"DJ Extension"的費用項目。
如果你以前有HiFi Plus(個人或家庭)帳戶, 從四月十日起, 你每月的訂閱費應該會比以前低, 而不是和以前一樣或更高。
Tidal 個人: 每月 HKD63
Tidal 家庭: 每月 HKD98 - #1648 [Andy3210], 24-03-27 11:44Re #1644
ROON 本身 Connect 去 KKBOX server已經有問題. 會 Search 到一些已下架既 Album. 令到 roon core loop死
ROON suggested ridiculous method to cheat the server
Multiples complaint from worldwide.
https://community.roonlabs.com/t/some-tracks-are-unavailable-but-ok-in-kkbox-native-app-investigating/255615 - #1647 [ctdennis], 24-03-23 21:26Re #1645
咁Lumin U2係唔係將會用到KKBox
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