- #75 [CFT], 23-09-16 21:41
- #74 [samlui], 23-09-14 16:15小弟多年前 在友人Eric家中 初嘗此喇叭魅力 原裝古董單元及箱 但打鼓上來速度狠勁 鼓眼鮮明 絕對唔輸JB 本身小弟是JBL用家 當時有點驚為天人
(^^) - #73 [CFT], 23-09-14 12:04當然人聲中頻也好,從頻率響應一覽可觀察到。
有些diy友會用佢係中頻至mid bass 範圍内,當作horn用來配合返用horn嘅高音。
最後修改時間: 2023-09-14 12:10:29 -
- #72 [CFT], 23-09-14 11:32Karlson 喇叭出名是mid bass。 而佢嘅頻率響應係幾岩蠶的 (見圖例子),尤其在幾百Hz 上會有個大dip因為嗰啲箱嘅cavities做成, 但係聆聽上唔會覺有問題。^^
Karlson 是用咗microwave resonator 嘅concept 來設計他的Karlson 喇叭的。之前講過幾位大師 Linkwitz, Dunlavy, Karlson都係出自 microwave RF 工程的人員,利用在RF的豐富智識放在喇叭設計上。( 微波同聲音嘅波長其實差唔多長㗎咋)
有興趣可看看有些人對Karlson 喇叭的評價:
Karlson 喇叭只是流行於五,六十年代。 取而代之為用高音horn加 woofer 的設計。tweeter 放上horn就能做到更平滑響應及解決擴散問題, 再採用中低音喇叭做無縫嘅擴散/directivity交接 (就係跟住講嘅話題)。
最後修改時間: 2023-09-14 11:49:04 - #71 [hahayanyan], 23-09-13 23:09yoyoyooooooooooo thx you................
oh..4k to 10k...
without someone did the test.....hard to believe it is even possible
is quite amazing
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 23:12:27 - #70 [samlui], 23-09-13 23:07連雪狐兄都蒲頭 , Karlson 確係好嘢
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 23:08:25 - #69 [CFT], 23-09-13 21:57> I am waiting for the Directivity ( 擴散度) sharing, especially for the karlson
Please see post #58, specifically the link in item 3.
From that you could find the 1952 article by Karlson himself explaining the contour pressure differentials presented by the acoustic lens in front ie,. 前面果 二撇雞, and such relationship affecting the frequency dispersion, therefore the directivity。^^
In addition, the below two measurements showing the 4" broadband mid woofer frequency responses, first starting to diverge/disperse around 4khz by itself due to its physical size limit, but when its mounted onto a Karlsonator, that dispersion onset frequency got extended to 10khz! Amazing, isn't it..?! that's why the Karlson family speakers sound musical.
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 22:15:52 - #68 [hahayanyan], 23-09-13 21:23Cft hing
I am waiting for the Directivity ( 擴散度) sharing, especially for the karlson
For those 2 type of speakers
Thx for the good sharing...
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 21:24:38 - #67 [CFT], 23-09-13 21:06呢一個line array 就貌好驚人,但係可以係好surprise 因為喺個房咩位置 及在喇叭附近捐來捐去 (YouTube 有show) 呢都聽到差唔多嘅聲。又係在dispersion /directivity (下一個topic) 果到花功夫( 加curvature + dsp)!
之前Parts Express 有kit, 可能有人想商業化左佢? 個kit停左賣。
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 21:22:22 - #66 [CFT], 23-09-13 21:00呢對喇叭十年前多啲有兩位香港朋友整咗,用好薄嘅木砌,做到好似個cello咁, 之前係有kit賣。愛嚟聽jazz非常之有味道。
睇下doctor john有咩評論先:
https://cheaptubeaudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/home-visits-saba-lenco-cas.html?m=1 - #65 [CFT], 23-09-13 20:47wrap up 返Karlson 糸喇叭先。
我日後都有打算整返個Karlsonator 12吋 畀我的12"全音 或triaxial speaker 用。 我覺得係一個好好嘅選擇。^^
至於先前介紹嗰個Karlson tube 係畀compressor driver 裝上用 作高音 complement。
最後修改時間: 2023-09-13 20:50:02 - #64 [CFT], 23-09-13 20:36icefox 兄 誇獎了^^", 多謝。
我都係share返咁多年來,同埋係唔同地方嘅 diy啲見聞及我覺得有趣的projects啫。
當然重有其它好多projects好正, 如果有興趣做返啲傳統hi end hi-fi speakers 嘅話,可以參考下面嗰啲links for building plans 而喇叭單元很多在Madisound, Parts Express 等website 可買到。
其實好多high end喇叭佢都唔係自己開發佢用嗰啲喇叭單元㗎,都係用北歐設計d oem parts。如果你都買佢用嘅喇叭單元,你或許都可以整到好似樣的hifi 喇叭㗎。^^
Troels Gravesen
Jeff Bagby
High sensitivity:
diy Sound Group
https://www.diysoundgroup.com/ - #63 [icefox_2001], 23-09-10 11:46發哥“老海鮮” 技癢開post,實是 R33 之福!:P
- #62 [CFT], 23-09-10 10:06> 若果要訂做木箱,做完出來唔啱聽,唔好聲都好Q大鑊。錢係一樣,對箱點處置呢?掉又浪費,留又阻地方,送都冇人要。
對, 時間成本, 香港通常地方又唔大, 又唔想搞到個廳好似 workshop 咁 ,通常冇乜人自己diy喇叭@@"
這位仁兄是用厚身裝修隔熱用的發泡膠整,輕身裁剪方便又易黐, 低成本。 看看 相片 其實可以好細個㗎咋! ( 我都係懶上次曾offer 50美金 幫佢買對 佢啲舊嘅prototype,但佢冇彩我,haha. ^^")
最後修改時間: 2023-09-10 10:13:21 - #61 [Derek6a3], 23-09-10 08:54SC 1喇叭返來開聲,須然有分音器,但竟然發出如full range speaker嘅聲音,coherence利害,令人著迷。跟住就去買4a,
唔好意思,技術含量係零。唔阻師兄發功,請繼續 - #60 [Derek6a3], 23-09-10 08:44當年就係睇哂stereophile所有 dunlavy speaker評論,有4篇,包括SC1, 4, 4a, 6。見兩位寫手買左對review pair,John Atkinson test完對4,評語:this is one heck of a speaker。才胆粗粗,未親身聽
過,就買入SC 1。想知道time coherent, step response正,能播方波嘅喇叭,夠竟係咩聲
最後修改時間: 2023-09-10 08:45:48 - #59 [Derek6a3], 23-09-10 08:36謝過!
Karlson箱,TQWT相片就見得多,未有親身經驗。若果要訂做木箱,做完出來唔啱聽,唔好聲都好Q大鑊。錢係一樣,對箱點處置呢?掉又浪費,留又阻地方,送都冇人要。一於繼續用卡通紙做箱,試試,唔啱聽就拆散佢回收。哈哈! - #58 [CFT], 23-09-09 18:56Karlsonator = Karlson speaker + TQWT horn
用了Karlson 嘅二撇雞 K-Aperture (acoustic lens) 去smooth out 中高頻及控制directivity (擴散度)
低音是改用了TQWT loading 方法( 似transmission line但其實係horn嘅一種)
效果係得出更好嘅musicality, 比一般箱更悦耳(主因改善了directivity)。
1) Karlsonator speaker ( 新二撇雞 2013):
2) TQWT = Tapered Quarter Wave Tube (horn)
3) Karlson Speaker (大隻D二撇雞, 1952)
留意 個圖 指出用咁嘅K aperture shape 效果係會 smooth out個frequency range!
4) Karlson tube
作為高音compression driver 的horn (waveguide), 同二撇雞原理去控制directivity.
5) Directivity ( 擴散度) ?
最後修改時間: 2023-09-09 19:09:02 - #57 [CFT], 23-09-09 17:03https://m.facebook.com/albums/645456515500837/
這個是一個理想的 (高musicality) 箱比你的Visaton BG 20. ^^
下個post 解釋。
最後修改時間: 2023-09-09 17:07:43 - #56 [CFT], 23-09-09 00:49From Stereophile:
"In the time domain, the Dunlavy SC-IV/A's impulse response on the tweeter axis (fig.7) is excellent and typical of a first-order design that physically recesses the shallower drive-units.
The step response (fig.8) indicates excellent time coherence, the acoustic outputs from all five drive units arriving at the microphone at the same time."
第二段就是解釋了 Transient perfect 的意思。Achieving "time coherence" (among the speaker units) is the key. ^^
相信你會appreciate 打鼓嗰下attack係点。^^
yes, good choice to play with Visaton BG20, 下次 可以試下用啲電器箱紙皮做障板喇叭 (不過要大塊啲喎及要有離牆空間)。聲音同有箱嗰啲你會覺得唔同,之後會上㽼, 繼而開始 玩古董全音 ,跟住再沉迷於直熱三極管膽機中。wakaka ^^
最後修改時間: 2023-09-09 00:54:29 - 下一頁 (3 of 6)
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玩古董喇叭或單元 好似尋寶咁, 有時可以畀到會好多驚喜. ^^