- #402 [johnnykmtang], 25-02-03 17:14
- #401 [WilliamsonAudio], 25-01-11 08:33""""我拆過部BAT 6C33C,就算新 Balanced Audio Technology REX 6c33c用作 Circlotron 當Cathode Follower 出声,BAT 用兩級差動(第一級6h30 + 6v6 cathode ccs,直結第二級差動Triple PSE 6SN7, cap couple 6c33c Circlotron,行class AB, Single ended怎會有class AB),其動作好似石機用2級differential 跟住Push Pull Emitter follower 出""
它現在有auto bias, 其中一個可能性是獨立CCS , 或 Differential CCS(common 用一個).
如果不是Differential PP, 是傳統PP, 這樣的single end bridge 就真係啲取考。 - #400 [johnnykmtang], 25-01-10 23:07Single ended vs differential PP?????
This is a very good question. It is very difficult to simple generalize the difference between these two. Both are good that I would say. How good they are? It would all depending on the circuit design, and quality of components used.
SE is simple and charming. PP is powerful.
When the SE and differential PP are well made, they both sound so good which is so enjoyable to listen.
Johnny -
- #399 [niceday009], 25-01-10 21:34>>但話自己是single end
睇唔到佢点樣single ended, 佢用differential 分相後交俾6c33c PP cathode 出声,BAT有些少扮高深,其PP power amp結構似石机
我拆過部BAT 6C33C,就算新 Balanced Audio Technology REX 6c33c用作 Circlotron 當Cathode Follower 出声,BAT 用兩級差動(第一級6h30 + 6v6 cathode ccs,直結第二級差動Triple PSE 6SN7, cap couple 6c33c Circlotron,行class AB, Single ended怎會有class AB),其動作好似石機用2級differential 跟住Push Pull Emitter follower 出
最後修改時間: 2025-01-10 21:47:12 - #398 [WilliamsonAudio], 25-01-10 19:56好多人由 PP, 變成玩 single end.
但終極之路會否是differential PP(Parallel single end)? 可以去探索一下。
當然。有實戰經驗的Johnny 可以分享一下,兩者的區別。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-10 19:58:00 - #397 [WilliamsonAudio], 25-01-10 19:41Hi Eric,
我所知成品機就沒有標明是 differential amp.
但BAT 的 power amp 有機會是 differential PP amp.但話自己是single end. 原因是市場更接受single end.
differential PP 在“”等效電路""(忘記那裡看過,有錯就指正)上是等同 parallel single end. 所以BAT 只係用另外一個表達方式。
從他的文字去理解。它的這個技術,集合了Single end 同 PP 的優點。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-10 19:46:13 - #396 [niceday009], 25-01-10 13:09Wilson, 对於Allen Wright 部differential power stage PP amp, 除咗Allen Wright, 市面上有冇其他廠出類似differential power stage PP amp?
- #395 [WilliamsonAudio], 25-01-10 07:26昨天又重看了.
裏面都好多资讯。例如 differential PP, loop distortion.如何優化電路上面的設計。
值得重温。 - #394 [johnnykmtang], 25-01-10 04:49I didn't know Niceday009 spent so much time and efforts upgrading his LM219.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-10 04:49:44 - #393 [Lemans], 22-09-09 16:43如有師兄割.爱 LM219 請PM, 謝謝
- #392 [audio338], 21-12-18 18:56請注意1000V高壓易漏電,盡量做好火牛和接綫的絕緣。
- #391 [niceday009], 21-12-18 18:46上Digikey 香港網站買
- #390 [cshingyau], 21-12-18 16:36009 師兄
香港有冇Hammond output 牛買到 ? - #389 [cshingyau], 21-12-16 20:19我都好興趣砌845, 好期望有其他人砌E部機快啲面世, 以前砌過2A3, PX25 單支, 845要求高好多, 冇勿信心.
- #388 [落雨路], 21-12-16 19:18有無師兄已經砌緊?可以分享一下嗎?
- #387 [niceday009], 21-12-15 23:27有師兄問買乜牌子電容电阻
圖中兩粒 ECC99 陰極電容100uF/100V 要用靚品種, Audionote 快晴
電阻如果買唔到Riken RMG 就買 AMRG
最後修改時間: 2021-12-15 23:28:48 - #386 [落雨路], 21-12-13 21:31原來有標明,謝Niceday 兄
- #385 [niceday009], 21-12-13 20:59用電參數隻胆已經有寫
例如845燈絲10V 3.25A
高壓你睇我綫路圖(有標明每胆之靜態電流)已可算出電耗,如果唔明 PM我
用室溫25度攝氏,你想隻牛長開三小時唔超過48度攝氏,你就指明升溫為 23度攝氏
記住要佢用灰片 Z11 做牛
最後修改時間: 2021-12-13 21:07:18 - #384 [落雨路], 21-12-13 20:32Niceday兄,可否給出電源牛參數?我已準備訂牛
- #383 [niceday009], 21-12-11 12:30要用 DC
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