- #41 [CodyChan], 24-09-09 11:00
- #40 [tingmoon], 24-09-09 10:58用有screw嘅 support
- #39 [孟波], 12-03-05 21:14>>>there are many innovative ways to get good music.>>>
咦啊喂?many innovation way? 原來cpu識既咩?咁是旦講樣舉個例,咪c&p喎。 -
- #38 [danz], 12-03-05 21:12I shim the base of my speakers with unused name cards. It can level the height reasonably well without scrafiying the sound qualify.
It's simple anyway. - #37 [cpu8088], 12-03-05 20:50seems there is very poor or no imagination to solve problems.
there are many innovative ways to get good music.
thick brains no cure. - #36 [hkblah], 12-03-05 18:19Just ignore that guy... The word "troll" was created for guys like him...
- #35 [dlbc], 12-03-05 16:52jj3380兄 你真係直腸直肚啦 ^__^ 比個LIKE你!
最後修改時間: 2012-03-05 16:53:56 - #34 [anthlai], 12-03-05 16:40jj380兄 你真係直腸直肚啦 ^__^
- #33 [jj3380], 12-03-05 16:31"""無計啦"""
consider state of art headphones and a top quality headphone amp. different way of listening but quality wise can beat a mediocre speaker system at a fraction of the costs.
你真係九唔搭八 - #32 [cpu8088], 12-03-05 16:19"""無計啦"""
consider state of art headphones and a top quality headphone amp. different way of listening but quality wise can beat a mediocre speaker system at a fraction of the costs. - #31 [jj3380], 12-03-05 15:37多謝各師兄提供的寶貴意見,原來重新做過地台平水真係好大工程,無計啦,依家唯有靠擺位遷就吓,再同自己講不要玩得太執著.
- #30 [BenYC], 12-03-05 14:28Actually, our hearings is less sensitive to vertical distance. Thus, leveling the floor will not help.
Probably you should try to make both side more symmetrical horizontally and try to toe in more to lower room accoustics impact to sound.
Actually, if a system is musical enough, one will not care too much about imaging and balance. If imagining and balance become a dominating factor, the system can rarely be musical. - #29 [cpu8088], 12-03-05 09:57why all the fuzz trying to level the floor?
just tilt your head while listening. this is no cost cure. lol
alternatively just tilt the chair you sitting on.
最後修改時間: 2012-03-05 09:59:11 - #28 [hkblah], 12-03-05 09:14Even if you can fix the floor, how about the walls? Are they symmetric on both sides?
For example, in my living room, there's 30-feet of French windows (worst thing you can have for a listening area) on the right and dining room + wall + staircase on the left...
These are just things you probably have to work around... That's part of the experience...
最後修改時間: 2012-03-05 09:14:51 - #27 [嚦嚦二世], 12-03-05 07:46jj3380兄, 我好耐以前上過你度, 其實環境已算非常理想好過好多人啦. 一般家居冇乜可能做到兩邊完全對稱, 如必要可放棄視覺對稱, 分別微調兩邊喇叭toe-in角度以做到音場對稱.
- #26 [cat7], 12-03-05 02:15樓主其實係覺得左右唔平衡還是係音場有高低呢?
- #25 [孟波], 12-03-04 23:48就算用腳校到水平,但左右喇叭離地面高度都係會差10mm。
最後修改時間: 2012-03-05 00:00:33 - #24 [孟波], 12-03-04 23:39唔好鑽牛角尖啦,你做平地台但又點知天花平唔平?況且level高低相差10mm都聽唔出啦。
- #23 [chan@review33], 12-03-04 23:32caro 兄,
你d釘腳係邊度訂? - #22 [nagramen], 12-03-04 23:07Left and right height difference is 5-10mm
用普通脚釘都就到啦,洗o乜搞地台o甘大件事o丫 :-) - 下一頁 (1 of 3)
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