- #1699 [上水小強], 24-10-04 13:20都好!可以玩QQ Music
- #1698 [Mc225], 24-10-03 18:46公平啲講句,KKBox 又的確冇乜 streamer support 佢,佢都要改下市場策略開放平台同減價,佢除咗全部中文歌有中文名之外,好難同其他平台爭天下,而家 TIDAL 啲中文歌都愈來愈多中文顯示,我都諗唔到乜嘢理由俾錢買多個平台聽歌
- #1697 [chillistening], 24-10-03 16:37I really appreciate the efforts of the Lumin team in continuously updating the features and performance of their products.
- #1696 [wklie], 24-10-03 15:16我們並非有意將軟體功能限制在新型號。事實上, 我們盡最大努力將新功能加入到舊型號, 例如 QQMusic 現已加入整個產品線, 包括 2012 年的 Lumin A1。我們無法在舊型號上支援 KKBOX 的原因是: KKBOX 的內容保護要求與 CPU/硬體平台有關, 這對我們的舊 CPU 來說並不可能實現。某種程度上, 這與 Windows 11 的 TPM 需求類似, 不過 Microsoft 是強迫用戶遵守 TPM 需求, 而 KKBOX (非 Lumin) 則要求內容保護限制可使用的 CPU。
如果您正在使用我們的舊型號, 想要播放 KKBOX 但不願意升級到我們的新型號, 我建議您使用 Roon 而非轉換到其他品牌。支援 KKBOX 的串流播放器品牌非常少 - 如果您確實要轉換到其他品牌, 請確保它支援 KKBOX 無損格式(不只是有損格式), 提供類似的音質水準, 檢查串流播放器的 KKBOX 分類介面與 KKBOX app 相符, 並支援 Android。
最後修改時間: 2024-10-03 15:28:02 - #1695 [上水小強], 24-10-03 07:33無可否認佢個軟件真係寫得好好!仲有wklie 師兄解答問題速度又快!聲音亦唔差,旦右分體電源轉內置電源!cnc機殼轉組裝機殼!就睇到策略轉變一定要賺錢賺盡!(U1用家)舊設計係為聲!新設計係為賺錢!所以我應該都會轉,
最後修改時間: 2024-10-03 07:37:46 - #1694 [hayden2810], 24-10-02 23:45準備轉會,由佢出U2開始已經有啲唔係好明……之後又有U1X,都唔知佢邊部先至係屬於旗艦?現在連X1都話唔可以kkbox 實在無話可說。究竟分體電源好定係內置電源好?cnc機殼好還是組裝機殼好?如果連這些定位都唔清晰,真係令到用家不能理解!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-02 23:45:59 - #1693 [超音波], 24-10-02 22:49實有藉口話舊形號做吾到kkbox想你换機,你吾好整 ,不過我吾再買你個牌子?
- #1692 [上水小強], 24-10-02 20:05十分失望!U1唔得
最後修改時間: 2024-10-02 20:06:32 - #1691 [wklie], 24-10-02 15:35#1686:
KKBOX support for U2 / U2MINI / P1MINI / T3 / D3 is released. Please upgrade Firmware to 18.0, Lumin iOS app to 10.0, Lumin Android app to 7.0 .
All Lumin models receive Firmware 18 upgrade, but only the above models support KKBOX. For other models, you may use Roon to play KKBOX.
KKBOX lossless is only available in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Note: KKBOX display language (e.g. music categories and track and artist names) is fixed to be Chinese if user signs up in Taiwan or Hong Kong, regardless of Lumin app language setting. - #1690 [wklie], 24-10-02 15:32#1689:
Whole library shuffle is possible in Lumin app. Please try other apps.
Lumin app current playlist is limited to 2000 entries. - #1689 [lay133128], 24-10-02 01:15Is it possible to shuffle play the whole music library just like Roon does in the Lumin app ? If not possible, then is there an upper limit on the number of songs to be imported to the playlist ?
- #1688 [wklie], 24-09-17 14:34#1686:
U2 / U2MINI / P1MINI / T3 / D3: this month or next - #1687 [上水小強], 24-09-13 16:30之前問過!係唔可以用軟件更新!
- #1686 [salesleeon], 24-09-13 12:12想問下lumin串流播放器幾時有軟件更新可以直接登入kkbox
- #1685 [wklie], 24-08-20 17:30#1683:
所有現行 Lumin 型號 (M1 和 AMP amplifiers 除外) 均使用 2A Fast blow fuse。
All current Lumin models (except M1 and AMP amplifiers) use 2A fast blow fuse.
最後修改時間: 2024-08-20 17:31:52 - #1684 [wklie], 24-08-20 17:28#1682:
MTV9100D: BETA Internet firmware upgrade: date 2024-06-24
MTV9100D: Normal Internet firmware upgrade: date 2022-11-10
最後修改時間: 2024-08-20 17:30:24 - #1683 [LingCH], 24-08-18 20:52hello,
想請問一下,Lumin U2 機背電源插位置的Fuse,
是用幾多A 的?還有是 Slow blow 或是 Fast Blow 的嗎? 謝謝! - #1682 [kcsound], 24-08-16 13:24Dear wklie,
Good day.
It is our pleasure's to thanks you in person at the show.
Thanks very much for your prompt action and the continuous support at Pixel Magic.
The Lumin is working fine now. That's great.
May I ask whether any update will be apply to MagicTV as well. I am using the 9100D and there are a lot hiccup when using it. Always stutter and loss sound. There are no update avaible for quite awhile - since 2019.
Thanks & best regards. - #1681 [wklie], 24-08-12 15:55昨天有用戶反映新城電台不能播放。現在已經解決。請在 LUMIN app 內 update radio channels,或者關掉等幾秒再開啟LUMIN 機。
新城電台特別多出現問題的原因是 : 有別於正常的 internet radio station, 不知為何他們會經常不定時轉http link。如果有用戶發現這個問題再次發生,請e-mail給我們。 - #1680 [tom55], 24-08-12 10:40Lumin U1 mini crystal clock frequency ?
求教Lumin U1 mini 内4粒時鍾的頻率數值
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