- #1 [崗本B郎], 08-01-14 16:52
- #2 [崗本B郎], 08-01-14 17:03Airlink牛,多年前凱韻曾代理,個性最小,Stepdown only,最靚聲!
- #3 [AVConsultant], 08-01-14 21:55How about Furman Isolation Transformer?
- #4 [崗本B郎], 08-01-15 12:18這品牌我沒聽過!
好聲關鍵是否有perfect SINE WAVE, incoming sine wave is not perfect點隔都是imperfect. 所以Isolation Transformer for audio is not promising as proclaimed!
The best solution is to produce a perfect sine wave that could be only be achieved by POWER REGENERATOR (發電機).
多年前Mark Levinson 出旗艦 No.33, Built in AC to AC regenerator!
Or by DC supply (乾電供電) eg. ASR from Germany, Jeff Rowland model 6
These Hi End manufacturers 不會 built in isolation transformers 去它們的產品!它們只會大鑼大鼓話比你聽有發電機,乾電…….
Why? Isolation Transformer is not promising in audio as proclaimed! They painstakingly spent lots of time and money to solve problems rather then fool you that isolation transformer is the panacea of AC problem.
http://www.psaudio.com/articles/power_conditioners.asp - #5 [hercules], 08-01-15 12:32I think the Ripple level of the output DC far more influence than perfect sine wave.
Exact power also using Iso trans. for high freq. noise isolation in their product, it's helpful for digital equipment, but iso. trans. alone not the total solution, I'm agree on that, but iso. trans. is not totally useless as you mentioned. - #6 [hercules], 08-01-15 12:40
- #7 [hercules], 08-01-15 12:42SP-15A to be pair with EP15A
- #8 [崗本B郎], 08-01-15 12:53Isolation trans do scrap surge, noise.......
They exist when human invented AC Power and is helpful in protecting sensitive equipments: computers, medics, communication radios, military......
But in audio, iso trans always render gears to sound dull and lifeless!!
我老友搬去城市花園,信了廣告花了數萬元去找audio工程工司 裝部 CXX牛,冇事線......結果成套cello 在old house 和 new house 完全冇生氣,搞了3個月,結果那牛只接 AV gears! - #9 [崗本B郎], 08-01-15 12:560尼件先真正堅0野!
Power Regenerator - #10 [wcw1222], 08-01-17 22:03小音穸峈220伏l100/110伏的5源器
市面上有一种牛500W(太夸 ,我看E必v只有五分一就差不多了),就是那种有一a5源縣@* - #11 [htcp05], 08-01-18 00:54崗本B郎 hing, do you think passive power conditioner can help improve overall performance of a good audio system?
- #12 [dragonball911], 08-01-18 12:42有冇人用 eqi-tech平衡5源處理器呢?
- #13 [崗本B郎], 08-01-18 17:33隔離牛絕不是新科技,人類發明電時已懂得其原理。為什麼這佰多年來不是所有hifi友你一件他三件?
隔離牛真的隔離surge, ripple, interference……電擊嚴重area,精密儀器lab,醫療monitor…..真的要用!
HI FI system? 用後會中低滑溜,低音去得更盡;但高頻Harmonic cut 了,變暗,不開揚,納悶!
但HI FI 友這幾年熱烘烘的嚷著要又為何呢?
皆欣這幾年HI FI magazine 膳稿老點!
Such scenario is melodramatically reminiscent to 電子鐘 in 80’s and 90’s!!
At that time, lots people connect a digital clock to power tabs where their gears linked, in a belief that would sound better!!!
It was both folly and fallacy!!!
至於那些TOYOZUMI更搞笑,你門看Stereo Sound時幾時見到曰本仔左一件Toyoden, 右二件toyozumi??
果d其實是電子夜冷買入中國當scrap來 manage!!只是有人見到商機無限瞻F!!!
假如真的要降壓,用Stepdown 牛好了,勿用isolation type! - #14 [RR], 08-01-18 17:47I use this one for my CD,DAC and Pre-Amp, it is perfect to me !
http://www.audio-gd.com/Pro/pre/dynamo/D1.htm - #15 [wcw1222], 08-01-18 22:26小音穸峈220伏l100/110伏的5源器
市面上有一种牛500W(太夸 ,我看E必v只有五分一就差不多了),就是那种有一a5源縣@* - #16 [lwapee], 08-01-18 23:43wcw1222,
can't see! - #17 [wcw1222], 08-01-19 11:42想copy D野比大家礎,但亂碼及出吾晒,算啦.
崗本B郎話用TOYOZUMI D人好搞笑,我是搞笑的一份子,在香港賣這牛我己賣出超過40只,我寫明7天送回我家可以8折回收,但至今未有一只退回,有一只4000W,220:220V我要求買家原價比返我妘ㄖ^肯,真係"犒笑".
Toyozumi未必很理想,但我都同起碼6/7款比較過,暫時祗有一只好過,就係美國製,用超溥高矽鋼片造3000w己過萬一只的"AC ONE". - #18 [fomhk], 08-01-19 11:50wcw1222,
同英國環牛又馱鞢H - #19 [fomhk], 08-01-19 11:50wcw1222,
同英國環牛又點起比? - #20 [崗本B郎], 08-01-19 14:55wcw1222,
我不是講你d 牛有問題,只是說差不多所有隔離牛都是多膠魚!!
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隔離牛---isolation transformer---隔離市電,無污染,器才更靚聲----真的嗎???
用後會中低滑溜,低音去得更盡;但高頻Harmonic cut 了,變暗,不開揚,納悶!
用後一定會變聲,但不一定變好!如果你套gear乾尖硬(AV AMP, IPOD….. )或 dvd player, TV, PROJECTOR…可用,otherwise NO
最好從Fuse Box 直接/獨立拿電去組合,真想玩電就只好玩 Power Regenerator (發電機,) eg. Exact Power, PS Audio 何琛,Winson NG, 鍾一…採用.
用100V 日本水貨又點?用降壓牛好了!!把牛的聲底 put to minimum!