- #1678 [DY2036], 24-08-11 02:35
- #1677 [wklie], 24-08-10 23:40視聽展2024 Lumin setup:
TP Link router - Lumin L2 - (fiber) - Lumin P1 Mini - Lumin AMP (class AB 160W @ 8 ohm, stereo mode) - B&W 801D4 - #1676 [wklie], 24-08-08 22:37今年視聽展2024 Lumin 將示範最新產品 P1 Mini 及最新加入支援的串流服務。
- #1675 [wklie], 24-07-07 21:50Tidal Autoplay 是一個類似於Spotify Autoplay 和Roon Radio的功能。
Lumin 在最新的 Firmware 17.3中, 為Lumin Tidal Connect型號 (X1、T3、T2、D3、U系列、P系列) 增加了對 Tidal Autoplay 的支援, 並將逐步推出到不同的Lumin Tidal Connect型號。這是Tidal Connect相對較新的一項功能 (雖然在 Tidal app 手機播放中已經存在很長時間, 但之前無法用於Tidal Connect 串流)。
據我所知, 目前只有少數其他 streamers 支援這一功能, 所以Lumin是率先支援的製造商之一。 - #1674 [wklie], 24-06-21 11:01P1MINI 與 P1 比較:
- 價格顯著降低
- DAC Analog output stage 沒有 Lundahl transformers
- 單個環形電源供應器取代雙環形電源供應器
- Preamp 缺乏 balanced XLR analog input 和 AES 輸入
- 2 個 HDMI ports
- 外殼較輕,但增加了 input 選擇器和音量旋鈕 - #1673 [xsiltech], 24-06-20 21:00用開P1, 想買多部P1mini,請問主要差別係咩?
- #1672 [wklie], 24-06-13 15:04#1668:
沒有硬體支援 KKBOX content protection (內容保護), 不是市場策略
最後修改時間: 2024-06-13 15:06:44 - #1671 [wklie], 24-06-13 15:03#1667:
2A 20mm x 5mm fast blow. 慢燒 also ok. - #1670 [上水小強], 24-06-09 17:30所以我咪話希望囉!呢啲都唔係新型號!係現有型號Lumin U2 / U2MINI / T3 / P1MINI / D3
- #1669 [chillistening], 24-06-09 16:57市場策略嚟講,舊型號無新功能都好正常呀。
- #1668 [上水小強], 24-06-09 12:41希望u1都可以有kkbox
- #1667 [w214], 24-06-09 01:33請問 P1 fuse value 係唔係 2A 20mm 慢燒? 謝謝!
- #1666 [ym2283], 24-06-07 15:33#1665
最後修改時間: 2024-06-07 15:34:31 - #1665 [wklie], 24-06-07 15:18更正:
KKBOX 功能正在開發中 - Lumin U2 / U2MINI / T3 / P1MINI / D3 - #1664 [wklie], 24-06-06 18:12#1647: KKBOX 功能正在開發中 - Lumin U2 / U2MINI / T3 / P1MINI
- #1663 [wklie], 24-06-04 16:09【音響技術】2024年3月號第510期
https://www.audiotechnique.com/single-post/lumin-d3 - #1662 [wklie], 24-05-28 12:10#1661
Sorry about the trouble, please e-mail info@luminmusic.com
I'll ask the L2 team to help you.
Meanwhile, I suggest you try network copy from computer instead of USB copy.
最後修改時間: 2024-05-28 12:11:54 - #1661 [Eric301], 24-05-28 10:04I have already purchased the L2 last weekend and is now transferring data into the SSD via USB connected with my computer. However, it has quite frequently occasions that it came up "unexpected error" and I have to pressed "retry" button to continue. Is this a setting issue?
- #1660 [wklie], 24-05-27 15:33#1659:
Please note that with the L2, you still need to set the DHCP reservation for L2 in router settings. Please check with our dealers for pricing:
https://www.luminmusic.com/purchase.html - #1659 [Eric301], 24-05-25 10:48Hi WK,
Problem solved after installing the MiniServer software in the USB hard drive. Thanks.
Meanwhile, please advise what is the street price of L2 Music Library and where is available? - 下一頁 (2 of 85)
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我今日入過呢個攤位聽過,當時佢播緊嘅音樂有高有低推得頭頭是道(B&W 801),其實我對佢某個model U2都有啲興趣因為佢有光纖輸入同USB輸出,正好接駁我部R2R DAC。但係我極懷疑呢個是否真係播放緊網絡音樂因爲我覺得實在太好喇? 所以我詢問主持人,果真佢係播緊佢嘅server file。所以我立刻要求佢播放網絡音樂,因為呢個係佢主要嘅功能,兼且特別點名鄧麗君嘅歌。主持人將部機接咗去Tidal播咗隻鄧麗君嘅歌,講真出嚟嘅效果未如理想,不過呢個亦都唔可以證明乜嘢因為可能係個source file嘅問題。所以我覺得特別係推銷網絡播放器呢啲器材嘅主持人或者主辦單位,應該早啲做定功課或者將啲熱門嘅音樂或者歌手嘅歌喺網上搵一啲比較好嘅訊源,當做測試嘅時候就唔會畀信源品質所影響,咁樣就算對佢自己品牌推廣都有幫助。
最後修改時間: 2024-08-11 02:37:29