- #41 [i-walker], 24-05-22 17:03Thanks for blackspin hing’s advice ^^
- #40 [blackspin], 24-05-22 12:15#38
If your budget is tight, just the PH-10 along is a wonderful phono stage at it price range, adding the PSU-10 will further lower the background noise, higher dynamic contrast and improving the sound stage! You can add it anytime in the future.
If you have the Balanced Amplifier, the Balanced output of Gold Note is preferable. - #39 [i-walker], 24-05-22 05:01正如 rcwy 及 bambino 兄所言,我都係玩 MM 頭先,候日後摸熟黑膠及更加知道自己對黑膠音色的喜好後才再玩埋 MC ^^
- #38 [i-walker], 24-05-22 04:54#35
blackspin hing, do you think it is worth to add PSU with PH-10? Or the PSU is just nice-to-have? ^^ - #37 [i-walker], 24-05-22 04:17多謝各位 c-hing 建議! ^^
- #36 [hahayanyan], 24-05-22 02:40If it works with a 0.2mv Mc seem it is 60db +/-6, so the max Gain is 66db
But not 54+6 to become 60db, from my first and wrong impression
I do come across some phono stage also super sensitive to placement... I have to find a particular angle to place it.. At the right position of placement, it has no added noise...
最後修改時間: 2024-05-22 02:55:15 - #35 [blackspin], 24-05-22 02:27#31
As a Gold Note PH-10/PSU-10 user, and a collector of modern and vintage cartridge, the Gold Note phono stage can work with my Supex SD-909 (0.2mV), Dynavector DV Karat Limited Edition (0.2mV), Denon Dl-103FL(0.25mV), SAEC various model(0.4mV), Fidelity Research FR-7f(0.15mV), Van Den Hul Bllack Beauty(0.45mV), Van Den Hul Crimson Master Signature(0.95mV), and various Technics, Stanton, Grace, MM cartridge........
I am really sensitive to component noise, that is why I prefer Solid State Phono to Tube, the Gold Note work well with my previous Pass Labs amp combo ......... the Gold Note is sound better with my current Constellation Audio amp combo......... - #34 [mda], 24-05-21 23:25hk15k, 在UK 我會買部ARC SP9 + EAR MC4, both sh. 當然唔用SP9, 有EAR 802 or Croft (用6sl7大胆)也可以考慮, 最重要係呢堆野在UK有二手市埸.
最後修改時間: 2024-05-21 23:28:30 - #33 [rickkklam], 24-05-21 22:32Phono 我剛買了 rega, MC 都好夠聲。
- #32 [S.Chan], 24-05-21 20:16年資唔多,自覺得個 phono 緊要d,聽開同牌子高級些那個,壞咗唯用低一級果個,已經差了些晤係好想聽咁。
- #31 [hahayanyan], 24-05-21 17:27Yoyo walker hing
The spec for gold note, seem interesting.. As I always want to Buy phono stage haha
The gain for both MM and MC
啱啱夠用, 可以講有啲偏低, is just OK for MC at 0.4 to 0.5mv range with decent dynamic feeling
喺mc世界裏面... 比較好嘅Mc always around 0.2 to 0.3 mv 呢個範圍有好多好選擇
Some extremely better.. At 0.15mv range
However 60db.. Gain for 0.25mv Mc 如果有時想聽得大聲啲, 前級要開到點幾兩點鐘...
The question is... 原本你嘅amp系統 個底 噪 是怎樣呢, 如果開到兩點幾去聽 會唔會已經覺得唔好聽呢? Or u never listen more Than 75db in room etc..
如果有呢個情況.. 建議你找一些選擇MC gain is higher..
Have fun
There is really are Not so good C/P with new gear, or be fair.. some vintage gear really have exceptional C/P
最後修改時間: 2024-05-21 17:29:25 - #30 [bambino], 24-05-21 17:15i-walker hing, Gold Note PH-5 有66dB max gain, 應該足夠玩MC頭除非你部205D前級同VT52後級嗰gain非常低. 另外你話日後都打算玩MC及MM頭. 你是指玩MM頭一輪,然後轉玩MC頭? 如果同時玩兩種頭會比較煩.
英國的確係玩舊黑膠的好地方. 易揾又平! 最好添加部洗碟機...
我今年都冇去過水胡度. 如果有機會的話會代你問候他. - #29 [rcwy], 24-05-21 17:05
玩黑膠會有好長嘅學習期,learning curve。以前香港有闊佬一入手就一部 [鑽油台]Statement,定價一百五十萬因為 Sales 肯幾十萬賣捭佢,朋友去看他 setup 聽完唔敢出半句因為唔想 hurt 佢。
如果未有足夠玩黑膠經驗想開始用有限金錢玩,最方便係由一個優質 二手盤 + mm 開始,不要同一時間拈手 mc 因為當兩隻都可能出了問題時你會好混亂好煩。新盤一般來說是超貴而冇合比例性價比貢獻,兩聲道黑膠黃金期在 1958 -1980,那年代大規模生產,汰弱留強,剩下好的設計量產,有口碑的產品: 唱片,唱盤,唱臂,唱頭, phono amp 都合哂趁,而且二手價十分化算。
最後修改時間: 2024-05-21 17:13:44 - #28 [i-walker], 24-05-21 16:09Thank you bambino hing!
日後都打算玩 MC 及 MM 頭,所以 phono 各項多選擇頗重要,睇緊 Gold note PH-5, 如啱夾的話可再加埋佢自己部 power supply..
唉… 無錯!玩黑膠真係一闊三大,見英國周街都係二手黑膠,而且部份碟又真係平靚正,所以心郁郁 :p
題外話,最近好冇探過水胡兄?希望佢老人家身體健康,如見到佢幫我問候聲啦! - #27 [bambino], 24-05-21 14:33如果最終係玩MC頭嘅話,要留意phono amp有沒有足夠gain去放大MC的訊號(電平少於1mV).
一般膽phono amp多數是MM phono(input sensitivity 係幾mV). 玩MC頭要另加一個MC phono放大(另加一power cable). 而且冇乜選擇. 或者膽MM phono amp前加個SUT. 兩者都要用多一條IC
有些solid state phono amp有internal MC放大. 用少一條IC. 有input impedance/capacitance set
玩黑膠可以話一闊三大..... 仲有一些accessories (LP cleaning brush, VTF scale, plus anything you would use to wash your LPs,......)
最後修改時間: 2024-05-21 14:43:56 - #26 [i-walker], 24-05-21 14:14意屬純風爐,打算駁西電胡的 205D 膽前及 VT52 膽後
- #25 [i-walker], 24-05-21 14:01謝謝 mda 兄建議,小弟仍未硏究用什麼 phono, 而 budget 大約港紙1 萬5 左右 ^^
- #24 [mda], 24-05-21 03:05phono 一分錢一分貨,胆点都係噤聽d.
EAR 834P 係保險choice, 但我認為買部中古ARC or CJ preamp with phono stage 係最低玩(sp9,14, 11, 15, CJ PV10, P2, P3), 如只玩phono stage 用 tape out 出! - #23 [hahayanyan], 24-05-20 19:27Walker hing
目前你對phono stage嘅選擇有啲乜嘢shortlisted?
集思廣益等大家update下 refresh 有乜嘢選擇都好
喺英國如果見到價錢比較好嘅whest 中等型號都幾好, 我未玩過去嘅高級型號, 玩過幾個 低級及中級型號, 而家留返一mid 級型號, 感覺幾好
最後修改時間: 2024-05-20 19:29:03 - #22 [i-walker], 24-05-19 21:32小弟已進入食穀種 mode, 好似某主編講,諗住「玩過世」㗎啦⋯⋯ ^^!
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