- #1804 [hahayanyan], 24-09-14 17:55
- #1803 [rcwy], 24-09-14 05:12
My stereo pre-amps... vintage but each works nicely. - #1802 [rcwy], 24-09-14 05:03
I have one Point One Stereo pre-amp already.
It has been fully restored by the seller and it works well.
I paid USD $500 (including shipping from the USA), not as cheap as a dead chick, but it has been FULLY RESTORED and it works well.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-14 05:04:55 -
- #1801 [rcwy], 24-09-14 04:56#179
UNTESTED and no pictures to show the internal condition
GBP 150-175 EACH.... and at Ipswich (far from Chertsey).
not really a dead chick deal (冇死雞執) :)
最後修改時間: 2024-09-14 04:59:39 - #1800 [hahayanyan], 24-09-14 01:48
- #1799 [fotheringay], 24-09-14 00:55
- #1798 [rcwy], 24-09-09 05:10Haha 兄,
歡迎! - #1797 [hahayanyan], 24-09-08 20:59竟然有可能有啲 狀態咁好嘅古董
如果去你嗰邊工作或者探親真係要come to you 欣賞欣賞
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 20:59:47 - #1796 [rcwy], 24-09-08 20:00
It has been fully restored by the seller before coming to my hands. TCC capacitors (electrolytic, metalised and paper-in-oil) have all gone. In place are Russian oil (green x4) and Hunts (black x2) for signal coupling, and some cheap metalized film (red ) mainly for EF86's screen voltage. Quite a sensible approach to reduce restoration cost.
Surprisingly all the original, British made vintage potentiometers (two layers for stereo) are all reliable and left/right quite balanced. It is long-life and much more accurate than the USA made vintage potentiometers (e.g. in EICO pre-amps) .
I have replaced 4 modern made cheapy 50uF/10V cathode by-pass electrolytics BY vintage NOS ones (silvery x4). The overall look is pleasing and it sounds better. :)
最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 20:02:35 - #1795 [rcwy], 24-09-08 19:31
Compared to many USA vintage pre-amps, LEAK Point One Stereo uses two EF86 in each channel, one for phono stage and one for tonal/line stage (total 4 EF86's).
Many if not most USA vintage pre-amps use one 12AX7 for phono and more than one 12AX7/12AU7/12AT7 for tonal/line stage. So, the gain in Point One STEREO is much lower than many USA vintage preamps. But it is exactly TL12.1's extremely high input sensitivity (0.125V input for full output power) wants, a perfect-match!
LEAK Point One STEREO pre-amp, the EF86 sound. - #1794 [rcwy], 24-09-08 04:31
LEAK Point One STEREO pre-amp.
Stamped 1958, the year of RIAA stereo standard was established.
It has been fully restored by the seller : original TCC paper-in-oil caps all replaced.
Surprisingly both channels are quite balanced, switches all work without noise even when input selector is turned between pickup and extra/tuner.
And, it sounds nice with a pair of TL12.1's. No need to trim down 12.1s' extremely high input sensitivity. - #1793 [rcwy], 24-07-17 22:18
其實我一直有第三隻唱盤, Sony 直驅全自動,1980-90 年代出品,在 Charity shop 十分便宜購得。聽完不合心意, 登了一星期今日售出,現在真係有個空位迎接 MC 頭的唱盤連臂。
最後修改時間: 2024-07-17 22:19:39 - #1792 [hahayanyan], 24-07-17 16:39每天早上都為不同的事情 開會講電話
剛剛講完一個電話可以吹water 兩句
即係加一個1229 or 1229Q, and at least keep 1 dual blet drive..
即係仲有一個 更換嘅位置啦 haha
話唔定你玩過idler... 想要兩個idler, and one belt drive...
Or 1 1229, 1 dual belt drive and 1 other belt drive...
有限制令玩得更高樂趣, 最重要係有三個空間位置
睇下轉頭朋友會唔會話畀我聽去玩嗰啲乜嘢mc頭 at 1229
Haha - #1791 [rcwy], 24-07-17 16:25
Thanks! Haha 兄。
佢哋好有耐性,我都有耐性。 :) - #1790 [hahayanyan], 24-07-17 14:58Yoyoyo rcwy hing
今早有點忙, 簡單來說冇問題等我搵多啲資料畀你, 等我有問一問我嗰個朋友用緊咩嘢頭
肯定當年用過一啲around 8 gram 嘅唱頭嘅
Shall be busy for a few more hours.. Chat later haha
Haha - #1789 [rcwy], 24-07-17 13:05
哈哈 兄,
小弟已有兩隻盤,都是 DUAL (505-2 及 510)都是 MM頭。
入手第三隻盤應是此生最後的一隻 (因音響架的枱面有限,自己年齡也不輕) 所以會用上已買了多年仍未用過已帶來英國的 DENON DL103R 頭及 DENON AU300LC 升壓牛,我知道MC 頭重量 (mass) 較 MM 頭重量高好多,所以對於唱臂會有不同的要求。
1229 的唱臂看似重些,兄台有冇試用 MC 頭在 1229 支唱臂上?
最後修改時間: 2024-07-17 13:08:25 - #1788 [hahayanyan], 24-07-16 20:06Fully automatic old table
其中有一部luxman, pd272 我仲keep住 DD, the automatic mechanism is so good and super smart and simple design too
That DD motor is excellent, I keeping it becase of the motor
May be sometime in the future I make use of it
Haha - #1787 [hahayanyan], 24-07-16 19:12Yes I had one, and my friend having it now, VS lenco, hard to tell which is better, however at that moment I have more 搞搞震 moment with a lenco
That is very good, once u have it, u may want build a better base.. Etc.. For it, it is very good
I would say, it is better than my dual direct drive, better than a lot of belt drive, I keep that dual direct drive, because impressed by the way they made that motor (I was a motor maker)
I always and still believe, must c lover should have a belt, a DD and a idler
There are 3 idler table I wish to get, 隨緣.. One is Braun and one is thorens , an old Kenwood
I love the lenco, as it is just a super smart design device
I value design appreciation and the way an item look, far more than A/B sound quality
For certain cartridge, I cannot see any hi end tone arm is really technically better than it ( some may really. Use better material for some technical aspect at right place..
But those may cost 1k plus , Epsecially that dual arm can cost as little as £15
It is a good table, not hard to find a decent one less than £100
Idler table is indeed better for some faster tempo rock music
Fully automatic table is just a joy. To use, I can still tolerate with manual.. That was why.. I always use fully automatic dual for back ground music, manual for just a song
Oh.. I keeping an vintage idler Elac fully. Auto too, oh.. I have forgot, a good table... But the arm is average, but so pleasant to look
最後修改時間: 2024-07-16 19:17:23 - #1786 [rcwy], 24-07-16 18:58
Haha hing,
Any experience with a DUAL 1229 ? I started to be interested in it, a fully automatic TT, Idler drive (not direct drive that I don't like). - #1785 [hahayanyan], 24-07-02 15:18Yoyoyo good. Morning
It is a dual 621, also plastic with wood veener
It is quite a typical German engineering with quite a bit of effective optimization
最後修改時間: 2024-07-02 15:20:19 - 下一頁 (1 of 91)
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好多50年代尾60年代的fender and marshall guitar amp, 都會選擇這種構造
對我呢種雞手鴨腳, 鍾意自己去整嘢嘅人嚟講係比較容易