- #21 [§中國人§], 13-02-26 20:16
- #22 [dh555], 13-02-27 08:52我都是新用家,究竟在其它師兄系统勁到點 可否分享.
如過八萬元 CD Player - 即係邊部和贏左的咩呢?
各師兄套 setup 又是怎樣配置. - #23 [dh555], 13-02-27 08:57我的CAS配置;
1) Synology NAS 713+ with 2 x 2TB HDD;
2) Netgear R6300 AC WIFI Router
3) Huawei Fibre Modem. -
- #24 [dh555], 13-02-27 09:02Lumin HW Model: 1010
Lumin FW Version: 1.0.6 (新機開機即時行 Apps - 問我是否升 FW 到1.0.6)當然答 Yes.
Lumin Apps for iPad: 1.13
Synology DS-713+ - 2 x 2TB HDD on Synology Hybrid RAID.
Lumin PSU 用其它普通跟機 3M 電源線.
Lumin Network Player Cat 5 網線- 用其它普通跟機 3M 網線.
Apple iPad Retina WIFI with ios FW 6.1.2.
播放全部是 16Bit 44.1 WAV 音樂檔.
Background 靜;
整體聲音仍有少許緊 - 新機只播了5小時.(As at 24/2/2013)
甜潤度一般 - 要靠線材調節一下 (我用SilverSmith 銀 Interconnect 可解决問題).
原廠 PSU 電源線只屬普通線 - 一定要升級.
Lumin PSU 普通跟機 3M 電源線, 相信換了 TCI King Constrictor 一定正.
首先 先測試和傳統 CD Player + DAC 配置比較一下 Red Book 16 bit 44.1 質量特性.
下一步 測試 24/96 or 24/192
再下一步 測試 DSD 檔!
最後修改時間: 2013-02-27 09:05:35 - #25 [ll77hk], 13-02-27 18:44Using Qnap and installed Minim, can see the DSD files in the Lumin apps but NO response when play the DSD files, any ideas ? Thanks ....
- #26 [§中國人§], 13-03-01 10:00安裝 Kinsky app 試下入面的 file view,我都係用佢播 dsd 檔案的
- #27 [wklie], 13-03-05 10:13Review of Lumin player:
http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/lumin/1.html - #28 [TrotanoyLover], 13-03-05 10:55WoW! Lumin gets a big award from 6moons.
The reviewer even says that " ... a keen Linn killer. About 10 listeners who heard my loaner sold off their Linn streamers to buy the new kid in town ... "!
最後修改時間: 2013-03-05 10:56:11 - #29 [ll77hk], 13-03-05 13:33中國人, Thanks for your idea.. will try ..
- #30 [wklie], 13-03-06 14:11@ll77hk, if it does not play DSD file, it could be a file format problem. There are several types of DSD files, and Lumin does not support DST compression, so DST needs to be converted back to DSD first.
- #31 [TrotanoyLover], 13-03-06 14:47Hi wklie hing,
How to convert DST files back to usual DSD files?
Many thanks! - #32 [elo], 13-03-07 09:26Lumin wins 6moons Lunar Eclipse Award.
最後修改時間: 2013-03-07 09:27:04 - #33 [lamhokai], 13-03-07 12:31Take it easy. Review is part of the Hifi industry. Try yourself is the only way. But so far it doesn't get recognition widely.
- #34 [ll77hk], 13-03-07 14:35I was wondering too? People tend to look down upon on China made / design stuff (it is a shame)... for this one, it is damn wrong!
I have made an extensive comparison of Lumin with other similar setups of pricing above HK$150K, What 6 moons said may not be all true , but for its asking price, it is literally a "joke" in nowadays Hi-end scene,
Excellently done, Lumin! - #35 [beeos], 13-03-07 14:42The 6moon review keep using "Chinese streamer" to name this Lumin. It'd be more appropriate to use "Hong Konger streamer" instead as there is still gap between the two in terms of culture, morality and product design.
最後修改時間: 2013-03-07 14:43:56 - #36 [kevin1022], 13-03-07 16:55外國人既眼裏香港(香港人)係中國一部份, 即係中國人.
哈哈, 不過依到都係只談音響不談政治好啲. 吾係有排拗. - #37 [dh555], 13-03-07 22:29Lumin HW Model: 1010
Lumin FW Version: 1.0.6 (新機開機即時行 Apps - 問我是否升 FW 到1.0.6)當然答 Yes.
Lumin Apps for iPad: 1.1.4
Synology DSM 4.2
Synology Audio Station Version 5.0-2410
Synology Media Server Version 1.1-2325
Synology DS-713+ - 2 x 2TB HDD on Synology Hybrid RAID.
Lumin PSU 用其它普通跟機 3M 電源線.
Lumin Network Player Cat 5 網線- 用其它普通跟機 3M 網線.
Apple iPad Retina WIFI with ios FW 6.1.2.
測試 DSD 檔! - #38 [dh555], 13-03-07 22:34Lumin HW Model: 1010
Lumin FW Version: 1.0.6 (新機開機即時行 Apps - 問我是否升 FW 到1.0.6)當然答 Yes.
Lumin Apps for iPad: 1.1.4
Synology DSM 4.2
Synology Audio Station Version 5.0-2410
Synology Media Server Version 1.1-2325
Synology DS-713+ - 2 x 2TB HDD on Synology Hybrid RAID.
Lumin PSU 用其它普通跟機 3M 電源線.
Lumin Network Player Cat 5 網線- 用其它普通跟機 3M 網線.
Apple iPad Retina WIFI with ios FW 6.1.2.
測試 24 bit 352 khz 檔! - #39 [dh555], 13-03-07 22:38直接播放 DSD 檔, 乜"la"都唔使搞.
好 "倫" 易! - #40 [§中國人§], 13-03-08 09:48Derek你唔拎上去陳老闆度毒下佢?:p
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