- #62 [美好日子], 24-08-19 19:14
- #61 [CodyChan], 24-08-19 14:33又係你呀!
收皮啦丁滿! 小狗你!
2024年重玩2012年舊貼! - #60 [tingmoon], 24-08-19 12:1854
勁 -
- #59 [sc2003], 12-07-03 23:02any comments on Sonus Faber?
- #58 [mossad], 12-06-30 11:22TANNOY would be a better choice, yet it suffers coaxial negative effective
- #57 [mossad], 12-06-30 11:21My god! although Maggies sounds great and transparent, its soundstage propagation is simply weird and larger-than-life.
Unsuitable for replaying full-scale orchestral music if you want a full picture of an orchestra!
Violin,opera and quartet are superb, its imaging are too bulky!
最後修改時間: 2012-06-30 11:35:34 - #56 [tarantino], 12-06-30 11:18樓主,有很多選擇,如Harbeth, Spendor, Ruark, Proac, Ref 3a, JMR, Vienna Acoustic,Sonus Faber, 等等。
- #55 [and.t], 12-06-26 23:46你兩笪地点止 2-3 皮呀老友..........? 加埋前後 X 呎又唔比擺嘢.....!
- #54 [racewong], 12-06-24 11:36只聽古典?, 邊駛咁貴呀?!
依隻已經好夠聽了. - #53 [hifier123], 12-06-24 11:35"聽古典樂不離英國貨. 愈保守, 愈對味 (台灣人用語)"
Really agree x 100 - #52 [myers1], 12-06-24 10:34聽古典樂不離英國貨. 愈保守, 愈對味 (台灣人用語)
Not completely agree, used to listen to UK speaker now find that EU speakers e.g. Austria, Germany, France, Italy sounds more lively in classical music. - #51 [rcywong], 12-06-24 10:16Highly recommend Lowther PM6A & PM7A Fidelio. You don't need to add additional tweeter.
- #50 [com-buddy], 12-06-24 00:46" ATC SL-100 会 outbudget , 但一聽難忘, 對AMP質素要求高.........大波中音,名虛傳....! 12吋大底音. 下沉力驚人, SL-100 唔止可聽古典樂, 聽Jazz,聽Pop都好過。" X100 ! A little bit over la.
- #49 [and.t], 12-06-23 23:34聽古典樂不離英國貨. 愈保守, 愈對味 (台灣人用語)
如果要聽埋人聲, such as Opera 咁, 無乜得....
1. Harbeth SHL-5 有線條, 有感情, 客廳不大啱晒(Monitor M-30, M40等太清, 但聽乜類型音樂都較全面).....
2. Spendor SP-100(不難推,平,靚,正),我会列首選, 但要靚腳, Sound Mechanic SP-100 LTD edition 跟果個可以填海...!
3. ProAc 就....中音甜美度還可以. 分量不及上者, 除非大型號, but 又 out budget......似乎 Response 3.5 也可考慮...!
4. Tannoy 同軸系列夠大型.....只差聽Opera時,你会找不到唱者的焦点位 (Focal point), 可能同大盆有関, 要放得好後先有 Imaging.......但論舞台感, 無出其右.....!
5. ATC SL-100 会 outbudget , 但一聽難忘, 對AMP質素要求高.........大波中音,名虛傳....! 12吋大底音. 下沉力驚人, SL-100 唔止可聽古典樂, 聽Jazz,聽Pop都好過。 - #48 [raykkc], 12-06-21 09:26有無同時AB比較 SHL5 & STIRLING?
PS:我係SHL5用家 - #47 [yipfung], 12-06-18 12:3933有ching放von16800元,推薦
- #46 [charleslinnfans], 12-06-18 00:25Why no one suggest linn Akurate 212 or 242 ?
Add few thousands more on your budget and no regret for remaining of your hifi life on listening classical musical. - #45 [beyondimagine], 12-06-18 00:13係日本我六月試過DHL TNT 啲嘢番HK, 但佢地應該冇船
尋晚試買隻 HARBETH SHL5, I like it!! - #44 [gimsun], 12-06-17 01:35所謂寄船,其實即係速遞咁,不過可以揀海或空運!
空運: 快,一星期內收到,不過運費貴一倍!
海運: 慢,接近一個月先收到,平! - #43 [gimsun], 12-06-17 01:30寄到去屋企郵局大郵包,當年我低估咗packing size,返工前諗住咁近返工前自已揸車去攞,知佢分開兩箱(每箱一隻),諗住一箱車尾箱,另一隻後坐,點知車尾箱放唔到要分兩轉!
其實咁近叫雞記$50未必駛! - 下一頁 (1 of 4)
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